Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1706 - Jungle Tour? Jungle Treasure Hunt?

Chapter 1706 - Jungle Tour? Jungle Treasure Hunt?

Chapter 1706: Jungle Tour? Jungle Treasure Hunt?


Admiring this unusual view for a moment, two people and one dog went to a high rock ledge in the valley, where there were a dozen old shipping containers that had been converted into dorms.

After sending the dozen people into his inventory, Luke and Selina finally started to fix up the valley.

Sloan didn’t care about human lives; what he cared about were the Blood Orchids.

Also, to transport the containers to the valley, he had to use heavy duty helicopters, which was more troublesome to hide.

Thus, the camp workers lived in ordinary conditions; only the special containers for extracting and storing the Blood Orchid were in good shape.

Of course, Luke wasn’t interested in these lousy things, nor did he plan to sleep in a secondhand container.

He put them all away and built a new fortress-like base out of reinforced blocks that he had already made in his inventory.

Half a day later, he and Selina were done assembling and reinforcing the new base.

At that moment, he released ordinary robots and remote-controlled androids from his inventory, and an A.I. program assumed control of the base.

This valley was renamed “Isis Base,” and the A.I. program was called “Isis.”

Over the past year, Luke had perfected the mental hub technology.

Now, as long as he had a drone with a mental transfer function enter the Caribbean Sea, he could control the robots at the Blood Orchid base from most parts of the United States.

However, the robots were only used for regular patrols; Luke wasn’t interested in keeping a constant eye on the base.

The farming and processing of the Blood Orchid would all be done by the ordinary robots under Isis’s control.

At dawn, Selina yawned and got out of bed. When she washed up, she knocked on the wall. “When’s breakfast?”

Luke said from below, “I was just waiting for you to wake up. Gold Nugget has already been eating snacks for half an hour.”

Selina said, “Dog traitor!”

Gold Nugget was befuddled.

This wasn’t a luxury cruise ship, and it couldn’t surf the Internet here. It had nothing else to do, and could only watch movies on its Alien laptop.

Wasn’t it allowed to have some snacks? Silently cursing Selina, the dog head bit into two roast beef dumplings.

After breakfast, Luke and Selina set off with Gold Nugget.

They had never seen such a primitive tropical jungle before.

The two of them wore nanosuits, which kept the most dangerous poisonous insects at bay and also made it easy to trek through the dense jungle.

Gold Nugget even opened its visor and used its complete form to jump through the trees and plunder “food ingredients.”

Luke and Selina, on the other hand, took a leisurely stroll and took photos of each other whenever they came upon a strange sight.

The more important thing was to find lunch ingredients.

As the jungle with the most abundance of species on Earth, there was too much to eat in the Amazon.

Even though he had the A.I. program, Luke wasn’t sure if most of the food was edible.

Of course, they wouldn’t eat the wild animals.

They only collected various side dishes and fruits, which was absolutely environmentally friendly.

As they collected ingredients, the armor would do a preliminary analysis. If they still came into contact with poison, Gold Nugget would step in and protect Selina through their symbiotic relationship.

Luke had Toxin Resistance + Elementary Self-Healing. It wouldn’t be easy for him to die.

After wandering for more than 20 kilometers, it was lunchtime.

The dog head was having a lot of fun, and Luke and Selina weren’t in a hurry, so they didn’t move very fast.

They found a river, and Luke took out a small barge. The two of them went onboard and prepared to have lunch.

Gold Nugget was still running around in the jungle next to the river. In the end, it even flipped down its visor and jumped into the river to play. josei

According to Selina, it was looking for fish to eat.

Luke politely declined.

Who knew what sort of things there were in the rivers of a tropical jungle. Nobody would dare eat the fish here.

The alien dog head might have a liking for this sort of thing, but it definitely wasn’t for Earthlings.

While Luke was cooking and Selina was waiting to eat, Gold Nugget suddenly sent a message.

Hearing Gold Nugget’s voice in her earpiece, Selina stood up curiously and walked to the aft deck. “What good stuff?”

Gold Nugget charged out of the water and jumped onto the deck. It put down the thing that had been tied to its helmet with its tentacles. “Woof?”

Selina rolled her eyes. “I get it, it’s yours.”

Sunlight shone through the gaps in the trees above the river and onto the sparkling object.

Selina scanned it with her armor and confirmed that it was a natural topaz.

Topaz wasn’t rare in Brazil, which was the largest producer of colored gems in the world.

However, this topaz was the size of a baby’s head, was more translucent and had fewer impurities, which was rare.

She also understood why Gold Nugget had excitedly picked it up – it looked a little like a dog’s head, albeit in a more abstract way.

Coupled with the bright yellow color, it would be strange if Gold Nugget wasn’t tempted.

Receiving that assurance, Gold Nugget turned around excitedly and jumped back into the river.

It had wanted to catch fish, but had found a treasure.

It didn’t need to share this with Selina, which instantly made it even more interested.

Selina: “…D*mn dog. Don’t come back for lunch if you dare.”

Those were harsh words, but she hadn’t turned on the comms, and was purely venting.

After cursing, she got a large box from Luke and put the topaz inside. She then fixed the box in one corner of the deck and waited to eat.

In any case, she wouldn’t go into the water. Who cared what the dog head found?

Luke spent half an hour making lunch. After Gold Nugget returned, he went with Selina to see the fruits of the dog head’s treasure hunt.

There were now a lot of items in the box.

Running a metal detector over them, Luke clicked his tongue in wonder. “This guy is pretty good. He actually got a lot of good stuff.”

Selina snorted. “It’s mainly because nobody comes here, right? It has the Hellhound armor to scan the place. Of course it would be fast at finding things.”

Luke chuckled and didn’t disagree.

Selina wasn’t envious or jealous. If she went down herself, she would also harvest some things.

Like she said, all sorts of gemstones had been formed from countless years of accumulated sediment in this untouched primitive jungle river.

Of the things that the dog head had found, the most were stones of various sizes, including crystals, tourmaline, emeralds, and so on.

Some showed clear traces of having been polished by hand before, and had probably been carried here from elsewhere by a flood.

There were a few pieces of ore embedded with natural gold kernels.

If they were a little bigger, they would be gold nuggets, just like the dog head.

However, the most valuable thing was still the first topaz. The other gemstones weren’t worth much.

Even if the dog head worked here its entire life, however, the amount it earned wouldn’t compare with the dirty money it had gotten just a few days ago.

So, it was like the old saying: Just treat them as playthings for the dog.

As the two rummaged through the dog head’s newly discovered “treasures,” it jumped out of the water again.

After activating the armor’s water-repelling, disinfecting and odor-removing functions, the armor opened, and Gold Nugget excitedly barked out a question.

Luke patted the dog’s head with a smile. “Alright, take them back and sterilize them before you play with them.”

Extremely pleased, the dog wagged its tail happily.

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