Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1715 - Satellite Launch, and the Female CEO’s Little Ruse

Chapter 1715 - Satellite Launch, and the Female CEO’s Little Ruse

Chapter 1715: Satellite Launch, and the Female CEO’s Little Ruse

Not only did Skye have superpowers, she also had the potential to become a top network specialist.

She could fight and offer support; more importantly, she was a 20-year-old girl. josei

It was very easy for a woman to keep a secret, and there was plenty of room for her to grow.

Luke had already been training her for the past two years.

Speaking of which, Skye could be considered the “student” whom he had put the most effort in.

Mindy was good, but she didn’t have superpowers.

Carol was good as a personal bodyguard, but didn’t have enough smarts.

The twins were already making him money, but was he someone who lacked money?

Lorna had given him even less; now that she was pregnant, she was out of the game.

As for Stacy… Luke couldn’t dwell on her without feeling stifled.

After all these considerations, Skye was the only one who had the right mindset, and who could think and fight.

Sure enough, teaching wasn’t an easy profession! A certain half-baked teacher sighed.

A few days later, just after Independence Day, Jenny called. “You’re not coming to Houston with me tomorrow?”

Luke was stunned for a moment. “Why are we going to Houston?”

After a brief silence, Jenny said, “Did you forget about our joint satellite launch with Stark Industries?”

Luke slapped his forehead.

Although this was extremely important for the company and the Justice League, he really hadn’t paid much attention to it.

As someone who dealt in telecommunications and the Internet, it would be embarrassing if he didn’t have eight or ten satellites to his name.

Naturally, Luke was the one who had pulled some strings to set up the joint launch with Stark Industries.

For Pepper, this was an ordinary business proposition which her friend Jenny had put forward.

It could make money and also deepen their partnership.

For Tony, this was an information platform which the bigshot and Batman had hinted would be used by the Justice League.

So, even when the tycoon discovered that there was something fishy about the so-called satellites, he didn’t say anything.

As for how Jenny was involved with the bigshot who sold everything, that wasn’t worth investigating.

The CEO, board members, and shareholders of companies who had a connection to the bigshot now numbered in the thousands.

During this period, there were also plenty of greedy guys who wanted to swallow up the bigshot and his benefits.

But these “brave souls” would very quickly meet with unexpected disasters. At best, they would be sent to the hospital after a car accident; at worst, they would die after their plane crashed.

It was no longer a secret among the upper-class.

Rumors also spread that this bigshot might be a demon.

There were even people who insisted that the bigshot was Demon Lord Mephisto. Those who suffered unexpected disasters had definitely sold their souls to him.

However, the higher-ups all knew: The “demon” whom these people sold their souls to did exist, but it definitely wasn’t Mephisto – it was money!

Someone incompetent who still wanted to play dirty should be smashed to pieces.

Thus, with someone in the know like Tony keeping silent, the bigshot finally released his satellites.

The biggest benefit of riding on Stark Industries’ coattails was that it was confidential and convenient.

With the arc reactor solving most of the energy problems, plus the “satellites” which the tycoon had created, the satellites which Stark Industries sent into the sky were so cheap that it could make a person weep.

Even though Luke’s special “communications satellite” weighed five tons, Tony “conveniently” helped launch 20 of them, while everything else that was launched was his.

Luke had fiddled a lot with the satellites.

The tycoon didn’t have to do anything. He simply launched low-altitude fliers made from Chitauri technology.

However, the fliers didn’t have a weapons system, and looked like satellites.

Pondering for a moment, Luke gave a neutral answer. “I can go with you, but I won’t attend the launch ceremony.”

If he went, he would have to sit for a few hours during the ceremony and make nice with a whole bunch of people. He had no interest in being gawked at.

A lot of people coveted CEO Jenny’s company and technology.

Forget trying to hook up with her. It wasn’t just hearsay that this overbearing female CEO had a mysterious boyfriend.

She had publicly acknowledged it through private channels, and had expressed that she didn’t mind teaching whoever tried to harass her a lesson.

Thus, basically no “big men” dared to flirt with her, but it also made other people curious about this mysterious boyfriend.

Jenny was satisfied with this reply from a certain “mysterious boyfriend.”

She knew very well that Luke didn’t like to appear in public, but she at least got something out of it.

Luke had run off for half a year, claiming that he was making arrangements for the company to go global or whatever. She could accept that nonsense.

But now that he had returned, she naturally had to be compensated.

Thankfully, Luke had always been very self-aware. He had clearly been spending more time with her recently, and had even gone on the plane with her twice for official business.

This was just his third time going out with her.

So, they flew to Houston together and rested for a night.

The next day, Jenny went to the launch ceremony. When she returned in the afternoon, she washed up and looked like she was going out.

Luke found that odd. “You still have something on tonight?”

A year ago, he had off-handedly said that she would age quickly if she stayed up late to work, so the female CEO made fewer arrangements at night and tried to rest on time.

Even when they “talked business,” it was at most until two in the morning.

Jenny glanced at him through the mirror. “Yes, I’m meeting Catherine to look at little Cindy. She’s almost two, and I’ve only seen her once.”

Luke was stunned. “When did you meet Cindy?”

Jenny said, “A few days before she turned one.”

Luke got it.

Jenny was his loyal partner.

Unless something happened, Little Snail wouldn’t specially notify him of her meeting with Catherine.

He asked casually, “Are we taking a plane to Shackelford later?”

Jenny chuckled. “Joseph wanted to watch the launch, so I helped Catherine find a place. They’ll only be going back tomorrow.”

Luke was enlightened. “…I see.”

No wonder she had bothered to make the time to attend the launch ceremony – it was for this.

It went without saying that the feeling of being taken to a family gathering by a domineering female CEO was a little special.

But he didn’t mind Jenny’s little ruse.

He had planned to make a trip back home anyway, and had saved himself a few hundred kilometers of travel.

A day later, Luke and Jenny returned to New York.

Since the female CEO had been a little lively recently, Luke felt that he had to help her use up some of her energy.

Thus, the female CEO slept soundly the first morning after returning to New York.

It wasn’t until she was woken up by the alarm at eleven that she sat up in a daze. She stared blankly at the time on her alarm clock for a moment, before she suddenly screamed. “Ah, that ass! I still have lunch with Pepper today.”

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