Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1031 - Communication

Chapter 1031 - Communication

Chapter 1031: Communication

Among the SHIELD agents present, Phil was a level-six with the highest authority, while Sitwell was only a level-four.

Also, Phil was the person in charge of this mission, so Sitwell could only be considered a subordinate.

The bald agent, Sitwell, wasn’t actually brain-damaged.

It had been his plan from the beginning to cause trouble. He had thus brought a group of agents down here to court death, so that SHIELD would provoke these powerful aliens. It then wouldn’t be easy to resolve the ensuing blood feud.

Also, this would frustrate Phil’s efforts and hinder Nick Fury’s progress.

But now that everything had quieted down, Sitwell could no longer stir up trouble.

If he acted too overtly, Phil would definitely have him investigated by Internal Affairs when they went back, which would hold Sitwell back from doing a lot of things.

For now, this would only be considered an impulsive act. They had people in Internal Affairs. He just needed to go through the motions when he went back; he wouldn’t even need to admit his mistake.

Phil’s backer was Fury, but Sitwell’s backer was a third of SHIELD; who was afraid of who?

Thinking this, he silently shut his mouth.

Thor looked at Phil with a much better expression. josei

It couldn’t be said that he had a favorable impression of this smiling middle-aged man, but compared with the bald man, at least he didn’t hate the former.

Even when he had been questioned previously, this person’s attitude was only businesslike and didn’t insult the dignity of Asgard’s crown prince.

Hm, and this smile... Why did it look a little familiar?

Thor couldn’t help but look at the young man who was pulling his four friends out of the pile of concrete blocks tens of meters away.

He then turned around to look at the middle-aged man in front of him, and considered their names as well. After gaining some faint understanding, he immediately nodded. “Okay, then I’ll be frank...”

Luke didn’t really care what Phil and Thor talked about.

Phil was a good person. The only people who hated him were the bad guys. No one in the Avengers really hated him.

Even Tony, who was the most arrogant, got impatient with Phil, but not annoyed.

This kind of person was most suitable for communicating with others.

Luke focused his attention on the Warriors Three and Sif, especially Sif.

Of course, he never considered flirting with her.

However, she was the most likely Asgardian person he could establish friendly relations with. Who asked her to be the only woman among the five friends?

How high was Sif’s status?

If Thor inherited the throne, she would be the new King of Asgard’s most trusted general, and even the King’s closest leader of the guards.

This was something that many people who watched the movie wouldn’t have thought of.

However, after Luke met Sif and learned some things, he had some inkling.

Also, the moment Sif felt grateful toward him, the list of her abilities would be made available to Luke.

Presumably, this female warrior had Odin’s protection; it was very unlikely that the system wouldn’t be able to read and make her abilities available.

She also liked studying a little more than the war general Thor, so she should have more basic knowledge of Asgard.

After all, Thor was the future king. The king didn’t need to know too much about technology at the middle and lower levels; he just needed to grasp the core of power.

As the future king’s general, Sif must have more knowledge to be qualified for this position.

When Luke placed her on the flat, slanted surface of a concrete block, she thanked him, although her expression was gloomy.

Luke simply smiled. “No need to be down. As long as you’re alive, everything is possible. If you’re dead, you have no chance.”

Sif was stumped. “You...”

Luke pointed at the Destroyer’s broken body. “That thing was powerful, but you’re also strong. You don’t have to be discouraged.”

Sif understood. “Thank you.”

She almost thought that Luke was talking about Thor and Dr. Jane, who were hugging each other.

His words made her subconsciously think: Dr. Jane was only an Earthling, who would grow old and die in a few short decades. It was indeed unlikely that she would become an obstacle between herself and Thor.

However, Luke seemed to think that she was disappointed because the Destroyer had injured her.

This was a misunderstanding, but it was also a reminder.

She and Thor had a long road ahead of them still. She really didn’t have to rush.

Luke then brought out the Warriors Three.

These three were a little more wretched, but that was all.

In just a few minutes, they had recovered a little from their heavy injuries; at least, they no longer looked like they were about to die.

Volstagg even patted Luke’s shoulder. “Kid, you have the heart of a warrior. Although you’re weak, you’re a qualified warrior.”

Feeling the bones in his shoulder crack, Luke said with a bitter smile, “Go easy on me, or I won’t be able to keep my shoulder.”

Volstagg was stumped. Hogun, who had been the first to be brought out and laid down, laughed out loud. “This kid isn’t bad. He’s good with words.”

Fandral limped over with Luke’s support, using his sheathed sword as a crutch. “He’s not only brave, he’s also smart. Without him tonight, the Destroyer would have taken us down in no more than two minutes. In terms of brains, he can be your teacher.”

Luke was still smiling. “That’s probably because I’m too weak and can only use my brain. A strong man like Thor can defeat all his opponents as long as he faces them head-on.”

When he said that, the Warriors Three nodded in unison. “That’s right.” They all felt that this child’s words were really good.

Luke smiled.

These three and Sif were Thor’s friends and hardcore fans. It was better to praise Thor in front of them than to praise them.

After settling the four of them down, Luke looked at Darcy, who was cowering behind a concrete block, and waved at her.

She hesitated for a moment before she ran over. “Is there anything I can help you with?” Although she said that, her eyes kept sizing up the four people lying on the ground.

Luke said, “It’s fine; I was just telling you that you didn’t have to hide. They’re Thor’s friends. They won’t mind if you look at them.”

Daisy chuckled, and sure enough, her sidelong glances turned into a full scan.

Fandral was the one with the most romantic soul in the group. He laughed at the remark. “Your little girlfriend?”

Luke shrugged. “A friend. She’s Dr. Jane’s student.”

After hearing that, the four stopped paying attention.

Just pretend that the Midgardians who had no combat power and had nothing to do with them didn’t exist.

As they were chatting, on the other end, Thor and Phil soon came to an agreement.

Thor, who had recovered his divine powers, was full of confidence.

He had fought in the Nine Realms for countless years, and had learned many tricks of diplomacy. More importantly, Asgard was always the one that dominated.

He didn’t need to care too much about the other party’s thoughts. All he needed to do was couch his purpose in florid language, then make the other party accept it.

The fact was that he didn’t have any requests of Phil, and even showed him a lot of goodwill.

Apart from being blunt and not discussing anything, everything else was fine.

Phil didn’t have any opinions either, and even if he did, he could only hold it in.

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