Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1723 - The CEO’s New Bodyguard, and Happy Is No Longer Happy

Chapter 1723 - The CEO’s New Bodyguard, and Happy Is No Longer Happy

Chapter 1723: The CEO’s New Bodyguard, and Happy Is No Longer Happy

When Luke had breakfast with Jenny and watched the news at noon, Jenny sighed. “We have to make another donation.”

Puzzled, Luke raised his head, a big sandwich in his mouth. “What’s wrong?”

“The world is getting more and more chaotic.” Jenny was a little worried. “It’s a good thing I listened to you and set up our headquarters here. The company basically isn’t in any danger.” josei

Luke activated Mental Communication and discovered that it wasn’t that the CEO was reluctant to donate, but that she had something more important on her mind. “Are you worried about your safety?”

Jenny nodded. “I spend a lot of time in New York for work. If I run into something like what happened on Park Avenue…”

Luke hummed and fell silent.

Jenny wasn’t short of money. Her bodyguards were actually very strong, but they really didn’t have the ability to deal with someone like Blonsky.

If something like last night happened to Jenny, and the bodyguards were even just a little afraid of sacrificing themselves to distract Blonsky, or if Jenny’s car blew up, that would indeed be dangerous.

But that couldn’t happen.

Blonsky could be considered a “half-Hulk,” and the only one.

The chances of Jenny encountering such a super powerhouse were very low.

Besides, Luke wasn’t a stingy person. He had already given her a nanosuit.

In the end, Jenny’s worries stemmed from her own nature.

When it came down to it, she dealt in business and tech – she wasn’t an arms dealer like Tony, and she really wasn’t good at fighting, nor was she interested.

In the face of an emergency, she might be flustered even if she was wearing the nanosuit.

Thinking for a moment, Luke said, “Give me two days. I’ll see if I can contact the right person.”

Jenny asked, “Who?”

Luke thought for a moment, then revealed some information. “She’s a very good fighter, but she doesn’t have a good temper. She might not be willing to be a bodyguard.”

Jenny was surprised. “Not even for money?”

“She doesn’t like money.” Luke scratched his head. That was because he had already given Angel several million.

Jenny looked at his expression and found it strange, but didn’t ask any more questions.

If he could get someone, she had ten thousand ways to get information.

If he couldn’t, it was useless for her to ask.

Also, a woman who could make Luke say that she was good at fighting definitely wouldn’t be an ordinary person.

Two days later, Luke drove to the phone company’s headquarters.

He wasn’t discomfited by Angel’s burning gaze from the passenger seat. After all, he had seen many fiercer stares from her.

When the car entered the underground parking lot, Angel said, “You… look familiar.”

Luke’s expression didn’t change as he turned around and smiled brilliantly. “Like a certain handsome celebrity, right? Many girls have said that.”

Angel, who was staring at him, really felt like she had been blinded. She couldn’t help but narrow her eyes, and the faint sense of familiarity disappeared.

After interrupting Angel’s sixth sense, Luke drove the car into a separate parking area and took her to the elevator.

He wasn’t too afraid that she would notice anything. At most, he would modify her memories a little and make her forget the sense of familiarity.

In fact, he had already done so.

Safety first, after all.

After they entered the office on the top floor, Jenny, who had been informed beforehand, stood up in plain clothes and welcomed the new bodyguard. “Hello, please come in.”

As she spoke, the CEO couldn’t help but glance at Angel’s well-developed chest, and she couldn’t help but want to hunch her back. This comparison… hurt her pride too much.

Luke didn’t get involved in what happened next.

He had already worked very hard to convince Angel to be Jenny’s bodyguard.

When Angel used to be a “prisoner,” Luke could just give her orders.

Now that she was a teammate in the system, it wasn’t good for him to do that.

Moreover, if he used his ability to force her to do something against her will, that would shorten the duration of the influence.

Thankfully, Angel was fine with it to begin with, and Luke was just barely able to convince her with the excuse that it would be “a breath of fresh air” for her.

She didn’t have to follow Jenny all the time. She mainly just needed to provide security when the CEO was operating in New York.

Of course, if she was willing, she could live on the floor below the office and go in and out with Jenny.

Angel simply nodded, but didn’t agree nor disagree.

In the next few days, they would have to see if Jenny and Angel liked each other.

Personal security was a two-way street.

For both parties, it wasn’t about the money.

What Jenny cared about was safety and compatibility.

Angel, on the other hand, had accepted a commission from V, and had come to observe her future employer.

So, Luke couldn’t guarantee that this would work out.

Since the female CEO and the female bodyguard were getting to know each other better, Luke didn’t butt in.

After being away for half a year, the female artist at Paland Academy still needed to be appeased.

But three days later, Luke received unexpected news: Happy had just been severely injured in an explosion, and wasn’t happy anymore.

It had happened in New York, while Tony had been hiding out in Malibu from the Department of Defense for the past two days, so this wasn’t an attack on Tony.

Happy’s injuries were severe, and a surgery plan hadn’t been worked out yet – moreover, it couldn’t be guaranteed that surgery would be safe for him.

Tony issued a commission right away for the bigshot who sold everything to save Happy.

Luke immediately agreed, and his Level 2 clone turned into the bigshot and set off. Ten minutes later, the bigshot entered Happy’s ward.

The nurse in the ward suddenly had the vague notion that she should check the medical records, and she couldn’t help but get up and leave.

Luke activated the interference program and cut surveillance before he activated Light of Life.

He pressed his glowing right hand to Happy’s body and then his head.

This unlucky guy had internal bleeding in his chest and abdomen, and there was also a blood clot in his head.

Light of Life would stop the bleeding first and ensure that his life wasn’t in danger; he would still have to rely on his own body to slowly expel the blood clot.

Now that Happy’s life was no longer in danger, Luke naturally didn’t linger in the ward. He sent a message to Tony and left.

Tony immediately heaved a sigh of relief and thanked the bigshot via the credit point system.

With credit points, it was a business transaction. He didn’t have to care about his pride when he looked for the bigshot to take action.

After Luke left, he started investigating the explosion.

The explosion happened half an hour ago outside a diner in Brooklyn.

Nobody had died, and 23 people were injured. NYPD suspected that it was a terrorist attack.

But why did the terrorist attack take place outside the diner rather than inside? That was a problem.

On top of that, there were very few surveillance cameras around the diner, while the ones inside had been destroyed in the explosion.

Luke narrowed his eyes. “This… is a little coincidental.”

Even as Luke thought that, Alfred sent a notification. “Master, there is information related to the explosion.”

The virtual screen opened to reveal a colorful image with ten small circles arranged to form one large circle.

In the middle of the circle were two crossed scimitars, and in each circle was a twisted symbol.

Luke raised an eyebrow. “The Ten Rings?”

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