Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1703 - Coffee Master and Small Gift

Chapter 1703 - Coffee Master and Small Gift

Chapter 1703: Coffee Master and Small Gift

Luke ignored her.

In life, if you weren’t amusing yourself, you were amusing others.

While he was entertaining himself now, he could also entertain Selina; killing two birds with one stone wasn’t a bad thing.

Taking her out every day to beat up and destroy people could easily cause psychological issues, which was why they were on this trip around the world.

So, Luke made the coffee in earnest.

…Fine, he actually only memorized the steps.

As a man who liked to use ready-made coffee powder instead of freshly ground coffee, extracting the espresso taste was a complete mystery to him.

Secretary Jenny wasn’t lying when she said that her maid was far better at making coffee than he was.

That aside, Luke’s movements were absolutely elegant, precise, and efficient.

When Marcos, Lorna and Carol returned less than two minutes later, Master Luke had three cups of steaming hot coffee ready.

This fake coffee master didn’t need to care about other people’s taste. He simply made the sweetest and milkiest coffee he could take.

As for the latte art, he would never let anyone else do it in this lifetime.

Both Lorna and Carol were very quiet when they saw “Mr. Wilson” making coffee at the bar.

The difference was that Carol quickly calmed down, while Lorna shifted nervously every now and then.

Luke put the two cups of coffee on the counter and gestured for them to help themselves. Then, he took his coffee to the al fresco seats outside. “Both of you, come here.”

Carol immediately followed him with the coffee. Lorna was nervous, but could only do as she was told.

It was clear that Marcos was being excluded from the conversation, and the three cups of coffee implied the same thing:?This has nothing to do with you, get lost.

Thus, Marcos could only observe the three people sitting ten meters away from the door.

Lorna’s voice got louder every now and then, and her face was the most expressive.

Carol’s back was to Marcos. He couldn’t see her expression, and she didn’t seem to be saying anything.

Luke was facing the door, but his voice and movements were normal, and he didn’t have much of an expression on his face.

The conversation ended less than 20 minutes later.

Marcos was still observing in secret, when Luke waved at him.

He walked over without hesitation.

Although he felt a little guilty, for Lorna’s sake, he couldn’t be a coward — whatever the case, this person wasn’t her father! Hm, even if her father were here, he couldn’t be a coward.

When Marco reached Lorna, Luke said directly, “Tell me everything about you and Ferdinand. Don’t leave anything out.”

Marcos’s heart skipped a beat, and he couldn’t help but glance at Lorna.

Lorna gritted her teeth. “Why are you looking at me?”

Marcos took a deep breath and explained quickly.

The situation wasn’t complicated.

Marcos had worked for a Mexican gang over a year ago to earn money for his seriously ill mother’s medical fees, and had come to Santiago before with the gang leader.

Of course, selling the goods had nothing to do with him.

He had only come as an errand boy and lackey. If anything happened, he would be abandoned as a distraction for the police or the gang’s rivals.

The gang leader definitely didn’t tell him anything valuable.

To put it simply, it was for the money.

But his mother couldn’t be saved. She passed away a year ago.

After losing his mother, Marcos had no reason to continue working for that gang.

Once you joined a Mexican gang, however, you couldn’t quit unless the gang collapsed.

At that time, several cartel bigshots had died in Mexico, and the situation was very chaotic.

So, he simply came to Chile to avoid the gang and the chaos in Mexico.

That should have been the end of it.

Marcos used to be a car mechanic, and had worked diligently as one before he grew desperate for money for his mother’s treatment.

When he came to Santiago on his own, he would at most switch jobs and location. Naturally, he didn’t want to join a gang.

Unfortunately, he was recognized by Ferdinand’s men.

Back then, the Mexican gang that Marcos worked for hadn’t dealt with Ferdinand, but with a competitor.

The situation in Mexico had been chaotic for the past two years, and sales had dropped significantly.

Many gang leaders lived in seclusion and didn’t do large amounts of business.

Ferdinand’s competitors were making even more money because of a shortage in the market. Naturally, he was anxious.

When he heard his subordinates report that they had found a Mexican who had once been a supplier for a competitor, Ferdinand had Torres come over to “discuss a cooperation.”

After his mother’s death, a downhearted Marcos had run into Lorna here.

He was very satisfied with his current life, and naturally didn’t want to ruin it.

To avoid trouble, he couldn’t put Ferdinand’s men in contact with the Mexican gang — wouldn’t that just be advertising that he had escaped to Chile?

If the gang found out, it might demand that Ferdinand kill this “traitor.”

Human lives were worthless to the gang; to them, a traitor was someone who had their own mind.

Even after Marcos avoided him a few times, Torres refused to give up.

Three months ago, Marcos had to quit his job and hide at home.

He had only come out recently after thinking the storm had passed, yet Torres discovered his whereabouts once more.

Luke was expressionless, but he paid attention to Marcos’s mental fluctuations and confirmed that he wasn’t lying.

At most, he didn’t tell all of what he had experienced in Mexico.

But the light red evil assessment in the system was enough to prove that he hadn’t committed any major crimes, and instead had made a lot of small mistakes.

Considering the situation in Mexico, it could only be said that Marcos was an ordinary person who wasn’t very cautious, and didn’t deserve to go missing or be crippled.

After confirming the situation, Luke waved his hand. “You can go back now.”

Marcos: “Huh?”

Luke said, “Back to the door or down the hill, up to you.”

Marcos shut up and silently stood near the entrance of the cafe.

Luke didn’t care what he thought, or even what Lorna thought.

Lorna was just a potential investment who was about to have a baby. There was no need to complicate things.

Putting his hand in his pants pocket, Luke took out a printed note and a key from his inventory.

He put them on the table and pushed them to Lorna. “If you want to be with him, that’s up to you. This is a key and password to a private safe in the city. There’s some cash in it. Consider it a final gift.”

Lorna frowned. “I don’t want it.”

Luke said indifferently, “It’s not scary to be poor; the scariest thing is not knowing yourself.”

Lorna’s expression was a little ugly, but she didn’t dare argue with him.

Luke said, “You don’t even know that you’re pregnant, which is why you dare refuse this money. I see that you really can’t live on your own. Do you plan to rob a bank with a big belly later?” josei

Lorna was stunned. “What? Pregnant?”

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