Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1817 - Make Up Something For Me Too, and Little Brother Isnt Happy

Chapter 1817 - Make Up Something For Me Too, and Little Brother Isnt Happy

Chapter 1817: Make Up Something For Me Too, and Little Brother Isn’t Happy

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke carefully scanned the area for more Parasites that might cause trouble.

At that moment, the head of the Parasite behind him suddenly jerked, and the Parasite that had been around the man’s neck fell to the ground with a thump. It twisted and twitched weakly before falling still.

The crowd, which had been silent for a moment, exploded. It was impossible to hear what they were shouting.

But nobody rushed to the stage since the man was still on it.

This unlucky male MC had been killed by the Parasite as a declaration of war.

The female MC was a little luckier. Her eyes rolled back in fear, and she didn’t know yet that she had been saved.

Looking at the clamor below the stage but seeing no more Parasites appear, Luke tilted his head and thought for a moment, before he appeared next to the female MC in a flash.

He took the microphone from the female MC and tapped on it twice.

The clamor died down. The onlookers knew that the man in the smiling mask who had suddenly appeared was going to say something.

“Monster! To be or not to be, that’s a question. To die, to sleep, no more!” Luke still had that London accent as he recited this line as if he were reciting poetry.

Putting the microphone back into the MC’s hand, he jumped lightly and pushed off of the wall of a nearby building a few times before he reached the rooftop and disappeared.

There was an even louder burst of noise. Most people flushed and screamed, unable to speak.

It might not be Ultraman battling a small monster, but it was the first time that most people had seen a superhero fight a small monster.

Also, this mysterious superhero’s English pronunciation sounded very classy.

It was classier than superheroes who didn’t make a sound and ran away after killing monsters.


Ten minutes later, Luke, Selina and Gold Nugget were drinking coffee in a high-class restaurant as they looked at the fast food store down below.

A lot of people had already gathered around where the two people and one dog had been eating ice cream.

Many people who had taken photos with Luke’s group in the background were talking excitedly on their phones.

A lot of shut-ins even stuck out their butts to show everybody Selina’s footprint on them.

The girls looked at these nerds enviously. They cursed them for being despicable but imagined what it would be like to be kicked by V like that.

The men were practically green with envy. Many of them couldn’t help but shout what they were thinking. “Why didn’t I come just now?”

Clearly, they didn’t mind being kicked at all, and even looked forward to it.

There was a long line of people at the fast food store, all of whom wanted to buy the ice cream that Luke’s group had been eating.

The servers pretended not to hear them.

Luke and Selina had only tasted two-thirds of the ice cream in the store before they ran off because of the emergency.

The store manager immediately had the idea to sell the ice cream in alternate batches.

This would prevent customers from thinking that the superheroes had only tried one or two flavors.

The store could alternate between offering ‘male superhero ice cream,’ ‘female superhero ice cream’ and ‘pet ice cream’ to preserve the novelty.

Pet ice cream for people to eat? That was no problem at all.

Countless people down below were making a racket, and they didn’t know that the superheroes whom they were talking about were in the opposite building, watching the show.

Luke had left quickly earlier, but Selina and the dog head had still been nearby to see if they could lure out some stupid Parasites.

In the end, it was indeed rare to see a Parasite as stupid as the first one.

Selina felt some regret that she couldn’t take action as Batwoman. “It seems this is it.”

Luke hummed and said, “Even monsters are afraid of death.”

Selina, however, snorted. “A certain person is always so flashy whenever he appears; who knows what for.”

Luke nudged her with his shoulder and said with a smile, “It’s the character setting, right? It wouldn’t be professional of me if I didn’t recite lines.”

Selina swiftly bargained, “Alright. Make up a few lines for my new identity then.”

Pondering for two seconds, Luke said, “For the world and peace, for the evils of truth and love, a bright tomorrow awaits you.”

Selina: “WTF?”

Luke said, “You don’t like it? Then switch to something else. Future, a white future is the color of evil. Universe, the hammer of justice for a black world. Let our names be recorded in this land!” josei

Selina wanted to flip a table.

But a moment later, she couldn’t help but recite the two strange lines several times in her heart. Suddenly, she made a fist with her right hand and punched her left palm. “It’s decided. I’ll use the second one in the future.”

Luke: “Huh?”

Selina said excitedly, “Well, I can get Mikey and the others to try it out first. It’s better than their original line!”

Luke couldn’t help but recall the scene of the little turtles yelling, “We’re the ninja turtles, yeah~” and was lost for words.

Then, he chuckled despite himself. As long as he wasn’t the one she was making say it, who cared?

It just so happened that the little turtles had recently asked him how they could become more cultured.

Wouldn’t this script help? At least, it sounded much more cultured than “We’re the ninja turtles, yeah~”


Unexpectedly, Luke’s faith value skyrocketed again after this operation, and the daily intake increased by another 10%.

That was because the incident had happened in broad daylight, and there had been countless cameras trained on the stage.

Footage of the scene from multiple angles was everywhere in a day, and the TV stations, the Internet, and the media were all involved.

Not only were there images of Luke taking action, there were also photos of the two people and a dog eating ice cream.

Taking a pet out for cosplay in broad daylight and even showing their faces to eat made these new superheroes seem so down-to-earth – they didn’t care at all that they were only in the background in the photos.

But at the same time, they didn’t let anyone come into close contact with them.

This made their popularity, along with purchases of Labrador dogs, skyrocket in Japan.

Luke’s previous idea was thus set in stone.

When he was free, he would come to Japan to put on a show and harvest faith value.

He didn’t have to keep a low profile like in America. In any case, the Japanese government couldn’t do anything about him.

But that was the end of this particular trip to Japan. Luke and Selina took a private plane back to America.

When they got home, Joseph, who was looking at his tablet in the living room, glanced at Luke expressionlessly, before he lowered his head and continued looking at the tablet without saying anything.

Luke chuckled and put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Hey, what are you unhappy about? Tell me, and I’ll take care of it for you.”

Joseph shrugged disdainfully, but couldn’t get rid of the hand.

Looking at his smiling brother, he finally accepted his fate.

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