Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1054 - Interrogation, Harvest, Luck

Chapter 1054 - Interrogation, Harvest, Luck

Chapter 1054: Interrogation, Harvest, Luck

Frank watched Grote disappear into the darkness and couldn’t help but ask, “Are you really letting him go?”

He didn’t want to let go of such scum, not to mention that Grote had heard a lot of their conversation. It would be easy for him to spill the beans.

Luke glanced at him and said, “I’m not interested in arguing with Red about who’s right or wrong. Just let him go. I’m a man of my word.”

Frank frowned. “Are you serious?”

Luke shrugged. “I don’t want Red to become like us, so there was no need to kill Grote earlier.”

Frank: ...People like us? What do you mean by that?

As for Grote, Frank didn’t really care. He would kill him the next time he encountered him.

Luke didn’t want to talk about such a petty matter. He took out a side mirror from his backpack and then gave Frank a wireless earpiece. After explaining how to use it, he signaled for the operation to begin.

“Leave the unrelated people to me,” Luke said.

“Got it,” Frank said simply. The two of them moved quickly and broke through the main entrance of the Firebird Bar.

He was in charge of leading the assault, while Luke provided backup.

All the targets were marked out on a map project into Luke’s lenses, thanks to the mini drone that had infiltrated earlier. The red dots were the enemy, the yellow dots were unrelated individuals, and the green dot was his teammate.

It was similar to the X-ray vision cheat which players used in games. josei

Frank had never played with such high-tech equipment before, but he had used equipment with similar, albeit inferior, functions many times, so he could use Luke’s equipment with ease.

Ta! Ta!

Frank didn’t say anything as he rushed through the door, raised his hand, and shot two guards who were smoking lazily inside.

The map indicated that his shots were fast and accurate.

Luke casually followed behind him and collected the two bodies.

It would be too easy to find these two bodies if they were near the door. It was better to put them away first.

After entering the door, he locked it with a metal chain. For the time being, no one would be able to escape through this door, making it easier for them to take action.

He moved quickly, following Frank into a lounge. He saw several people looking over.

Seeing the gun in Frank’s hand, their expressions changed drastically. They opened their mouths to shout.

But Frank had already raised the gun in his hand.

Ta ta ta ta ta!

A few guys who stood up and wanted to hide were the first to fall.

Frank took care of them first.

Luke had two guns in his hands.

They moved at high speed, and the sound of something like a nail gun rang out.

Ta ta ta ta ta!

The second group of people who wanted to get up were shot in the chest and fell down.

The first group had been Frank’s handiwork, while Luke took this second group down one by one.

Their reflexes couldn’t compare with how fast Luke’s guns were.

Frank didn’t hesitate to empty his clip. As he hid in a corner and changed clips, he couldn’t help but mutter to himself, This kid seems much stronger than that weak chicken Gray Rabbit.

As this thought flashed through his mind, he reloaded the gun in his hand and reached out.

Ta ta ta ta ta!

The three criminals who had been the slowest to stand up and turn around collapsed. No one in the lounge moved anymore.

Luke was holding a silencer in one hand, and in the other was a special tranquilizer gun which he used to take down people who didn’t belong to the Dogs of Hell.

Most of them passed out before they could even see Luke and Frank clearly.

Luke signaled for Frank to head into the back and clean up the last of the gang members.

After Frank disappeared, Luke took out his fake phone for a look. He then walked to the bar counter and found a surveillance camera. He dismantled it, along with the storage drive, and threw it into his inventory.

He then started to clean up the place.

All the heavily wounded bandits were shot, and their bodies were put away.

He removed the tranquilizers from the unrelated individuals, and left them sleeping where they were.

Of course, there were only seven or eight of them.

All the blood at the front door was directly absorbed and broken down by a special cleaning fluid. Then, Luke collected the white powder that was formed from the mixture of the cleaning fluid and blood.

Everything happened very quickly. Within five minutes, the entire bar returned to normal.

Except for the fact that the Dogs of Hell had lost more than twenty members, it looked like nothing had happened in the bar.

Frank was just as quick.

With Luke’s help and useful equipment, he easily wiped out the gangsters in the back.

Luke cleaned up the bodies and the scene before he entered a large room.

Inside, Frank had started his old business again — beating up criminals for information.

The dull sound of flesh being hit, coupled with his low and cold voice ringing out now and then, filled the large room with an oppressive and violent aura.

The leader was barely breathing. He could only say, “I don’t know. I already said that the Irish gang found us. They didn’t tell us the identity of the seller.”

“Name!” Frank punched again. “He should at least have a name.”

“No, the Irish gang said that we would find out when the deal was made,” the leader said weakly, “but something went wrong before it happened. Someone from the three parties made a move. We had no idea who the seller was.”

“Which party was it that made the move first that night in the park?” Luke interrupted.

The leader replied, “I don’t know. We checked after we came back. It wasn’t any of our men. However, someone said that it was the Mexican cartel who fired first.”

Exchanging a look with Frank, Luke raised his hand and gestured for him to go ahead.

Frank grabbed the man’s head, pressed it against the coffee table, and stomped down.


The man’s neck cracked, and the target turned stiff and stopped moving.

“Let’s go,” said Frank.

Luke said, “Wait.”

As he spoke, he walked over to a small fridge and gave it a push. The fridge moved to the side to reveal a safe.

Frank frowned. “Don’t waste time. We don’t have a key or a passcode.”

“Give me twenty seconds.” Luke had already taken out a tool and stuck it into the keyhole. He jiggled swiftly a few times, and once it was fixed in place, he started to turn the dial.

In less than ten seconds, the safe door opened with a click.

Frank: “...Gray Rabbit taught you?”

Luke was surprised. “He knows how to do this?”

The corners of Frank’s mouth twitched. “Yes.”

In fact, Gray Rabbit wasn’t half bad at opening safes, but his luck was pretty bad.

The first time he opened a safe, there was only a little money inside, and the other documents it contained had nothing to do with their mission.

The second time he tried to steal something in passing, he almost triggered a bomb in the safe. After that, no one dared let him open a safe again.

Most of their targets weren’t ordinary gangsters. It was normal for them to have bombs in their safes.

No one dared let Gray Rabbit demonstrate his skill at opening a safe, for fear that he would send everyone to heaven one day.

Because of this, a certain Gray Rabbit was very depressed and said that the heavens weren’t giving him a chance to get rich.

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