Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 2048 - 2048 How a Blackhearted Capitalist Is Created

Chapter 2048 - 2048 How a Blackhearted Capitalist Is Created

2048 How a Blackhearted Capitalist Is Created

Given the gaps in the Chitauri’s level of technology, Luke really didn’t dare use their ships for space travel – one mishap, and the ship would be destroyed. josei

On the other hand, the Dark Elves’ battleships could at least be considered second- or third-rate in the universe, and could ensure basic safety.

Even if they couldn’t beat the ships of other races in a battle, they could still escape with their first-rate stealth system.

For Luke, who had never been competitive, there was nothing better than being good at running.

Once he put together an Infinity Glove, he would be able to come and go freely in the universe.

At that time, the Bat Squad would be able to add space travel to their employee benefits. For example, taking Selina to space to look at the stars was a great idea.

Luke had also obtained abilities from defeating Malekith and the Kursed warrior. The most important ones had to do with knowledge, such as the history of the Dark Elves, how to use the Aether, and so on.

Conversely, there was really nothing to say about their combat abilities.

The Kursed warrior’s combat ability came from his unique physique. Elite generals were transformed by Kursed energy, and these Kursed warriors had very short lifespans.

Luke wasn’t too interested. After all, there weren’t many talented individuals on Earth to begin with, and even fewer who could die at his command.

Malekith’s method for controlling the Aether was interesting, and could be used as a reference point for making an Infinity Glove.

The real Infinity Glove could hold six Stones.

The six Stones also had different origins, which were very useful reference points.

Luke, who had gained a lot, wasn’t stingy.

Based on the contribution rates of the people in the system, he obtained a large number of team credit points, which he viewed as a work bonus.

Uncle Ivan, who was so poor that he cheated the Ursa Minor team members out of their credit points, finally paid off his debt, and even had a huge amount leftover.

Tony the tycoon looked at his seven-figure credit balance and felt rich.

It had to be said that Luke’s various aliases had quieted down in the last few years.

Apart from showing some muscle now and then to take down some underworld forces or secret research organizations, he rarely participated in ordinary missions.

Most of the experience and credit points he obtained every day were what the Bat Squad and Ursa Minor shared with him.

He spent less time on field operations and focused on research.

Compared with Tony’s lofty research results, which were hard to share, the ‘products’ which Luke developed were more down-to-earth.

Whether it was Luke himself, the team of imprisoned scientists in Space 2, or the kooky researchers at New Hope Research Institute, they had a completely different way of thinking compared with a tycoon who grew up in a rich family, and they came up with a lot of good stuff.

For example, the research results of Claudia, the plant woman in Space 2, included non-invasive body sculpting, cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery, while the research results of Ophelia, the nanotoxin expert, were combined with Luke’s Light of Life.

The initial research goal was to use nanomites with toxins to control and change a target’s body structure over a long period of time, but this couldn’t resolve the side effects of prolonged use.

Luke simply turned the nanomites into a single-use item for disposing fat, adjusting bones and removing spots and scars.

The entire process took an hour, and Luke only needed one minute to treat the effects with Light of Life.

The consumption of nanomites each time was immeasurable, but Luke only spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on manufacturing costs.

The services sold ranged from 20 to 200 credit points, and there was a lot of demand.

Even Tony had snuck over twice to trim his waist fat. In the tycoon’s own words — if the problem could be solved with credit points, why waste a few months exercising?

These services were open to the upper echelons, while the cost of treating unusual or terminal illnesses was even higher, ranging from hundreds to thousands of credit points.

Now, the upper class knew that money wasn’t as useful as credit points when it came to saving lives.

Black market transactions were as high as 500,000 dollars per credit point, which was five times the official price.

The bigshot who sold everything often told the upper class that money wasn’t as important as friendship.

With credit points, there was friendship.

No credit points? Just wash up and go to bed.

By slowly making people dance to his tune in this way, the bigshot became a fearful existence.

Many people could see how detrimental the bigshot’s expanding power could be. Many people wanted him dead, but even more wanted him alive.

After all, the bigshot never meddled in the enterprises or operations of the upper class. He only used credit points to buy some ‘conveniences’ or have these people keep quiet about certain things.

For example, Scott’s arrest warrant and criminal record were overturned through official channels.

Because of this, the major shareholders of the company that was the plaintiff and the judge all received 20 credit points each.

Based on the black market price, each side had obtained ten million dollars. In fact, they could exchange these 20 credit points for more benefits from other people.

They could use the points to escape a predicament or increase their vitality.

Even if they just kept the credit points, that was equivalent to keeping an ‘investment’ that could be exchanged for ten million dollars at any time, and there was no need to worry about being investigated by the IRS.

With the increase in the circulation of credit points, the Bat Squad had more ways to use them.

Given their fixed ‘salaries,’ the team members were like fish in water.

Ivan, this wanted criminal, was no exception. In any case, nobody would use their real ID to do anything.

He now looked for buyers and ordered all sorts of raw materials himself; he would only order a small number of rare supplies via the bigshot.

Luke was happy that his time had been freed up.

He had never been interested in being a general manager, even if it wasn’t hard for him.

But if he was the one who released the currency, why should he be the boss of the grocery store? That took up a lot of time and effort.

Now that a public space storage existed, Luke simply left the delivery of goods to the Bat Squad and Ursa Minor.

He just needed to move the supplies from his inventory to the public space storage before giving the corresponding team member access.

Doing a delivery was worth 5 to 10 credit points.

However, the members of the Bat Squad only accepted this sort of petty mission every now and then.

This was clearly pocket money for Ursa Minor’s youngsters. Apart from Ivan, that shameless guy, everyone else didn’t want to fight with the kids over this.

Just like that, not only did Luke become the boss behind the scenes, he also became a capitalist in the underworld.

The new technology which he and Tony released in the last two years was also one or two generations ahead of anything else on Earth.

There was also too much tech that grew outdated before they could be put to use; releasing a little every year was enough for them to consolidate their connections.

A month later, Tony and Luke made a breakthrough and repaired the first Dark Elf fighter plane.

The tycoon decisively refused to use this black product, and said that he would build a more beautiful ship that absolutely wouldn’t be black in color.

This was a jab at Knight’s products, which were mostly black and gray in color.

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