Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1733 - You, Guilty! The Start of a Battle Royal

Chapter 1733 - You, Guilty! The Start of a Battle Royal

Chapter 1733: You, Guilty! The Start of a Battle Royal

After Tony accepted the invitation, there were a series of beeps on the team’s internal comms as they came online.

Tony:?Are you showing off? You’re showing off, right??

The Avengers weren’t that “obedient.” They were always busy with their own things.

Unless it was a major incident, it was very hard to gather everyone together.

Even if the Bat Squad was currently using remote-controlled androids, this was too much of a cheat.

A 2v1 instantly turned into a group battle.

Looking at the plasma cannon on his left arm, Tony immediately declared, “Killian is mine. Don’t fight me for him.”

Everybody: “…”

A moment later, Donnie finally replied, “No problem, Uncle Tony.”

“Mm, Donnie is a good kid.” Tony was relieved. He hadn’t wasted his efforts in occasionally answering this little turtle’s questions and giving him raw materials.

Electric Cable (Ivan): “Sorry, first come, first served.”

Tony narrowed his eyes.

Of course the tycoon knew who this guy was.

So… if this guy dared approach Killian later, and his hand slipped a little? Okay, that didn’t seem good.

Dark Knight: “Enough. Killian sent people to snatch Pepper earlier. Everybody, deal with the others.”

Ivan fell silent at Luke’s words.

Undercutting someone else would indeed ruin the harmonious atmosphere in the team.

Ivan didn’t care about Tony, but he wouldn’t feel comfortable about a bad team atmosphere.

Tony was even more depressed when he saw this. F*ck, they were too obedient.

For example, although Hill had joined Stark Industries, she spent more time helping Steve and Natasha with Avenger-related matters, and didn’t care about her actual “boss’s” business at all.

Frank finally said, “Mission objectives confirmed. First, save Ellis so that we’re not held accountable. Second, kill Killian. Iron Man will take the lead in the attack. Everybody else, block as necessary. Any questions?”

Pink Bear (Mindy): “Who’s going to save Ellis?”

Hammersmith (Frank): “Since you asked, it’ll be you.”

Mindy immediately scowled. …Why did she ask? Who had the time to save a rotten old man? He looked like a movie politician bad guy.

But this was a team rule.

Mindy could talk to Frank in private later and ask him to make adjustments for the next assignment, but she absolutely couldn’t negotiate conditions now.

If anyone could question the commander’s orders in battle, the team would be finished sooner or later.

Frank: “Be careful. The targets have been transformed by the Extremis virus. Their bodies can emit high temperatures, enough to destroy the armor and the robot. They also have quick regenerative abilities, but can be killed directly. Is that clear?”

Everybody said, “Copy.”

Frank: “Okay, Knight and Iron Man will distract them. The rest of you lock onto your targets and wait to move.”

Hearing that, Luke and Tony canceled their stealth mode, approached the oil tanker unhurriedly, and landed on the prow with heavy thuds.

Their appearance caused a stir among the Extremis soldiers.

Iron Man’s appearance was unsurprising since they were doing all this because of him.

However, footage of the Dark Knight beating up that big monster, Blonsky, had been playing on TV for days.

It was their comrades who had fought Blonsky earlier that night.

Blonsky, who couldn’t be defeated even by ten Extremis soldiers, was finally pressed to the ground and beaten up by the Dark Knight.

The difference in combat ability was obvious. josei

Thankfully, their boss, Killian, was here, and they had the advantage in numbers, so they didn’t panic.

Killian gave Iron Man a profound look and then smiled. “Dark Knight, you’re really here.”

Luke’s eyes flashed as he slowly raised his index finger. “You, guilty.”

Killian: “… ”

The Extremis soldiers: “…”

This action and line were too familiar to them.

Or rather, there weren’t many people in America who weren’t familiar with them.

This was Batman’s exclusive “trial procedure.” What followed after these words were either injuries or a maiming.

In the end, Killian was a big boss, and his expression didn’t change much.

Could someone like him expect Batman’s people to show mercy?

Besides, was he afraid of being crippled? Were the soldiers afraid of being crippled? They were the people who were the least afraid of this sentence in this world.

He raised his hands and applauded like a gentleman. “That was a great performance. Was it for Mr. Ellis?”

Tony sneered. “Mr. Ellis who?”

Stumped, Killian pointed upward. “That Mr. Ellis, of course.”

In the end, Tony crossed his arms and tilted his head, as if he were enjoying a show.

Several of the Extremis soldiers suddenly exclaimed, “Where is he?”

“Why is he gone?”

Stunned, Killian turned around.

Ellis had disappeared, leaving behind only a wooden cross hanging in the air.

“WTF?” Killian mumbled, before he reacted and spat out a huge fireball.

The wooden cross instantly turned to dust, but there was no sign of Ellis.

Killian immediately looked at the sky not far from the wooden cross.

With his keen sight, he noticed a ball of air that was unusually distorted in the light of the flames.


“Kill them!” he roared. Taking a running leap, he shot up like a cannonball toward the distorted space.

At that order, a battle royal immediately broke out.

Tony, who had been prepared, pointed the muzzle of his plasma cannon in Killian’s direction.

The moment Killian jumped, Tony fired.

When Killian sensed the white light behind him, a strong sense of danger flashed in his heart, and he subconsciously dodged.

A plasma trail brushed past him and vaporized one of his arms.

Alarmed, Killian turned and fell onto the deck, sending a pile of oil barrels flying.

At the same time, everybody in the Bat Squad attacked in unison, and 15 Extremis soldiers were instantly killed.

A certain tentacle monster took the lead by relying on his five whips.

The strongest whip cut off the heads of three soldiers who were standing close to him.

But an opportunity arrived for the soldiers.

Killian hit a bunch of oil barrels as he fell, instantly setting them on fire with his super hot body temperature.

With a loud bang, the oil barrels were sent flying.

The soldiers subconsciously entered a state of high-temperature regeneration.

The fire burned off their clothes, and they turned a bright orange-yellow.

The flames from the explosion also rendered the armor’s stealth system temporarily useless, and parts of the androids became visible.

A few soldiers with quick reflexes immediately lunged forward and grabbed the androids close to them. Their hot bodies instantly melted the androids.

The little turtles went offline, Damon went offline, Alice went offline, and Splinter lost both arms.

Only Luke, Tony, Ivan and Frank weren’t affected because of the distance.

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