Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1768 - Coward, Diss, Pussy

Chapter 1768 - Coward, Diss, Pussy

Chapter 1768: Coward, Diss, Pussy

The hoodlum grabbed the money and stuffed it into his pocket. Putting his gun back into the holster, he picked up two bottles of wine from the counter and didn’t forget to grab a handful of chocolates from the chocolate shelf next to the cash register.

Putting the chocolate into his pocket, he seemed to feel that it wasn’t enough, and grabbed a few packs of chewing gum and condoms. He said to Mrs. Chen, “If you dare make a fuss again, the price will be double next time,” before he swaggered out.

Eddie silently pulled his head back. He couldn’t do anything about it.

He might dare to argue with the Life Foundation, but that was only because the other party was a company on the surface.

Once the matter came to light, there was more or less a chance to argue about it legally.

Hoodlums like these didn’t care about the law at all.

In a robbery like this, the boss might not necessarily call the police, nor would the police necessarily be able to catch them. Even if they were caught, they might not necessarily be convicted.

Even if they were convicted, as long as nobody had been hurt or killed during the robbery, they would be released on parole in a few months at most.

California’s prisons were always full, and couldn’t accommodate this influx of hoodlums at all.

Sigh, if only Batman had appeared in San Francisco. Eddie couldn’t help but think that.

Most of the gangs in Los Angeles no longer engaged in forced extortion.

That was because gang members who openly charged protection fees were sent to the hospital every once in a while.

With broken arms and legs, they couldn’t hold a gun or run; hoodlums couldn’t survive without these two skills.

As a hardcore Batman fan, Eddie had long understood that this was the work of the Bat Squad.

It was Batman and Black Cat at the very beginning. They were L.A.’s famous “knee breakers.” josei

Then, Batman left, and the Dark Knight took over as New York’s “bone breaker.”

Hm, should he send them a request for help and have them come to San Francisco to break bones? They were also partly responsible for this, after all.

The hoodlums who had become wary of Los Angeles in the last two years all came to San Francisco to carry on with their business of extortion.

Why not just cripple this guy? Leaving him alive would only bring disaster to good people. An extremely violent thought flashed through the journalist’s mind, but he didn’t move.

The guy had a gun, and so did his partner outside.

San Francisco wasn’t like New York; there were too many lawless hoodlums here.

It wasn’t uncommon for a crazy hoodlum to shoot someone over a wallet.

If Eddie tried to stop him, it was very likely that the other party would shoot him in passing.

There’s no need for me to risk my life over petty cash. It’s not because I’m scared, he murmured inwardly.

Then, he saw a small dog come out of a side alley and look at him with a mocking expression.

When it saw him looking, the dog barked twice at him before turning around to leave, as if it was looking down on him.

A hallucination! This had to be a hallucination caused by the fever! Eddie shook his head and told himself that as he picked up the basket and walked to the counter.

Mrs. Chen looked much worse than when Eddie had entered the shop. She silently scanned the goods in his basket.

A little embarrassed, Eddie couldn’t help but say, “Everything’s going to be fine.”

Mrs. Chen lowered her head with red eyes. “That’s impossible, Eddie. Life’s like that.”

Eddie was lost for words. Once again, he felt powerless, and he once again thought of the superheroes of New York.

Perhaps violence was the only way to suppress violence! At the very least... the hoodlums wouldn’t take out their guns willy-nilly and threaten other people’s lives.

Put a complete end to it? That was impossible.

Eddie was a true blue USC graduate, and knew very well that the problem wasn’t as simple as hoodlums, but that this was a disease of American society.

After all, this was a country overflowing with guns!

Not far from the mart, Gold Nugget continued disparaging its own kind in the car. “Pussy! Venom’s choice is terrible. He doesn’t dare do anything even against small fry. Haha, it might be a coward, but even this is too much for it? No class at all.”

Luke and Selina looked at each other and didn’t say anything.

He had at least found a university graduate, but you found a dog.

While Dollar enjoyed better treatment than university graduates, the dog didn’t have the same status as Eddie.

Eddie had just been courting death recently, which was why he was currently in dire straits.

But neither of them dealt this blow to the dog head.

Again, no matter how bad this guy was, he was still their dog.


On the other side, Eddie went upstairs and closed the door. He opened the milk which he had just bought and was about to pour it over his chocolate oats.

The dog from earlier reached his door, and the black tar monster Venom flowed out of its body and through the gap under the door.

Holding the oats in his hand, Eddie recalled what happened last night and was a little distracted.

Venom flowed over the floor and stuck to Eddie’s feet as it silently burrowed back into the familiar body.

Having already gone through the initial symbiosis, Eddie didn’t notice Venom “coming home” at all. A low voice suddenly rang out in his head. “Hurry up and eat. I’m hungry.”

Eddie’s hands jerked with shock. “What?”

He looked around, but the room was silent.

“Maybe I’m really too hungry?” he mumbled as he finally poured the oats into his bowl.

“Pour more.” A deep voice suddenly rang out.

Eddie was so scared that he flung the oats away. “Who’s talking?”

The room fell silent once more.

Eddie: ???

To make it easier for the dog head to have fun, Selina had already come over in the car and stopped at the bottom of the building.

In the end, the dog rolled around in the backseat laughing and didn’t forget to send a voice message to share its thoughts. “Hahahaha, what an idiotic host. Even little girl Claire is braver than he is.”

Luke and Selina: ...You just don’t want to give up any opportunity to diss Venom!

Upstairs, Eddie and Venom didn’t know that they were being watched.

After Eddie checked the room and made sure that there were no abnormalities, he took a sip of his milk.

Dong dong dong! Someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Most of the milk that Eddie had just drunk was spat back into his bowl, and half of it was stuck to his face.

He coughed violently as he put the bowl down.

After taking a deep breath, he wiped the milk off of his face and body with a few tissues and walked to the door, puzzled.

“Don’t open the door,” the deep voice warned in his head.

Eddie paused, but then decided to ignore the strange voice.

Dr. Lewis had said that many illnesses could cause fever, and it was common for people to hallucinate when they had a fever.

Eddie looked through the peephole and only saw the door opposite.

This was the end of the hallway, and there was a window on the right. Was this a prank? He didn’t think much of it. He unlocked the door and looked to the left.

He saw a bald man in black standing by the door with four other brawny men.

The baldie grinned maliciously. “You’re really hard to find.” With that, he pushed Eddie back into the apartment and followed him.

The four men in black crowded into the room.

Eddie, who had staggered back, looked at the five men who were glaring at him. Sensing the strange atmosphere, he couldn’t help but tense up. “Folks, do you have the wrong guy?”

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