Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1839 - Handover, News, Private Affairs

Chapter 1839 - Handover, News, Private Affairs

Chapter 1839: Handover, News, Private Affairs

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Luke did learn a couple of things after experimenting with Max.

At the very least, he confirmed that the stretchy/double resistance ability reduced the sensation of pain, while there wasn’t much of a difference in the degree of sensitivity.

This should be a good thing for many men, but it was hard to say if it was good for a certain person with extraordinary stamina and resilience.

However, when it came to life-saving abilities, he couldn’t ask for too much.

Recalling that Elementary Tempering, which could only be learned at 80 Strength, was an ability that was automatically activated, Luke rejoiced a little. Although it wasn’t as convenient as this passive ability, at least he didn’t have to worry about the sense of friction being significantly reduced.

After this rather busy break, Luke finally released Tamiya from Space 2.

This special, highly intelligent Parasite didn’t see anyone else in Space 2, and her research was limited to the Parasites.

The space could only be entered or exited through the hibernation box, so there had been no risk of a leak. josei

Luke then handed her over to Phil.

Looking at Tamiya, who was about to get into the car, Luke reminded her, “Assemble your kind as soon as possible. We’ll kill every single one of those Parasites roaming wild.”

Tamiya stopped and stared at him for a moment, before she bowed. “Understood, Mr. Big Dipper. I’ll do my best.”

In the last few months, with enough resources at her disposal, she had already developed food substitutes for Parasites.

At the very least, there was a slight chance that Parasites could now co-exist with humans, so she really had to thank Luke.

Phil looked at her in astonishment. What brainwashing skill was this, to make even an alien creature like a Parasite obedient?

Although Big Dipper said that Tamiya had to come back every month for a follow-up, it was still very amazing.

However, there was no need for him to discuss this with Big Dipper in front of Tamiya.

For New SHIELD, Tamiya and the Parasites under her were just a bunch of outsourced ‘thugs,’ or a group of ultra ‘patsies.’

They could do certain things where it would be inconvenient for New SHIELD to make an appearance; New SHIELD just needed to send out a few observers to quietly monitor the situation.

Compared with this ‘tool,’ Phil was more concerned about Skye.

He didn’t care about the Inhumans or whatever.

There was no shortage of superhumans who believed that they weren’t human, but part of a ‘chosen race.’

By using the term ‘Inhumans,’ Skye’s mother wanted to draw a line between Skye and humans; that was what it was about.

Phil had seen a lot of superhumans pull this trick.

He already had an eye on Skye; he didn’t care if her mother was happy or not.

According to Big Dipper, Skye probably wasn’t in the mood to join New SHIELD anytime soon.

Phil had to empathize with Calvin, this unlucky old man.

Not everyone could take the blow of being screwed over by the wife whom they had been thinking about for more than ten years.

However, it was normal for it to be more difficult to get the good stuff.

Phile had been able to patiently wait for Ryoko Tamiya for several months; waiting a year or two for Skye was within his calculations.

He could use the time to build up a good impression with Skye and influence her subtly, and wait for her to mature a little.

She was now 20, and would only be 22 in two years. That was the same age at which most agents generally started out.

In early September, Tony suddenly came looking for the Dark Knight. “There’s some news from Natasha that I think you might be interested in.”

Luke’s interest was piqued.

News that could make the tycoon speak definitely wasn’t ordinary.

“Just tell me.” He picked up his coffee and waited to hear an interesting story.

Tony sneered, tossed away the welding torch he was holding, and walked across the floor of the villa. “Natasha has been investigating Hydra in Europe recently. She found some clues. It seems there’s an organization called Cobra that is related to Hydra.”

Luke didn’t say anything and waited for Tony to continue.

The tycoon was a little bummed when Luke didn’t play along, but he continued, “Supposedly, this organization is trying to buy a lethal weapon from an unknown weapons supplier, and is getting ready to make big news worldwide.”

Luke finally sat up straight and put down his coffee. Big news? That might be a major event that would cause huge casualties!

Satisfied, Tony wasn’t in a hurry to continue. Instead, he walked to the bar.

He clasped his right elbow with his left hand, tapped his chin with his right hand, and didn’t forget to mutter to himself, “Hm, what should I drink today?”

Luke smiled. “Mineral water from 450 million years ago absolutely suits you right now.”

Tony turned around and glared at the virtual projection of the Dark Knight, before he suddenly clapped his hands. “That’s a good suggestion. It’s healthy enough.”

As he spoke, he really did pick up a bottle of mineral water from some European mountain spring, opened it, and brought it to his mouth.

At that moment, he paused and glared at the virtual projection suspiciously. “Wait, do you know something?”

Luke’s expression didn’t change. “Of course.”

Tony’s face changed. “You…”

Luke, however, continued, “As a 38-year-old man, you need to take care of yourself, or you’ll be getting up three or four times a night.”

Tony’s face darkened. “You’re the one with a prostate problem.”

But he was slightly relieved. At the very least, this was a normal taunt and not a certain person peeping on his private life.

Luke still had that faint smile on his face, but he mumbled to himself, Do you think I don’t know that Pepper might be thinking about having kids? My chairman of the board is her best friend.

Of course, he wasn’t deliberately prying into the tycoon’s private life.

He could only blame himself for being too smart. Jenny had mentioned Pepper to him before.

Jenny didn’t know much about medicine and didn’t sense anything unusual, but Luke guessed that the topic of health and hormones was most likely related to pregnancy.

Now that he was using this to sound out the tycoon, the answer was obvious.

But no matter how smoothly things progressed, Tony wouldn’t become a father until he was 39, and would be 60 by the time his kid came of age.

Could Grandpa Iron Man groom a brand new second generation Iron Man? This was a very interesting topic, but nothing that he could discuss with Tony right now.

At the very least, he had to wait until Pepper was pregnant to show proper concern.

As the first ‘super second generation’ to be born, this little kiddo would definitely become the center of attention.

There would probably be a lot of people in the Avengers and the Bat Squad who would want to be the kid’s godparent.

Tony wasn’t someone who was easy to get along with, so it was normal for other people to tease him with this.

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