Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1028 - You Love Me Too, Right?

Chapter 1028 - You Love Me Too, Right?

Chapter 1028: You Love Me Too, Right?

They were trained at SHIELD to do everything they could to complete missions, but they weren’t taught to die for no reason.

SHIELD spent a lot of time and resources to train elite agents, and they weren’t in the habit of wasting the lives of agents.

Phil, who had just come around the other way down the hill, frowned.

SHIELD’s surveillance hadn’t picked up Luke’s first armor-piercing shell, so they hadn’t known how strong the Destroyer’s defense was.

Now that the Destroyer was unscathed by the rocket shower, Phil knew that he had no weapons on his side that could deal with the Destroyer.

“Stop,” Phil ordered decisively.

Loki frowned and checked the state of the Destroyer. He found nothing wrong, so he ignored the inexplicable “firework attack” and looked at Thor again. “Are these your reinforcements? You’ve been reduced to relying on Midgardians to save your life. How pitiful.”

Thor’s face darkened as he walked slowly toward the Destroyer. “No, they’re innocent.”

Loki grinned wickedly. “But they’ll die later, too.”

Thor: “I know you have complaints about me...”

Loki: “Heh, of course.”

Thor: “I know you’re unhappy with me...”

Loki: “That’s called contempt.”

Thor: “But you know how much Father and Mother love you.”

Loki fell silent.

Thor: “If killing me can make you stop, then come! Let us end this meaningless fight.”

As he spoke, he had already walked in front of the Destroyer. He spread his hands, indicating that he had no intention of resisting, and only looked up at the Destroyer’s lowered face.

The yellow light cannon flashed for a moment, then suddenly disappeared, and the Destroyer’s facial armor returned to normal.

On the side, the three heavily injured Warriors Three and Sif were relieved; it seemed that Thor’s words had worked.

After a moment of silence, the Destroyer turned around, as if to leave.

Thor: “Loki, you still love Father and Mother, don’t you? You also love me, your brother, right?”

The Destroyer’s body faltered, and it suddenly turned and swung its arm, sending a 270-degree backhand slap across the face.


The metal palm slapped the crown prince’s left cheek, producing a crisp sound.

With Luke’s dynamic vision, he could even see how Thor’s face twisted and his neck stretched before his body flew dozens of meters like a cannonball. He landed on the grass outside the pile of concrete blocks and rolled for more than ten meters before he fell to the ground. josei

The four friends: ...

Luke: ...

Phil: ...

Looking at Thor, who looked like he was dead, Luke found it strange. Did this count as a protagonist dying from talking too much?

Could it be that he had made his little brother so angry that the latter had killed him to silence him?

So, Sister Ji really loved this silly big brother? Was everything that had happened just a love-hate relationship?

The absurd thoughts flashed through Luke’s mind, but he didn’t move.

Thor was the protagonist! His father Odin wasn’t dead yet, so His Highness the Crown Prince couldn’t die.

The system also clearly said that Thor was in a [sealed] state. It wasn’t that easy for him to die.

The Destroyer floated upward as if it was weightless, and drifted toward Thor.

Everyone thought Loki was going to give an “eulogy” or something.

But the Destroyer stepped forward again and hit Thor. “You idiot. Who the hell loves you?”


Thor flew dozens of meters again and rolled a dozen more times on the grass.

Everyone: ... So, he was just twisting the knife.

The two eyes on the Destroyer’s visor flickered yellow for a few moments, as if to make sure Thor was dead, before it turned back to the pile of concrete blocks.

The faces of the Warriors Three and Sif were filled with despair, but no matter how hard they tried to get up and fight, they could no longer do so with their heavily injured bodies.

The Destroyer hadn’t gone easy on them at all just now, but they hadn’t died on the spot because of the strength of their “godly” bodies.

Looking at the four struggling companions, the Destroyer scanned them for a moment, before Loki chuckled.

The laugh was full of sarcasm.

Volstagg growled, “Kill me if you dare, or I’ll kill you sooner or later.”

Loki chuckled again. “Kill you? As if. I, Loki, the King of Asgard, hereby announce that you will always be traitors of Asgard, and will not be allowed to return until the day you die.”

After announcing this decision, he looked at the four angry people and felt extremely happy. “Aren’t you very loyal? Then, you will live in Midgard and guard that idiot Thor’s grave. I don’t know how you will feel when you see his tombstone every day, hahahaha!”

There was the sound of sobbing behind Loki, slightly disturbing his mood. He frowned and looked, only to see a woman crying as she ran toward Thor’s body.

Further away, the “small flea” had pulled another woman behind a large rock.

Luke looked at Darcy with a pained expression. “What are you doing here? Do you want to die?”

Darcy: “Dr. Jane wanted to come. I was afraid she would be in danger...”

Even if she said that, Luke could sense her curiosity.

Only this strong obsession could break through Luke’s safety training and make her come to watch the show.

But he didn’t have the patience or time to coax her now. He only said with a cold face, “The biggest danger is the two of you coming here. Now, shut up and stay still.”

Darcy stared blankly at the little detective who had suddenly turned tough. She wasn’t angry at all. Instead, she exclaimed inwardly, “This little brother is so manly now! I can’t take it, I love it!”

On the other side, Loki didn’t pay much attention to Luke. After all, he hadn’t really been able to damage the Destroyer from the beginning. At most, he was an annoyance.

Now Dr. Jane, who was still crying over Thor, was more attractive to him.

Should I send this strange woman to heaven with a single shot? This thought involuntarily surfaced in his mind.

Mm, it definitely wasn’t because he found this woman too noisy.

Women were too troublesome! Crybaby women were even more troublesome.

With a thought, the Destroyer’s visor opened, and the beam cannon began to power up again.

Dr. Jane didn’t notice the movement. She already couldn’t stop crying as she hugged Thor.

Seeing this, Luke cursed inwardly. This was Thor’s girlfriend. If she really died here, it would be hard to say if Thor would still come to Earth.

The point was, if Thor didn’t come to Earth to become a superhero, how was Luke going to get a complete list of Thor’s abilities?!

Luke pressed Darcy down on the ground and said, “Lie down and don’t move.” With that, he broke into a run, a Barrett already in his hand.


The light cannon in the Destroyer’s face suddenly dimmed.

Loki’s sneer fell.

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