Super Card System

Chapter 441

Chapter 441: Thrilling Darkness

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After Ian and the other five were all sucked into the dark passage, Teach finally stopped its expansion and slowly retracted the shadows.

As the shadows receded, the area within a radius of five hundred meters was completely bare. The houses and ships that were once docked at the harbor were now all gone.

Fortunately, everyone in the area had sensed the danger from the beginning of the fight and had fled far away, so there were no other victims.

The only ones left at the scene were Blackbeard’s pirate crew.

Teach’s back still had lingering shadows, and Lafitte walked towards him trembling with fear, saying, “I thought we were done for, but fortunately, Captain, you are the most reassuring…”

At this moment, Lafitte looked quite miserable. He was hit by Ian’s purple flames and all his clothes were burned off. He was only left with a last bit of cover to protect his last line of “defense”. Even so, his body was covered in burns, and he could barely walk straight.

Van Augur also walked over. He wasn’t in a better shape. Ian’s Black Dragon Wave was chasing after him at the time. The hat he was wearing on his head was scorched away, and his hair was carrying a burnt smell. He held his weapon and said, “It seems like fate doesn’t want us to part ways here…”

“Cough, cough!” Doc Q coughed and spat out a mouthful of blood, saying, “Looks like luck is on our side…”

However, Teach remained silent with a serious expression.

“What’s wrong, Captain?” Burgess walked over and asked.

Suddenly, Teach spoke up, “This technique has a weakness… The things that are absorbed must be released eventually! So, I don’t know if they are going to die ‘inside’… If they are still alive when they are released, then…”

Indeed, why Teach’s Dark Hole Path (Black Hole) has “Path” in its name was because of this reason. The power of the Dark-Dark Fruit allowed him to create a gravitational space similar to a black hole, but nothing could permanently exist in this space. Strictly speaking, Teach only used his body’s shadows to send everything that was sucked in through, so in the end, he had to release them.

If it were an ordinary person, Teach might not have worried so much, but the display of power by Ian had him uncertain. He didn’t know if Ian could survive in the dark cave.

When Lafitte asked Teach how long he could hold on, he snapped back, “I don’t know!” Teach’s body was already feeling the strain, and maintaining his current state would consume his energy quickly.

“We’ll have to prepare for the worst,” Doc Q coughed out, breaking the silence.


Darkness surrounded Ian, enveloping him in a black void. He couldn’t see anything, not even his own hands. It was a world with no light, yet strangely enough, Ian could still breathe.

After the initial panic of not being able to see anything passed, Ian used his psychic abilities and expanded his field of perception to its maximum. He finally realized he was in a strange space, and there was no discernible boundary within his perception.

Ian noticed a variety of objects within his perception, including a ship’s mast that collided with his psychic field. As he expanded his psychic field, he noticed more and more objects, mostly buildings and ships from the port where he had been sucked in. These objects were now rotating at a rapid pace, colliding and pushing each other with tremendous force.

However, Ian knew that this situation wouldn’t last long because he could feel the increasing strength of the vortex, which meant that he was being pulled towards the center where everything was squeezed together. He might end up being crushed under continuous impact and compression.

Just then, a humanoid object entered Ian’s perception and he realized it was his comrade. He immediately controlled his body and moved towards him.

Moving in this strange space was not an easy task, giving the feeling of being in a zero-gravity environment where a slight force could send one flying off.

Luckily, Ian had been with Fujitora for a long time and had experienced his zero-gravity ability. So he quickly adapted and used a rock that came flying towards him to push himself out and slide towards the person. He hugged the person and realized it was either Reiju or Robin, but he couldn’t see, so he didn’t know who it was.

The person struggled at first but then calmed down. Ian tried to speak, but he couldn’t make any sound and guessed that the other person was facing the same situation.

He had to touch the person to determine who it was. He first touched the smooth and long legs, but both Reiju and Robin had soft long legs, so he continued upwards. Finally, when he touched the chest, he grabbed a huge and mellow mass. He squeezed and estimated that it was a G-cup, which meant it was Reiju.

He had no choice but to do this to identify the person he was holding, but the consequence was Reiju slapping him in the face.

Ian wasn’t angry and held Reiju’s hand and placed it on his head. When Reiju felt the shape of his hat, she realized it was him and stopped resisting. She allowed Ian to hold her waist.

Now that he had found one comrade, he had to find the others. Robin, Matthew and Doroni couldn’t use Haki, making it impossible for them to find anyone in this dark space. Ian had to find them himself.

As for Ace, Ian wasn’t worried because Ace was skilled in Kenbunshoku Haki, but he was much better at using Conqueror’s Haki rather than Observation Haki, so he might not be able to use it as skillfully as Ian in this situation.josei

However, just as Ian was about to take action, his mind suddenly went blank and he couldn’t help but tremble all over.

It was the poison gas from Doc Q earlier!

He didn’t expect the poison gas used to be so strong. Ian had already used his Twin Sacred Return Shield to treat himself before, but the downside of the technique was that it took some time to heal. However, he was immediately sucked in by Teach’s black hole, causing him to subconsciously stop using his ability.

He thought he hadn’t breathed in too much poison gas and a little treatment should be enough, but who knew that the poison would suddenly flare up again at this time.

Of course, this amount of poison couldn’t kill Ian. Poison is something that is difficult to measure in terms of toxicity, and even though the poison gas was strong, it still couldn’t kill Ian.

However, it also made Ian feel uncomfortable, and he had to save the others as soon as possible. The toxicity flare-up was making him feel nauseous.

Reiju, who was cradled in Ian’s arms, noticed his distress immediately. She was clever, and she knew exactly what was happening.

Without hesitation, Reiju reached out and wrapped her arms around Ian’s neck, pulling herself closer to him.

Then, with a soft and gentle touch, she pressed her warm, supple lips against his…

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