Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1666 - Grand Betrayal

Chapter 1666 - Grand Betrayal

Chapter 1666: Grand Betrayal

Almost at the same time, Luke received a message from Alfred.

He opened the file and suddenly smiled as he killed a guard and threw him into his inventory.

This shadow man was indeed a smart person.

After he realized that Luke and his robot teammates had made their move, he directly handed over the highest authority in the main base to Luke.

Now, this person had sent him Amanda’s true location.

In this transaction, not only had the shadow man paid upfront, he even threw in a pretty good “freebie.”

As for the other party sneaking off in a car, that had nothing to do with the agreement and naturally couldn’t be considered a violation.

Now that he had this “god-like” informant, Luke wasn’t in a hurry.

The Level 1 clone and the team continued to clean up the main base of the Joint Advanced Research Unit.

The Level 2 clone had already set off from New York and was headed straight for Amanda’s real residence in D.C.. josei

Half an hour later, the clone arrived at Amanda’s place. It glanced around for a moment before making a sound of surprise and switching directions to fly down a street.

There was nobody in the house, but a car had driven out just a few minutes ago.

At that moment, Amanda, who was speeding in the car, had a grim expression on her face. She gave her phone a hesitant look, but didn’t pick it up in the end. Instead, she connected to the control program at the base.

Just now, the coded message which was sent out every 20 minutes to indicate that things were secure at the base hadn’t arrived.

Also, it wasn’t just one person who hadn’t sent the message, but three trusted subordinates.

The sub-bases that had been wiped out a few days ago had already made her more wary. Thus, she immediately put on her clothes and quickly left.

She was now headed for a military base for “temporary shelter.”

Although the defenses there weren’t as good as at the main base, there were more patrols, and the base had connections to various operation units in D.C..

The place was like a hornet’s nest at a sensitive time like this. The people who were targeting her probably wouldn’t have the guts to attack it.

There were few cars at night, so she drove very fast.

Less than ten minutes later, the military base’s first checkpoint was right in front of her.

Looking at the soldier who came over to check her pass, Amanda finally relaxed.

The soldier scanned the backseat and the bottom of the car with a flashlight. After confirming that everything was fine, he said, “Ma’am, please show me your ID.”

Amanda took out her pass and her badge and handed them over.

The soldier aimed the flashlight at her face and looked at her ID for a moment before he returned to the sentry post.

After scanning Amanda’s pass and registering her ID number, the soldier returned and gave them to Amanda. “You can go in now.”

He waved his hand at the control room on the other side to raise the boom gate.

Amanda said, “Thank you. Ah, sorry. It seems I forgot to bring some files with me. I have to go back first.”

She then took her pass and badge, rolled up the window, and left.

The soldier:?WTF? I just finished the inspection, and then you said that you forgot something at home?

But what could he do? The other party hadn’t entered the base at all, and even if she had, that was beyond his jurisdiction.

He simply cursed in a low voice and returned to the sentry post.

Amidst his gloom, he didn’t notice the fear in Amanda’s eyes when she said those words.

But it wasn’t like the soldier could be blamed for having poor eyesight – Amanda was inside the car to begin with, and he had only used a flashlight to look at her face.

After giving her back her ID, there was naturally no need to keep looking. Amanda’s face was indistinct inside the car, much less her eyes.

Full of despair, Amanda drove away from the military base and her last hope.

Her mind was very clear, but she couldn’t say a word or do anything, as if an invisible ghost had taken control of her body.

Ghost? Possession? She grew even more terrified.

Amanda remembered how the Enchantress had cursed her countless times to beg for death in a situation where she couldn’t die even if she wanted to.

But wasn’t the Enchantress dead? As soon as Amanda thought that, she immediately thought of another possibility: Maybe the Enchantress?wasn’t?dead?

The Enchantress’s heart had always been with Amanda.

After the incident in Grand Rapids, the heart could no longer be used to control the Enchantress, but it was still part of her body.

The heart had only shrunk a little, and nothing else was wrong with it.

An even more terrifying thought flashed through Amanda’s mind: Was the Enchantress under Dark Knight’s control?

Amanda had used the Enchantress’s mind control to intimidate many of her “subordinates” into working for her.

She had targeted Batman before, and it was said that Dark Knight was Batman’s successor.

It made perfect sense for him to cause trouble for an old enemy like her.

A person could do anything and everything to destroy their foe.

Maybe the Dark Knight wanted to use her to cinch his position as Batman’s successor?

After leaving the military base, Luke had Amanda drive west into the wilderness, where there were few people. He then threw her and her car into Space 1 and 2 respectively.

From that moment on, Amanda Waller officially said goodbye to this world and became a missing person.

Luke, who had been following her, clicked his tongue in wonder.

Amanda was too cautious and difficult to deal with.

The moment something happened, she immediately went into hiding.

If she really had entered the military base, she wouldn’t come out again for days or even weeks.

Luke now knew her real identity and had locked onto her scent, so it would have only been a matter of time before he caught her, but he really didn’t want to waste more time on her.

She still had the Enchantress’s heart.

If he didn’t obtain this thing, it was possible for the Enchantress to still escape Luke’s control even if she was locked up in Space 2.

Thankfully, the shadow man had sent another message, which was Amanda’s real-time coordinates.

It could only be said that Amanda had brought this on herself.

The shadow man would rather take the risk of sending another message than give Amanda a chance to escape.

Although Luke had Sharp Nose and would have been able to catch up to Amanda regardless, the coordinates provided by the “traitor” undoubtedly saved him time.

In fact, Amanda’s arrangements were very meticulous.

She had chosen to live not far from the military base, and she didn’t have to take roads that got congested easily during the day.

If the shadow man hadn’t betrayed her, she really could’ve slipped into the base and hidden for a few more days.

However, Luke had arrived in time, and he decisively used Pheromone Control to make her leave in a “normal” way.

Even if someone sensed that something wasn’t right the next day, nobody would be able to say for sure that she hadn’t fled of her own accord.

Amanda currently didn’t have a registered identity – she absolutely couldn’t be exposed.

If anything happened, it wouldn’t just be the enemy who wanted her dead, but her backer as well.

Her disappearance would cause a lot of people to become paranoid, but they wouldn’t dare make a big fuss about it.

This was the tragedy of being the “hidden weapon.”

They could do whatever they wanted when everything was fine, but when something happened, they were hated.

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