Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1855 - Sudden Situation and White Wolf Transforms Translator

Chapter 1855 - Sudden Situation and White Wolf Transforms Translator: Henyee Translatio

Chapter 1855: Sudden Situation and White Wolf Transforms

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

On the third day, Luke increased his patrol within a reasonable range.

But halfway through lunch, Natasha suddenly forwarded a message via a lurking Ant drone. “White Wolf, the Doctor has come to interrogate me, but he wants to inject me with coercive nanomites.”

Luke: ???

The chicken drumstick in his mouth suddenly didn’t taste good.

However you looked at it, the Doctor only interrogating Natasha, disguised as Dr. Binoche, after three days, was slow.

But now that something unexpected had cropped up, Luke was a little gloomy. It was like someone knocking on his door the moment he soaked his feet.

But Natasha was his temporary teammate.

He had never sold out his teammates for the sake of profits — except for Deadpool, that lunatic who couldn’t die.

Luke stood up and quickly left the cafeteria. At the same time, he sent a message. “How much time do you have?”

Natasha said, “Not more than five minutes. Maybe less than two minutes.”

In fact, when she sent the message to Luke, the female agent had already used her exquisite acting skills to buy time.

If she didn’t, she would become a brainless person – who the hell knew if the bigshot would treat her if that happened?

On the other side, the Doctor watched as Dr. Binoche panicked and cried for mercy.

That alone wasn’t enough for the mad Doctor to stop.

As Natasha cried, she didn’t forget to mention key points of Dr. Binoche’s research to distract him.

After being injected with the nanomites, Dr. Binoche would definitely confess everything, but who knew how much would be missing.

Thus, after hearing something of interest to him, the Doctor’s mind turned into that of a scientist.

His hands, which were holding the nanomite injector, paused, before he put it down.

But neither Natasha nor Luke dared to relax.

There weren’t many key points in the information which they had obtained.

The Doctor was also a specialist in nanomite technology. Once he learned the key points, he would be able to experiment with the details himself.

If he really was interested in Dr. Binoche, he wouldn’t use the coercive nanomites right away.

It took half an hour for the nanomites to be implanted, but only ten seconds to inject them into the brain.

If the Doctor acted too quickly, Luke might not be able to get there in time.

As Luke swiftly left the canteen, he released his mental powers and soon found a woman — the female researcher who had a crush on White Shadow.

He paused and fought a fierce internal struggle with himself before he felt that he actually couldn’t do it.

Thankfully, as Mental Strength expanded outward, he found one of the other women from before on the other side of the canteen, the female guard.

Luke felt immensely relieved. Although this female guard wasn’t very suitable, he couldn’t be picky when it came to urgent matters.

Luke’s thoughts moved, and the female guard suddenly put down her knife and fork, got up, and went straight to the bathroom.

Before Luke retraced his steps, he went to an area without any surveillance cameras. He quickly turned invisible with his optical camouflage and then went to the same bathroom.

Ten seconds later, Luke, who had turned into the female guard, pushed open the door and went straight to the research division.

He moved quickly, which attracted a lot of attention.

As long as he wasn’t breaking any rules, however, most people in this base wouldn’t care.

Just like that, Luke reached the entrance of the research division without any trouble.

The two metal-faced guards at the door watched coldly as he approached the yellow line five meters away, and raised their rifles.

The female guard didn’t have the authority to come here, but she might have been sent by someone else to deliver a message.

In a situation like this, the female guard could only stand outside the yellow line and show proof.

Luke, who was in a hurry, didn’t have time. He raised his hands and threw out two daggers, which hit the two soldiers in the eye.

Even before the bodies fell, he reached the door and took out a black box. He pressed it to the panel at the door and activated it. josei

Metal tentacles shot out of the black box and pierced the interface to connect to the power supply.

He activated the arc reactor inside, and a low-grade EMP was released.

Most of the lights in the research division went out, including at the entrance where Luke was.

Luke put the black box away.

Then, he put on a pair of tactical goggles and some arm braces. He suddenly gripped the bottom of the door and pulled.

With a creak, the door to the research division was forced open to reveal a gap as wide as a person.

Luke darted inside.

The yellow emergency lights in the research division were already on.

No base would have electronic equipment that was all EMP-resistant.

If Luke hadn’t been afraid of destroying ‘his’ base, and had only used the lowest EMP setting, there would probably be more of these lights in the research division.

Even so, more than 80% of the division was dark. Ordinary people would only be able to see faint movements.

The people from Cobra would think that everyone else here was on the same side

Luke only had one teammate here, Natasha. She was tied to a lab bench inside the research division, and absolutely wouldn’t sustain accidental injuries.

In a flash, Luke knocked out seven or eight researchers who were running around, then tore open the elevator doors and jumped into the elevator shaft.

Before he landed, the braces he was wearing on his arms ignited to offset the impact.

The tactical goggles showed that the top of the elevator car was made mostly of metal, and there was no hatch in it.

A plasma whip appeared in his hand. With a light flick, the long whip spun around him in the narrow elevator shaft.

Intense white electricity sparked as the end of the plasma whip drew even circles under his feet.

The red circle on the top of the metal elevator car grew brighter and brighter until it finally dropped.

The white light on the plasma whip disappeared, and the whip wrapped around the cut-up circle before placing it down lightly.

Luke put the plasma whip away and dropped through the hole into the elevator car before he easily forced the doors open.

He scanned the hallway with his tactical goggles. There were a lot more concealed projectiles than last time. The defense system had clearly been activated.

Luke snorted and returned to the elevator.

Putting away his tactical goggles and his armor, he took out the black box again and pressed the button to activate it, and another low-grade EMP was released.

His Sharp Nose detected the smell of burning from the projectiles.

He went to the metal door at the end of the hallway and opened it.

Although they weren’t affected by the pulse, the remaining two guards at this last stubborn line of defense weren’t any stronger than paper.

Luke knocked them out. 20 seconds later, he charged into the lab where Natasha’s signal was coming from.

Opening the door and going in, he saw the Doctor swiping swiftly on the tablet in his hand to understand the situation and issue all sorts of emergency orders.

Hearing the door open, he subconsciously raised his head and met Luke’s eyes.

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