Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1024 - Test, and Self-Destructing In One Shot

Chapter 1024 - Test, and Self-Destructing In One Shot

Chapter 1024: Test, and Self-Destructing In One Shot

The rapier of thin, middle-aged Fandral erupted with all its strength as it was wrapped in energy like starlight. The energy turned into countless streaks of starlight that stabbed the Destroyer’s body like a falling galaxy.

The chain of the flail in Hogun’s hand extended and emitted white light as he swung it at the Destroyer’s head.

The bearded Volstagg also recovered his great axe. With a roar, he swung it at the Destroyer, his axe glowing with red light as it slashed wildly at the huge metal body.

Even Sif jumped down and pulled out the sword and shield that was on her back. With a shout, she swung her sword down. A golden arc of light shot out from the tip of the sword and struck the Destroyer in the back.

Luke: ...Alright, I won’t believe in movies anymore.

These few individuals didn’t even have many scenes in the movie. Now that they were going all out, the damage output was extremely terrifying, and it was even magic or energy damage.

There was only one truth — the budget for special effects wasn’t enough.

That was why this bunch were so third-rate in the movies, and their weapons were no different to what could be found on Earth.

Based on what Luke had seen so far, he would be at a disadvantage if he fought them with his 40 Strength and 20 Dexterity. Of course, that was only limited to head-on battles with cold weapons.

What Luke was truly good at wasn’t brute force, but a typical attack combo.

Although these people had fierce combat power, there was a clear division of labor.

Sif had both strength and agility, and balanced attack and defense; she was the stable type, with excellent technique.

The man with the rapier, Fandral, was clearly the agile type, with great skill and speed.

Hogun with the flail and Volstagg with the great axe were of the strong output type.

But Hogun was more selective in skill and timing when he attacked, while Volstagg’s great axe was just mindless hacking.

Besieged by the four, countless sparks immediately burst out of the Destroyer’s body, and there was the shriek of metal colliding.

It was over? Luke shook his head as he looked at the screen. The battle had only just begun. josei

Apart from Sif’s first attack, these subsequent attacks didn’t even break the Destroyer’s armor.

Of course, even if the armor was pierced, there might not be anything inside.

After all, it wasn’t a real android. It was more like a magical version of Asgardian steel armor.

Sure enough, in less than two seconds, the yellow light in the Destroyer’s face lit up again, and Loki’s cold laugh rang out. “Are you done? You traitors are always so incompetent and self-righteous.”


A yellow light beam shot out. Fandral’s expression changed, and he retreated behind a nearby cement block. A large hole appeared in the cement block, revealing the steel bars and steel plates mixed within.

Loki snorted unhappily. “That’s all you can do? That’ll only make your death more painful.”

The Destroyer’s body twisted and grew taller. It slowly pulled out the spear which was the main thing keeping it pinned down.

Then, under Loki’s control, it spun as it charged forward, its two palms swinging out at Volstagg and Hogun.

Clang! Bang!

Volstagg was once again sent flying dozens of meters by a swat from the Destroyer, landing on the edge of the cement maze.

Hogun decisively let go when the head of his flail was caught and he was spun around, but he was still thrown dozens of meters away.

At that moment, the Destroyer’s head lit up again as it turned toward Sif, who was backing away quickly.

Sif yelled a curse inwardly.

Regardless of whether the laser beam hit her or not, the Destroyer had made it impossible for her three companions to return in a short period of time. She would have to bear the full brunt alone.

She had no choice but to hold on! She gritted her teeth and raised the shield in her left hand to cover her upper body.



Suddenly, Sif’s extraordinary vision caught sight of a sharp, thin steel bar flying rapidly to strike the side of the Destroyer’s head.

There was a short but extremely unpleasant sound of metal colliding, which only forced the Destroyer’s head back less than five centimeters.

However, the beam it shot out missed its target.

Sif exulted and darted back into the concrete maze to buy herself time.

She believed that the Warriors Three would be back soon to back her up.

Furthermore, the Destroyer’s light beam attack needed to power up. She just needed to dodge any physical attacks in those two seconds.

In Asgard, Loki, who was sitting on the throne, was stunned. “What was that?”

He had never seen anything like it, since from memory, he had never heard of anything that could harm the skin of the Destroyer.

Frowning, he activated the Destroyer’s detection system, and immediately saw, dozens of meters away... an overturned pickup truck?

He had never paid much attention to Midgardian technology, but looking at the pickup that was practically falling apart, with broken parts and its four tilted wheels, it looked like it had... self-destructed?

I haven’t even used any strength and you’re already done for. What kind of operation is this?! Loki felt it was a little ridiculous.

What he didn’t know was that this was just a small once-off tool that Luke was using as a test. The pickup had immediately been knocked back by the recoil.

Loki sensed that there was no one near the car.

Remote control? Frowning, he expanded his detection range, and found a second, intact pickup a few hundred meters away, along with a man sitting in it.

Then... he stopped paying attention to this human.

An ordinary person from Midgard. Even if he attacked the Destroyer for ten thousand years, he wouldn’t be able to peel off the least bit of the android’s skin.

Ordinary humans were just ants in front of a god.

The Destroyer’s attention immediately turned to the Warriors Three and Sif.

These four people were the ones who could ruin Loki’s plan.

Luke shook his head and looked at the mark on the side of the Destroyer’s head. He now had a very clear sense of Asgard’s military strength.

The shot which the Destroyer took just now was an armor-piercing shell which Luke had modified. It could pierce through the armor of a tank.

However, when it hit the Destroyer’s head, it only made his head move a few centimeters; the Destroyer wasn’t hurt at all.

Thinking about how Odin had thrown this thing into the treasure vault as a guard, there was no doubt about its strength.

Ordinary Earth firearms would have the same effect on the Destroyer as a primitive man smashing an armored car with a wooden stick. The difference in strength was too great.

I should try those less “scientific” methods! Luke thought to himself as he rubbed the steering wheel and the button to fire.

On the battlefield, the Warriors Three and Sif regrouped, and began their attack.

This time, however, Loki stopped playing around so much. Operating the Destroyer, he suppressed them in less than ten seconds.

By the time the bearded Volstagg was once again sent flying by a slap across the face from the Destroyer, and Fandral, the man with the rapier, was once again forced back by the light beam, the remaining Sif and Hogun were under a lot more pressure.

Thor was beside himself, and he roared and tried to rush forward, but Volstagg crashed into him from the side and they rolled together.

Loki smirked and muttered to himself, “Haha, this is for pushing me around in the past.”

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