Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1687 - Want to Start a Business, and Travel First

Chapter 1687 - Want to Start a Business, and Travel First


Chapter 1687: Want to Start a Business, and Travel First

Elizabeth, however, had mixed feelings.

She knew better than her two bosses about Luke’s wealth.

The shares which her mother had in the gold mine were actually from Luke; otherwise, Elizabeth would only be a regular detective right now.

She was both disappointed and expectant about Luke and Selina’s resignations.

Only she knew what this feeling was like.

After this small gathering was the Detective Bureau.

Walter was very reluctant, but he wasn’t Dustin, and tactfully shut up after saying a few words.

Luke was the one who had arranged this position for him, so it was enough to just go through the motions.

It was no trouble to bid his colleagues farewell. Luke simply left a message for Connie and told her to choose a night when everybody was free for a party.

The party was held in a small bar. Dozens of people whom Luke was familiar with were here, and it was quite lively.

Everybody knew that Luke was resigning to become a private detective.

This was the “retirement” choice for many detectives.

With their connections, it would be very easy for Luke and Selina to become private detectives in New York.

Compared with police detectives who worked all year round without a break and under heavy pressure, private detectives were much more relaxed.

In any case, taking photos of people having an affair and whatnot was less dangerous than being accidentally shot. Plus, it paid very well.

Of course, there were conditions for getting into this line of work.

The more connections you had and the more capable you were, the easier it would be to do business.

Luke and Selina met these conditions.

A regular patrol officer without any connections or ability to crack cases would quickly starve.

Luke already said that they wouldn’t meet any less often in the future.

His colleagues bore that in mind.

Besides, more friends meant more options.

In the future, anyone who no longer wanted to work as a police officer might be able to get work from Luke.

As long as they had enough connections, they wouldn’t lack cases.

They could also make money if cases were outsourced to them.

Of course, this was mainly for those who had no choice but to resign for one reason or other.

For other people, the benefit was basically information, and they could ask Luke to do them a favor once in a while.

Given that they were colleagues, he could still do this much.

At the end of September, Luke and Selina officially resigned and became freelancers.

They started their careers as private detectives, and their office… didn’t exist.

That was because Luke had never planned to set one up.

Anyone who could find a “great detective” like him would naturally have a phone.

He had no interest in the traditional business of taking photos for people who had nothing to do with him.

He and Selina had been busy working day and night for over three years. They caught people during the day and beat people up at night, and only had the odd day off every now and then.

When Luke was on leave, he was still “working.” Now, he could finally take a break to adjust his mindset.

So… he took Selina and Gold Nugget with him and went abroad.

The first stop was Rio, Brazil.

Selina, who loved sunbathing, definitely liked it here.

Originally, it was just two people and one dog.

However, he told Robert and Catherine a few days ago that he had resigned and was going on a trip, and Claire found out.

So, it turned into four people and a dog.

Claire and her girlfriend Stacy, who arrived before the private jet took off, were stunned. Wait, Luke actually had a private plane?

Thankfully, the old man that was Gold Nugget No. 2 suppressed Claire’s urge to ask questions right away. She just grumbled at him a little before she went off to cuddle with Stacy.

Although Luke didn’t want to eavesdrop, this private jet wasn’t an A380 or a Boeing 747.

He couldn’t help hearing them even if he didn’t want to.

Like about wearing bikinis and which hotel had a big tub next to the window.

Helpless, he could only put on earmuffs and close his eyes to take a nap.

His real focus was on his two clones. One was looking for fat sheep in Japan and the other was doing research at the seaside villa in Nassau County.

When work became a habit, sitting around and doing nothing was quite boring.

It was like when he wrote novels in his previous life; if he didn’t write for a day, he felt like he hadn’t done anything.

In his previous life, he had been an ordinary person who slept eight hours a day, ate, drank and took dumps – that was half the day gone.

Now, he was a man who could work 22 hours a day, and on three different things at the same time. He could do in a day what other people would take ten days to do.

He was naturally ten times more addicted to work than other people.

When they got off the plane, Claire said goodbye and took Stacy with her for some alone time. She was no longer that kid who used to follow Luke around.

Luke had nothing to say.

The truth was that he found it weird when he saw his sister being all cozy with his “student.”

Out of sight, out of mind.

Given how strong they both were, there shouldn’t be any problems.

Selina got into the car which the hotel had sent to pick them up, and couldn’t help but ask, “Are you really not going to do anything about them?”

Luke said, “Claire is 20 and her girlfriend is already 18. What can I do?”

Selina had nothing to say.

It was also because she and Luke had been busy for the past few years that her memories of Claire stopped at her being 17.

Claire was already working and spending her own money. She was 100% an independent adult.

In a situation like this, the most her parents could do was criticize her; it was up to her whether or not to listen.

Besides, Claire had to work and study most of the time, and they hardly saw her – it would be unrealistic for them to poke their noses into her private life.

Selina could only change the subject. “What’s the plan?”

Luke couldn’t help but laugh when he saw how she winked and clapped her hands together. “Let’s go to the hotel first. The beach is right outside the hotel. You can play however you like.”

Selina asked, “What about at night?”

Luke knew she was asking if they were going to go out and beat up people at night. He shook his head. “We’ll talk about it after we’re done having fun. There’s no one to nag us to go back to work this time.”

Selina nodded and looked at the bright sun outside the window. She sighed in satisfaction. “That’s good.”

She was quite dedicated when it came to beating up people at night.

Over the past year, Luke had often stayed home because of other matters, but Selina and Gold Nugget had gone out at least once every two days.

Otherwise, she and the dog head wouldn’t have so much cash in their stash.

The regular drug dealers in New York had gotten smarter after being beaten up. Most of them kept just the day’s earnings in their hideout, which was only tens of thousands at most.

Even so, this didn’t stop the two from working hard.

Thanks to information from the dog head, Selina had even deliberately let some drug dealers go twice, and had followed them to the “underground bank” where all the money was pooled together.

Since then, none of the New York gangs dared to put money in this sort of “underground bank” anymore.

Everybody could only look for other ways to hide their money.

Thus, Selina and Luke were more or less the same when it came to working overtime.

Before Luke said to have fun first, the two of them had already subconsciously considered things like “there are a lot of gangs here,” “a lot of cash,” and “plenty to beat up for a while.”

A certain dog head had an extra thought: “Make money and buy more delicious food.”

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