Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1737 - Truly a Smart Kid

Chapter 1737 - Truly a Smart Kid

Chapter 1737: Truly a Smart Kid

Hearing the good news, Ellis relaxed and smiled more sincerely. He subconsciously waved his hand. “Ah, Miss Pink Bear, can you give my daughter your autograph? She’s a loyal fan.”

Mindy’s eyes flashed, and she smiled. “What’s your daughter’s name?”

Ellis said, “Belle Ellis.”

Mindy nodded and smiled. “No problem. I’ll specially sign a copy for her. You can buy it for her from the rescue foundation.”

As she spoke, she patted Ellis’s shoulder. “It’s a deal. I’ll wait for you to buy your daughter a Pink Lady autograph for charity.”

Ellis opened his mouth, but the cunning man didn’t know what to say. …Wait, had he been tricked by a little girl?

On the other side, a small conflict broke out among the team members who had finished cleaning up the battlefield.

When it came down to it, Ivan didn’t get along with Tony.

It was only when he finished cleaning up the Extremis soldiers that he saw Dark Knight’s notification about leaving beforehand. A little annoyed, he couldn’t help acting out. “Sigh, some people just don’t know their place. They can’t do it, and have to force the issue.”

Tony was already unhappy, and immediately exploded when he heard that. “If you’re so great, why didn’t you do it?”

Ivan smiled wickedly. “That’s right, I’m not. So, I stayed away. What’s wrong with not causing Knight trouble?”

“…” Tony really couldn’t do anything in the face of this sort of shameless behavior.

More importantly, this was indeed the first serious injury on Batman’s record.

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Frank finally said, “I was the one who came up with the plan for the operation. Do you need me to review it for you now, Electric Cable?”

After a brief silence, Ivan said, “Sorry, that’s not what I meant.”

There was indeed nothing to say about how Frank did things. Ivan didn’t want to cross swords with the commander who stood above everything.

Frank: “Withdraw after you’re done. If you want to hang around and be held accountable, that’s fine with me. Pink Bear, dump Ellis with Rhodes.”

Mindy said, “Copy that.”

After a pause, she added, “Uncle Electric Cable has been under a lot of pressure recently. Why don’t we let him save the hostage next time? It just so happens that his armor is very suitable for saving people.”

Everybody: “…”

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Ivan:?…You truly are a smart kid.

With Frank and Mindy’s intervention, the tycoon and a certain Russian finally turned obedient. Everybody packed up and quickly left the scene.

Luke flew some distance away. After making sure that he was out of Tony’s surveillance range, he took out optical camouflage from his inventory to conceal himself.

Taking off the heavily damaged Knight armor and nanosuit, he took out a new nanosuit.

Activating his super disguise, he turned into the bigshot who sold everything. He then used temporary nano components for his missing limbs before he returned to the dock.

The team members had all left.

Luke put the drones away first. He then put away the androids that had yet to be activated. Finally, he put the bodies of the soldiers with the Extremis virus, including Killian’s, in his inventory, for later research.

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After that, he sent a message to Tony’s number. “If you’ve seen enough, go and deal with the government.”

After he sent the message, several drones rose up and quickly left.

Luke shook his head.?Are you a kid? Do you have to play like this every time?

After deriding a certain immature tycoon, he strode into the water and disappeared.

The next day, it was quiet in the news.

It wasn’t a small thing for an oil tanker to blow up, but it wasn’t a big deal either.

There was no news at all about Ellis, the chief of the White House, being kidnapped and almost sent to the afterlife.

Similarly, the attack on Air Force One became a highly classified incident.

Tony was the cause of everything, so naturally, he was the busiest person.

The Bat Squad just helped him put out the fire, and even Pepper had been rescued by Angel.

Naturally, this guy had to pay a high enough price for such a perfect happy ending.

He had to explain things in detail to Pepper and do his best to placate her.

He had to give everybody in the Bat Squad credit points. josei

He needed to sort everything out with the government.

Even the chatterbox, Colonel Rhodes, had to be appeased.

The battle on the oil tanker last night had been too sudden and violent, and Colonel Rhodes’s baby had been caught up in it.

Splinter, this good guy, had kicked it onto the dock, so the Iron Patriot armor fortunately wasn’t “burnt on the spot.”

But it was still smoking and charred when it was pulled out of the rubble. It could be called Beggar Patriot.

Colonel Rhodes, on the other hand, no longer trusted the Department of Defense and the sh*tty higher-ups in the military.

Even though it might take more time, he insisted on leaving the repairs to Tony.

Otherwise, what if someone hacked into the Patriot armor again?

Luke wasn’t busy at all.

After using his Knight identity to send Frank a message the next morning to say that the treatment was over and that everything was fine, Luke stopped bothering with the team.

In fact, his Level 1 clone had already returned to the seaside villa in Nassau County, and was being examined by the Level 2 clone in the basement.

These severe injuries were a good opportunity for Luke to test his physique and abilities.

Using his main body as a test subject was very risky. Luke, who prioritized safety above all else, switched to using his clone as a test subject.

Every movement the clone made consumed credit points, and regenerating a limb required a lot of credit points.

Actually, summoning another Level 1 clone would be more economical, but he had a lot of credit points now.

It wasn’t a waste to spend credit points on experiments.

In any case, Luke had obtained a total of 40,000 experience and credit points for killing Killian and all his soldiers.

So, Luke’s experiments might not be a net loss.

The real reward for killing Killian was the super boss’s unique ability — Intermediate Extremis Self-Healing.

Most of the soldiers had Elementary Extremis Healing.

Both Elementary and Intermediate abilities could be partially learned, and the prerequisites were the same. The first choice was 80 Strength and 200,000 credit points.

The second choice was to inject himself with the Extremis virus.

Clearly, this ability was brought about by the virus.

If Luke wanted to “copy” part of its effect, his Strength had to reach 80, which had nothing to do with whether or not the ability was Elementary or Intermediate.

Naturally, Luke chose the first option.

The virus had many hidden dangers, and the soldiers accepted it only because they had disabilities to begin with.

Luke had Elementary Self-Healing and Elementary Limb Regeneration, and support items like Life 1 and the Light Dagger. He wasn’t in desperate need of the ability.

On top of that, during his “world tour,” he and the two clones had earned credit points everywhere. At that moment, the system showed that the host’s level was 25.

Host’s experience: 7,445,000 / 10,000,000

Credit: 1,641,000

His Dexterity was only 2 points away from the 60 threshold.

He only needed to reach level 29 to obtain 80 Strength, which would meet the prerequisites for Intermediate Self-Healing, Extremis Self-Healing and Iron Hide.

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