Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1052 - Bound, and Naive

Chapter 1052 - Bound, and Naive

Chapter 1052: Bound, and Naive

The eight members of B Team struggled as they tried to yell.

However, they were muffled by the tape over their mouths. They were pressed tightly together by the rope around them, which made it difficult for them to exert any strength.

In the command vehicle, the captain didn’t hear anything. He was anxious. “A Team, what’s the situation? Are there any casualties in B Team?”

His words woke up the members of A Team, and one of them quickly replied, “Negative, Captain, they should be fine.”

Captain: “What about the assailants? Did they catch them?”

The team member looked conflicted. “Negative.” It was their teammates who were ‘caught’ instead.

They were tied up in a pile and had even been gagged.

Five minutes later, the team captain and Reyes’ faces were ashen as they looked at the group of ESU members in between the containers.

Reyes unclenched her fists and suppressed the urge to curse. She looked coldly at the ESU captain beside her and said, “If all ESU members are at this level, I really suggest that you guys go back to the police academy.”

With that, she turned around and left.

Behind her, the ESU captain looked extremely embarrassed, but he couldn’t say anything to refute her.

In front of him, only half of the eight members of B Team were up. The other four were still lying down.

The rope around them was extremely strange. Cutting it once didn’t necessarily allow them to escape. They had to cut it several times.

However, the rope wasn’t thin, and was a little difficult to cut through.

After confirming it was safe, Reyes came over and saw the four ESU members lying on the ground like lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

She didn’t curse on the spot; it wouldn’t make a difference.

After a few yells, the eight fully armed police officers had been tied up like dumplings.

What was even more unacceptable was that it was a single assailant, who had only taken ten seconds and a couple of long ropes to restrain them and truss them up.

She really wanted to ask: Are all the people in ESU dead pigs?

No, no! Even a dead pig wouldn’t be trussed up so quickly.

However, Reyes wasn’t as angry as she appeared. Rather, she was more... afraid.

Not only was that person alive, he might even have a powerful accomplice. What should she do? Reyes was filled with worry.


On the other side, Luke was carrying a twitching Grote, who had gotten the electric shock treatment, as he ran through a small alley.

Grote couldn’t move, but he had regained his senses. He was even more terrified when he saw Luke flying past the obstacles in the alley as if they were on flat ground.

“Let, let me go. I beg... ugh, ugh, ugh...” Grote only got halfway through his words before he passed out from another electric shock.

Luke pursed his lips. How could scum like this dare beg for mercy?

If it wasn’t because Frank seemed to have a use for Grote, Luke would have shot him in passing at the docks and killed him neatly.

Seven or eight minutes later, Luke arrived at the bar Frank had mentioned and went straight to the rooftop opposite.

Frank had driven a car back, arriving two minutes earlier than Luke, and was now... tying Matt up.

He was using chains, however, as he tied Matt to a pipe on the roof.

When he saw Luke return with Grote, he simply nodded and began to pack up his equipment.

Luke surveyed the large boxes covered by canvas on the roof, all of which contained guns and ammo. He couldn’t help but ask, “What are you going to do with so many weapons?”

Frank said, “The Firebird Bar across the street is an important den for the Dogs of Hell.”

Luke said helplessly, “Do you have to cause such a big fuss? Besides, didn’t I say that I would help you look into it? Why did you risk going to the docks tonight?”

Frank said nothing as he continued fiddling with his rifle.

Luke thought for a moment, then walked over to Matt. “He’s awake. Don’t you have anything to say to him?”

Matt shook his head and looked up at him. “Puncher, you’re with him?”

Luke shook his head. “I’m just helping him out for the moment.”

Matt said angrily, “You actually helped him with the massacre? Those are all living beings.”

Luke said, “I never met him before this. I just saved the two of you tonight to prevent him from being silenced and getting you dragged into it.”

Matt froze. “Silenced?”

Luke turned to Frank and said, “Samantha Reyes was the mastermind behind that operation, and she was also the one who wiped clean the files. So, it’s possible that she wanted to use the ESU to kill you tonight and make that incident disappear completely.”

Frank paused. “Got it.” He then started checking his firearms again.

Matt was confused. “What’s going on?”

Luke was still looking at Frank. “Do you want to tell him, or should I?”

Frank remained silent with a cold face.

Luke knew that it was tacit permission, so he turned around and told Matt what happened in the park over a year ago.

Matt was stunned for a long moment before he spoke. “But you can’t just kill indiscriminately like that, right? You can go through legal channels —”

Frank sneered. “Naive.”

“There won’t be an investigation. If an investigation is carried out, Reyes would be held accountable for the operation, and so would her subordinates.” Luke shook his head. “Also, more than eighty gangsters in the park opened fire that day before they ran away. There’s no way to check whether they were the ones who dragged civilians into it.”

At that point, he gestured at Frank. “Either he gets rid of those b*stards in one go, or he lets the person who murdered his wife and children get away scot-free.”

Matt’s mouth dropped open, and for a moment, he didn’t know what to say.

This was reality.

Although not all of those eighty-plus gangsters would have shot at Frank’s family, they were all participants.

It was the big fight between them that had killed Frank’s family.

It didn’t really matter who the actual murderer was; they were all murderers who had caused this tragedy.

However, the law required evidence.

Even the three gangs themselves wouldn’t know who had killed Frank’s family, let alone the police.

Appealing to the law was the same as giving up.

The law wasn’t omnipotent, and there was no way to give his wife and children justice. josei

Tell Frank to let it go? Matt knew that wasn’t likely.

A harmonious and beautiful family was instantly reduced to one person; how could anyone let that go?

Even Matt himself had only lost his father. Frank, on the other hand, had lost his wife and children in a horrible way.

Frank stood up, walked over to Grote, and kicked him in the thigh.

Grote screamed; he was already awake.

However, Luke had already tied his hands and feet with rope, so he could only struggle on the ground.

Matt couldn’t help himself. “What are you doing? He just steals cars and peddles some drugs.”

Frank glanced at him. “Really?”

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