Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1042 - A Running Snail Is Also Useful

Chapter 1042 - A Running Snail Is Also Useful

Chapter 1042: A Running Snail Is Also Useful

To describe Foggy’s behavior another way: he was courting death.

But Luke admired him.

Foggy was a good man with a bottom line and a sense of justice.

And this District Attorney Reyes was anything but pure.

Although a person who could sit in that position wouldn’t be pure, Reyes’s motive for participating in this case definitely wasn’t clean.

If Foggy was a blank piece of paper, Reyes was a pile of mud at the very least, if not a pile of sh*t.

But no matter how pure Foggy was, he could never be a blank piece of paper; Reyes’s heart hence couldn’t even compare with sh*t, and she stank.

Luke also made a note of this district attorney.

If Foggy and the others were dealt with in the future, he wouldn’t mind looking into Miss Reyes’s black history and prodding her.

Foggy’s firm was useful to him, while Miss Reyes was worthless.

It made sense.

After being called out, Reyes very reluctantly “allowed” Foggy and Matt to participate in the case.

She could settle scores later, but she really didn’t have the guts to use force now.

She was going to be a big shot; she didn’t want to be pulled down with Foggy.

Luke didn’t get involved in what happened next. He simply waved goodbye to Foggy and left with Selina.

The show was over, so it was time for them to leave.

He wasn’t afraid of Reyes. The D.A. wasn’t the head of NYPD, after all, and had nothing to do with him.

But Luke had learned what he needed to know. He wasn’t interested in getting involved in Reyes’s business. He could call Foggy when he had time later and find out everything.

Foggy was unlikely to keep a secret from a friend for the sake of the overbearing Reyes.

After they left the hospital, Luke called Elizabeth and asked her to check the surveillance cameras near Metropolitan General Hospital last night to see if they could find the suspect that Karen had described. If she had any information, she would let Luke know at dinner tonight.

Elizabeth asked, “Is Selina the one cooking? Her dishes and desserts are amazing. Even in my dreams, I want to eat them.”

Luke glanced at Selina and said decisively, “Yes, I guarantee that she’ll have made them by the time you arrive.”

After Luke hung up, Selina couldn’t help but ask, “Can you admit that you’re the one who makes everything? This is hard for me.”

The main thing was that she was only responsible for eating. She was embarrassed when bringing up the pig swill that she made. However, Elizabeth frequently praised her for her cooking skills and even said that she wanted to learn from her.

Fortunately, Elizabeth was too busy to learn. Otherwise, Selina wouldn’t know how to react.

Luke shrugged. “You’re responsible for pressing the buttons on the kitchen appliances today, so you can be considered to have made the food.”

Selina: ...Your words make sense, I actually can’t retort to that.

After a simple lunch, the two of them went to look for private surveillance cameras near the Metropolitan Hospital. They tried their best to get hold of surveillance footage from key locations after the crime last night.

Elizabeth could only check surveillance cameras installed by the police. There weren’t many of them, and they were conspicuously marked.

Anyone with just a little bit of professional knowledge would try their best to avoid them.

The truth was that the police surveillance cameras were specially placed around sensitive locations such as banks, fast food restaurants, and jewelry shops, as a deterrent against would-be criminals and to keep the crime rate down.

The possibility of the assailant appearing in police footage wasn’t high. However, the private surveillance cameras scattered in various discrete corners were difficult to avoid. They might have captured him.

As long as Luke brought the surveillance footage back, Little Snail would transfer it to the database for analysis.

At five in the afternoon, they returned to their home in the Clinton area.

Luke was responsible for processing the ingredients, while Selina was ultimately responsible for putting them into the smart kitchenware.

The two of them spent less than half an hour cooking dinner; it was more that they were resting and chatting, and made dinner in passing.

But Little Snail then sent out a notification: “Sir, a possible target has been identified.”

“So soon?” Luke was pleased. “You’re getting smarter, Little Snail. Do you want to change your name in the future?”

Little Snail: “What name?”

Luke asked, “Running Snail?”

Little Snail: “...There is no benefit in changing names in terms of efficiency. Sir, please quickly give an order.”

Luke said, “Alright, let’s stick to Little Snail.”

Xiao Wo: “Thank you, sir. Should I display the information on the possible target?”

Luke said, “Okay, pull it up. Let me see who it... is?”

When he saw the familiar middle-aged man on the virtual screen, he was stunned. “Frank Castle? Little Snail, are you sure?”

Little Snail immediately threw up another virtual image. “This is the image from a surveillance camera outside the hospital before the attack last night.”

Luke looked at Frank Castle, who had a long satchel on his back and was walking with his head down.

Although the person on the surveillance footage was covered up, Little Snail had a very effective identification program. Many factors were taken into consideration to produce an 89% match.

The long satchel Frank was carrying clearly contained guns.

When he recalled that the assailant had used a shotgun in the hospital last night, Luke couldn’t rule out Frank Castle even if he wanted to.

Moreover, this guy was an army veteran. These two attacks matched his M.O..

“What a surprise,” Luke murmured.

Selina also knew that Luke was looking for Frank Castle. When she saw the man in the picture, she frowned as she stuffed a cake into her mouth. “What are you going to do?”

Frank Castle had caused a huge stir last night, and the D.A. was now on this case. He was actually in a very dangerous situation; if things went wrong, all of NYPD would be hunting him.

Luke had Little Snail put away the virtual screen, and he returned to the living room with a plate of desserts. “I’ll go out in the next few days to look for this old army comrade of Robert’s. If possible, I’ll tell him to leave New York as soon as he can.”

The people Frank had killed were gang members who were either drug traffickers or used brutal methods; Luke certainly wasn’t going to condemn him for that.

However, it was too easy for Frank to be targeted if he stayed in New York. He had to be sent away. josei

Elsa and Elizabeth arrived in the same car an hour later.

Only Elsa got drunk at dinner that night.

The other three had just returned after going home for the holidays and enjoying themselves.

Only Elsa, who remained in New York on her own and worked through Christmas, needed to find a way to relax.

Elizabeth then drove Elsa home.

What surprised Luke was that Elizabeth had also discovered traces of Frank Castle.

However, it wasn’t near the hospital. Instead, Frank had appeared on surveillance cameras near the warehouse where the Irish gang had been wiped out.

Luke didn’t say anything, but asked Elizabeth to keep this information a secret.

Elizabeth didn’t ask any questions and agreed readily.

She trusted Luke completely. Otherwise, she wouldn’t be so conscientious when it came to a private matter like this.

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