Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1060 - Cleaning Up, and ‘Blacksmith’ Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1060 - Cleaning Up, and ‘Blacksmith’ Behind the Scenes

Chapter 1060: Cleaning Up, and ‘Blacksmith’ Behind the Scenes

Still worried, Luke said, “Don’t be too loud.”

Frank wasn’t a gentleman. The guards outside hadn’t been cleared up yet, and the Ghost Butcher wasn’t in the habit of letting his opponent get off a shot.

Frank flexed his wrists. “Don’t worry. I’ll leave him one last breath and then ask him questions.” josei

How meticulous! Fine, then Luke should be the same. Satisfied, he took out plastic bags and wrapped them around the four criminals’ heads so that he wouldn’t leave bloodstains behind, before he dragged them by their legs out of the warehouse.

Frank’s cold voice echoed in the warehouse behind him. “You said you wanted to burn my eyeballs? Don’t worry, I won’t be so direct. Look at your hands. They’re stained with my blood. Come, let me wash them for you.”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! The sound of a butane torch rang out.

The boss of the Irish gang let out a series of screams, which were muffled by the shirt in his mouth.

Luke contacted Selina.

She and Gold Nugget had knocked out the guards in front of the warehouse.

Luke told her and Gold Nugget to pack up and go home while he pushed back and killed the guards on the perimeter.

He didn’t want to force Selina to kill someone. Killing someone on a private assignment could easily trigger psychological problems.

Gold Nugget didn’t have any psychological issues, but Luke didn’t want it to develop a habit of guileless killing. Unless it was a special situation, it wasn’t allowed to kill.

It was still better for him to wrap things up himself.

It had been about twenty minutes since everything was packed up.

Luke walked back into the warehouse and saw Frank interrogating the boss.

The shirt was gone from the boss’s mouth, but his voice was hoarse, and he had no strength to shout.

Luke returned without interrupting Frank and allowed him to continue.

Not only did this idiot boss attack Frank, he even threatened to kill his dog.

There were some dogs you couldn’t touch.

John Wick was in the front, and Frank Castle wasn’t far behind.

After this, there wouldn’t be many survivors of the Irish gang left.

At the very beginning, Frank had killed seven or eight of them. Then, 15 had been taken down in one go a few days ago. Today, 27 more had died in this warehouse.

More than fifty people had died, including the two bosses.

Luke had crippled the former boss’s hands and turned him into Swiss cheese.

The current boss was the one in front of him. He was also the brother of the former boss.

When his younger brother died, he took advantage of the situation to take over. In the end, he had only sat in this position as leader for a few days before he was sent off to accompany his younger brother. It could be said he was an expert at courting death.

After another ten minutes or so, Frank ended the interrogation and raised his gun.


The boss of the Irish gang had a hole in his head.

Only then did Frank breathe heavily and lean against the table.

He was badly injured from the interrogation just now. These Irish gang members hadn’t planned to let him live. He had broken four or five ribs, and a concussion was inevitable.

Now that he had killed the other party, the savagery in his chest had eased a little. He felt intense pain all over his body and his vision turned black.

Luke helped him lie down on the table. “I’ll treat your wounds and get you out of here. You should rest first.”

Frank grunted and slowly released his tightly clenched fists as he fell into a semi-conscious state.

Luke shook his head and administered a tranquilizer to his neck. Then, he took out his medical kit and treated Frank’s wounds before setting his ribs.

If it wasn’t for his injuries, Frank would have given the leader a good beating — it wasn’t his style to use a butane torch.

After dealing with Frank’s injuries, Luke cleaned up the center of the warehouse and took Frank to an old car which belonged to the Irish gang. He then sent Frank to the nearest safe house.

It was late by the time he returned to the lab. Selina was watching a video.

It was a recording of Frank interrogating the new boss of the Irish gang; there was no need to waste time asking about it.

After washing up, Luke came out refreshed, and asked, “How did they find Frank?”

He was rather puzzled about this.

After all, he had looked for Frank for almost a month before he found any trace of him.

Frank was good at hiding his tracks. He shouldn’t have been found so easily.

Selina ate a mouthful of yogurt and said, “In the end, I interrogated two criminals. They said that the previous boss was going to make a big deal in the next few days, and had 3 million dollars on him. After Frank killed them, he took the money. The new boss wanted to get the money back and continue with the deal, so he told the other party that he was going to look for Frank. In the end, they really found him.”

Luke was lost for words. No wonder Frank didn’t care about more than 200,000 dollars; however, it still wasn’t the safest when it wasn’t his own money, since he couldn’t guarantee the original owner wouldn’t come knocking.

Thinking this, he was still a little uncertain. “Would Frank be taken off guard?”

Selena sighed. “Those two guys said they surrounded Frank. Dozens of guns were pointed at him, but he didn’t even notice. He was probably distracted.”

She didn’t say why Frank would be distracted; she and Luke both knew.

It hurt to reminisce about the past.

In the face of the tragic deaths of his wife and children, this man with steel-like willpower couldn’t remain vigilant.

After a brief silence, Selina changed the subject. “However, the Irish gang boss knew who the supplier is.”

“Who?” Luke was very interested in this person.

It was this seller who had initiated this deal, taking away all of Frank’s hopes and destroying his life.

Selina said, “It’s just a nickname; he’s called Blacksmith. He hasn’t been seen since the battle in the park. A few days ago, he suddenly contacted the Irish gang to make a deal. Only a few executives of the Irish gang knew about it.”

Luke was lost in thought. “What a coincidence. He appeared just when Frank did?”

Selina nodded. “I think it’s too much of a coincidence. But what does Frank have to do with a drug lord like this? He’s not from the DEA.”

Luke shook his head. “Robert mentioned that they used to carry out missions in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. It’s the Golden Crescent.”

Selina asked, “Then how are we going to find Blacksmith? The time and location of the transaction hasn’t been confirmed. This Blacksmith is very cautious, and he has the initiative in this transaction.”

Luke chuckled. “No hurry. I’ll ask Frank when he wakes up.”

Selina asked, “Huh?”

If Frank knew who this person was, why was he focused on killing the three gangs? Could it be...

Luke had a guess, but didn’t dwell too much on it.

Once the truth came out, he could verify his guess then.

After that exchange, one went to train and one went to work.

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