Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1014 - Dr. Jane Catches a Cold and Thor Is Detained

Chapter 1014 - Dr. Jane Catches a Cold and Thor Is Detained

Chapter 1014: Dr. Jane Catches a Cold and Thor Is Detained

The food which Luke had brought for Darcy and the others had been made on Christmas Eve. It was still “fresh.”

Darcy was stunned for a moment. “Wow, so much. I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.”

Luke smiled. “Then go wash up.”

Darcy suddenly came back to her senses. Thinking of what she had just said, she immediately turned around and ran off. “Okay, okay.”

Ten minutes later, Luke and Darcy sat opposite each other and chatted as they ate.

There was a reason why Darcy had been in such a bad mood when she woke up.

Last night, Dr. Selvig went crazy and pulled her outside to look at the stars, completely ignoring the fact that she was Dr. Jane’s student and not his.

Selvig, who couldn’t give Darcy any credit, was a super boring person in her eyes. Naturally, she didn’t want to pull a night shift with him.

What made her even more aggrieved was that it seemed Dr. Jane had dragged Thor into her room last night, and they hadn’t come out at all.

Darcy had taken the room on the left on the second floor, Dr. Selvig was in the middle, and Dr. Jane was in the room on the right.

Not even five minutes into stargazing, she had already figured out with her smart brain why Dr. Selvig had dragged her out.

After all, stargazing was much better than listening to what was happening on the other side of the wall at night. At the very least, it wouldn’t make her feel resentful.

She didn’t tell Luke any of this directly.

But from her expression and her words, Luke had a rough idea.

He didn’t feel anything about it.

That was a hammer! Any girl who ran into a super hormone generator like that wouldn’t be able to resist.

Fortunately, Darcy’s teacher beat her to it, and Darcy didn’t have any interest in Thor either, so she was in the mood to chat with Luke.

Soon, Dr. Selvig came downstairs as well.

He was a little stumped to see Luke, but he still greeted him with a smile.

He had a good impression of this helpful and gentle young man.

It was a good thing he didn’t have a wife, otherwise he would be thinking, “It would be nice to have a son like Luke.” josei

Half an hour later, Thor came down.

Looking at the man whose T-shirt was so tight, Darcy couldn’t help but murmur, “I was the one who said that he had a good body yesterday, but Jane...”

Cough, cough.” Dr. Selvig coughed decisively, interrupting the girl’s crazy talk.

Luke waved his hand. “Thor, want something to eat?”

Thor was clearly in a good mood, and went over with a smile. “Yes. I’ll bring some food upstairs for Jane.”

Looking at the puzzled faces of the three people in front of him, he remembered what Jane had said. “Well, she’s... she’s sick. I think she caught a... that’s right, a cold.”

He wasn’t familiar with that word, because he had never caught a cold before.

All three of them had “watch you spout rubbish” expressions on their faces as they let Thor take away half a pot of coffee and a lot of food.

When Thor’s footsteps rang out upstairs, Darcy said mockingly, “Sure she caught a cold. It was definitely because she didn’t wear ‘enough’ to sleep last night, and didn’t ‘cover’ herself properly with a blanket.”

Dr. Selvig coughed awkwardly and got up. “I’m going out for a walk.”

He felt suffocated.

It wasn’t that he also had designs on Jane, but that she was a great researcher, and had now been seduced by a handsome blond.

This was a major blow to Selvig’s passion for research.

Scientists also needed colleagues to encourage them to move forward. Having colleagues who could keep pace with them was as important as a detective having a partner they could rely on.

What was even more depressing was that it looked like there was a little of that going on with Darcy and the young detective. It seemed that this unreliable assistant was going to become even more unreliable.

Selvig was afraid that he would have to sleep in the jeep alone tonight to avoid a possible “two-pronged attack.”

Walking out, he couldn’t help but look back at the makeshift unit. Why don’t I move to the bottom floor tonight?

At that moment, Luke had figured out Jane’s plan from Darcy and Selvig.

They would stay here for another two or three days to observe the situation a little more before deciding again after that.

When Selvig said that, he looked as if his daughter had been kidnapped.

A few minutes later, Luke said goodbye. He told Selvig and Darcy that he was on a ranch not far away. If they needed food, water, or anything else, they could look for him there, while they could stay in this makeshift unit.

Selvig sighed when he heard that. This kid was really bright.

Darcy waved goodbye reluctantly.

Luke had given her his jacket earlier, which had been hiding his body.

As a fan of muscles, Darcy was naturally knowledgeable, and her good impression of Luke had increased by at least 20%.

Strong, sunny, and gentle. This bro’s very attractive! she mumbled inwardly as she watched Luke’s car leave.

Luke returned to the tool shed on the ranch and continued working. At eleven in the morning, his phone rang.

When he picked up, he heard Darcy’s anxious voice. “Um, Luke, can you help me?”

Luke said, “Calm down. What happened?”

Darcy said, “Thor beat up the FBI on the hill, and he’s now been detained. The FBI even took our files and equipment.”

Luke: “Huh?”

Why did they take the trio’s files and equipment? What was Phil doing?

Thinking for a moment, he said, “Tell Dr. Jane and Dr. Selvig that I’ll come over to take a look. Tell them not to act rashly.”

Darcy was right to look for him.

Law and order in a place like this didn’t work under the FBI, and the officers here had enough law enforcement power in their own jurisdiction. If necessary, they could go head to head with the FBI; the FBI didn’t necessarily want to offend local law enforcement.

Besides, this was Texas, and the police officers here weren’t easy to deal with.

Luke drove to the makeshift units, and Darcy immediately ran over. “Jane wants to kick up a fuss with the FBI. Dr. Selvig is trying to persuade her not to. I don’t know what to do, so I could only ask for your help.”

Luke put his hand on her shoulder and said, “Calm down. I’ll ask the questions, you answer them. I can only negotiate with the FBI after I understand the situation, understand?”

Hearing his words, Darcy suddenly felt much calmer, and her inexplicable panic basically disappeared.

Luke had used a little Elementary Pheromone Control to calm her down, otherwise panicked as she was, she would be all over her place with her words, and would never get to the main point.

Walking up the hill with Darcy, Luke asked about the situation.

The situation was clear in just a few sentences.

It was because Thor had wanted to see the hammer after breakfast.

Who knew if he had wanted to mourn his loss, or if he still hadn’t given up on trying to pull it out.

But yesterday, when he had been feeling despondent, a large number of people from Phil’s side had come, and there were more than a hundred of them. They completely sealed off the pit with barbed wire and plastic sheets.

Of course, Thor hadn’t been able to enter.

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