Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1044 - The Main Business of a Private Investigator?

Chapter 1044 - The Main Business of a Private Investigator?

Chapter 1044: The Main Business of a Private Investigator?

Even so, Luke was still able to earn a hundred experience and credit points in two or three hours.

These points were mainly from Harlem. There was a big problem with security in this area.

It didn’t have a nickname like Clinton’s “Hell’s Kitchen,” but it had just as many cases of petty theft and fights.

For the last few days, Luke had been in the mood to hunt two-bit creeps, so he would definitely come here.

A hundred experience and credit points a night wasn’t a lot, but if he came every day, he could earn at least three to four thousand experience and credit points a month. That wasn’t a small amount.

More importantly, there was no end to the experience and credit points here.

It was impossible to seriously injure all the hooligans through these small scuffles.

It wasn’t to the point of slapping a person for running a red light, for example.

After a few days, a new urban horror legend began to spread in Harlem.

Many hooligans said that they had bumped into a ghost at night. Furthermore, this ghost was inclined toward justice, and would knock them out when they were stealing or robbing.

Every time, they would wake up after a few minutes. Their heads would ache a little and they would feel a little faint, but they weren’t injured. It was as if they had been possessed by a ghost.

Of course, these people actually had small red dots on their heads from where they had been knocked out by little metal balls.

However, because of the lack of personal hygiene, these people didn’t notice the red dots, which made it seem more like a ghost story.

Luke wasn’t clear on this matter, mainly because this rumor was too low-level for Little Snail to collect information on.

That night, he went to Harlem as usual. When the car drove past a small street, he frowned and looked at the fake phone on the dashboard, which was feeding him images from the external surveillance camera.

He adjusted the camera and saw a person sitting on a fire escape on the third floor, holding a large professional camera and clicking away.

What Luke hated the most was being photographed, so he didn’t like people snapping away nearby.

The surveillance program was very sensitive toward these sorts of covert photographers, which was why it had detected this person.

Besides, this was New York after eight o’clock on a winter night.

There were no street lamps on this street. If the flash wasn’t used on ordinary cameras, they wouldn’t be able to capture anything.

Professional paparazzi? Luke’s frown deepened.

After parking the car in a small alley not far away, his expression changed. He picked up his backpack and walked into the apartment building on the side.

The person on the third floor put down the camera, picked up the vodka on the side, and took a big gulp.

On the second floor opposite, a burly black man seemed to be thinking about something in front of the window, until he was embraced by a hot black girl.

The person couldn’t help but take another mouthful of alcohol.

“So, this is your main profession.” A faint voice suddenly sounded not far above her head.

She spat out her drink. At the same time, she quickly looked up, and saw a figure wearing a grayish-black hoodie walking down the fire escape.

She raised her hand and wiped her mouth with her sleeve before narrowing her eyes to size up this person. She recalled that familiar voice, and her expression changed. “It’s you?”

Luke walked down and took off his hood so that she could see most of his face. “Miss Jones, long time no see. You’re still as dedicated as ever.”

Jessica Jones subconsciously looked at the camera beside her and the vodka, and was suddenly a little stumped. “H- how did you find me?”

Luke sat down on the stairs next to her and looked at the window opposite. “I was just passing by, but I noticed someone on the third floor with a professional camera. You must know how dangerous my job is. I thought you were taking pictures of me.”

At this point, he paused and pursed his lips with a teasing expression. “I didn’t think you would take on this sort of ‘traditional’ work.”

In the room on the second floor diagonally opposite, the man and woman were already leaning against each other, their expressions and actions very intimate.

Jessica opened her mouth. “...Whatever you say.”

Luke shrugged, then handed her a bag from his backpack. “Don’t just drink. Have some snacks too. Otherwise, your job is very boring.”

Jessica stared blankly at the Chinese characters on the packaging. “What’s this?”

“Squid.” Luke said, “If you don’t like it, this one’s fine too.”

He took out another bag from his backpack and stuffed it into her hands. josei

Jessica looked at the packaging, which still had Chinese words on it. “What is this?”

Luke said, “It’s spicy. It’s fun to eat them when you’re bored. They’re like spicy chips.”

As he spoke, he took out a lollipop and unwrapped it. Just as he was about to stuff it into his mouth, he suddenly turned to look at her. “Or, do you prefer lollipops?”

In less than a second, there was a third item in Jessica’s hand.

After hesitating for a moment, she still chose to open the squid, and stuffed one into her mouth.

It tasted neither bad nor good, but after taking another sip of the vodka, it was alright.

“Want to talk about this job?” Luke pointed at the camera she had placed on the other side.

Jessica paused, but she couldn’t help herself. “Actually, it’s not really a job.”

“Huh?” Luke was confused.

Jessica said, “It’s kind of... personal.”

Luke looked at the tall and strong black man and asked, “You have a crush on him? But you shouldn’t go so far as to take private photos of them.”

Jessica shot him a dirty look, but she couldn’t help saying, “That’s not his girlfriend. She’s a married woman.”

Luke said, “So, it is a job?”

Jessica sighed, and suddenly wanted to tell him everything that had been bothering her.

After hesitating for a long time, she dismissed the thought in the end, and changed the subject. “Why is it that after talking to you last time, I now dream less at night?”

Luke knew what she was referring to.

It was nothing more than a combination of Mental Communication and Basic Hypnosis. He had also borrowed the overflow of power from when his Mental Strength broke 40 to brainwash her.

Although it wouldn’t cure the root of her problem, it would blunt her mental issues for a short period of time.

Luke had come running over to observe the mental state of this test subject and to evaluate the effects of the previous treatment.

Furthermore, he had also learned Kilgrave’s Elementary Pheromone Control.

But he wasn’t Kilgrave. Whether it was money or looks, he had ample resources for attracting girls.

He only used this ability when handling cases.

At most, he would only use a small amount of his power on other women so that they would develop a favorable impression of him. He was very cautious when using it.

And Jessica herself was the victim of this ability. Then, what if he used this ability to treat her psychological trauma?

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