Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1765 - A Harmonious Meeting of Two Races

Chapter 1765 - A Harmonious Meeting of Two Races

Chapter 1765: A Harmonious Meeting of Two Races


She slowly turned back around, and Haley saw someone sitting on the previously empty couch.

He was taking a leisurely sip from the coffee cup that he was holding.

She froze, and couldn’t help but call out the name she had been thinking about day and night. “Joker!”

The android that Luke was operating turned its head slightly, and a big smile suddenly appeared on its calm face. “Dr. Cohen, long time no see. Did you miss me?”

That blood-red mouth, pale face and deep dark circles around the eyes gave off a strange aura.

Haley’s lips moved soundlessly before she murmured, “You saved me?”

“No.” Luke raised a finger. “You saved yourself.”

Haley was at a loss.

Luke put down his coffee cup and walked over to her. Stretching out both hands to hold her head, he said, “Look, there’s an interesting soul in here that shouldn’t be destroyed at the hands of those boring people.”

Haley’s entire body trembled.

Just now, she thought she would be scared.

But now, she was feeling a mysterious excitement, as if… she had entered a mysterious and unknown world.

The Joker wasn’t short.

He was 1.9 meters tall, which was slightly taller than Luke’s real height.

He looked down at Haley, who was about 1.75 meters tall.

When it came to acting, Luke was a professional.

So, he didn’t stare into that abyss that could corrupt most men, but focused on the clean face in front of him.

Hm, even the blackheads had been completely removed by Osiris. Thinking that, Luke stroked Haley’s cheek with one finger in satisfaction.

Then, he frowned. This skin… seemed a little bad.

Haley was just an ordinary person. She was used to wearing makeup all the time and working overtime – how could her skin compare with the women around Luke, who were either superhumans or who practiced the Chi Refining Technique.

Selina, in particular, had skin that was two to three times smoother than Haley’s.

However, it should improve after a while, right? With a thought, a round hole opened in the android’s palm, and the tip of the Light Dagger lightly touched Haley’s face.

The next moment, blue liquid poured out of Haley’s body and quickly covered her.

In less than two seconds, a sleek blue humanoid creature appeared in front of Luke.

Luke instantly put the Light Dagger away.?B*stard, what I want isn’t this sort of skin!

Despite cursing inwardly, Luke’s eyes were full of curiosity.

He had used Light of Life just now to try and stimulate the symbiote.

After all, the dog head had already set an example; it was always especially interested in special recovery-type energy.

It couldn’t help but want to eat it.

With a smile on his face, Luke drew back his hand and looked Haley’s complete symbiotic form up and down.

If he could still do anything to Haley in this form, his taste was too heavy.

Theoretically speaking, this existence was half-human, half-symbiote.

Only a mad scientist would be able to touch the face of the symbiote with an infatuated expression.

Thankfully, this blue form was a bare pass. Selina would definitely want that lush long blue hair — if it were gold in color.

If Elena saw the beautiful blue curves of this body, she might be able to create an exquisite oil painting.

The only bad, unconventional thing was that its big mouth was full of sharp teeth.

Compared with Selina and Gold Nugget’s mouthless symbiotic form, it wasn’t cute at all.

Luke was calm, but Haley was completely shocked.

She was slightly shortsighted, but her eyesight was now so clear that she could see her new form reflected in Luke’s eyes.

Haley raised her claws in front of her eyes and exclaimed, “What’s going on? What did you do to me?”

Luke shook his head. “No, Haley. You have to ask what it did to you. Right, Mr. Alien Symbiote?”

Haley was confused, but her mouth opened of its own accord. “Earthling, hand over that energy crystal from earlier, and I can make you an alternate host.”

The blue symbiote was already controlling her words.

Luke tilted his head. “Are you threatening me?”

The blue symbiote: “Yes.”

If possible, it didn’t want to waste time speaking nonsense with this Earthling.

However, that special energy crystal had suddenly disappeared, and it could only find a way through this human.

That was something that could make it stronger.

Luke, however, burst out laughing and spread his hands. “You should ask your host what she thinks first.”

The blue symbiote said, “I’m the one in control now, not her. Even if she’s your comrade, it can’t change your fate.”

Luke shook his head and drew circles next to his temple with his finger. “Think about it. She’ll give you the right idea.”

Even as the blue symbiote spoke, it couldn’t help but communicate with Haley.

After all, it only took a thought for it to communicate with its host.

It had seen the man take Haley away last night. When she woke up and saw him, she seemed very happy, and it thought that they were accomplices.

It could have used Haley to threaten the man into handing over the special energy crystal, but now something didn’t seem right.

Then, from the memories it got from Haley… something really wasn’t right.

This man is actually your… adversary? What’s an adversary? Your enemy!

B*stard, why are you still so happy to see the enemy??The blue symbiote couldn’t help but roar in Haley’s head.

Even symbiotes weren’t like that! They were afraid of the strong, and after being beaten up, they were afraid to increase aggro. Only a lunatic would be happy!

The blue symbiote that had just formed a symbiotic relationship with a human didn’t know that at that moment, Haley’s brain was already starting to release a lot of dopamine, which was why she had fallen into this strange, euphoric state.

Just like how some people got pleasure from pain, she had a similar reaction after watching the Joker beat up Simon.

Since he said to give the symbiote the right idea, she would show it what had happened.

The communication between a symbiote and host was extremely fast and difficult to lie about.

Soon, the blue symbiote fell silent.

The guy in front of him was actually a mental case with serious issues.

The symbiote only needed to glean some general knowledge from Haley as a psychiatrist to understand what mental patients were like.

Mental patients posed a huge potential risk to a symbiote’s consciousness.

But it was unreconciled.

It was determined to obtain that special energy crystal.

So, it controlled Haley’s body and lunged forward to grab Luke and combine with him to check his memories. josei

After discovering the source of the energy crystal, it would return to Haley, and wouldn’t be too affected.

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