Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1083 - Appetizer and the Official Battlefield

Chapter 1083 - Appetizer and the Official Battlefield

Chapter 1083: Appetizer and the Official Battlefield

Boogeyman John didn’t look like he was in a desperate situation at all, but more like he was mocking the crowd. I killed more than twenty of you easily, while you couldn’t do anything to me!

Motivated by the bounty, and embarrassed and angry, their eyes turned a little red.

Even though many people remained calm, they gritted their teeth and chased after Luke, unwilling to give up.

After everybody left, two old Ford vans arrived.

The doors opened, and a dozen men in cleaning gear got out.

They took out various cleaning tools and body bags and got to work around the villa. In less than half an hour, all the bodies had been collected.

This time, they moved more than twenty bodies.

In fact, seventeen other hitmen had completely disappeared without a trace.

The cleaners didn’t know that they were dead, and neither did the hitmen. josei

Luke, on the other hand, was feeling elated as he looked at his rapidly increasing experience and credit points.

Thanks to Luke’s nagging, the system didn’t consider the hitmen as a collective tonight, but gave him a notification every time he killed one.

Forty hitmen had already given him more than 10,000 experience and credit points.

And that was just the appetizer.

The best battleground for the Boogeyman had never been open spaces.

The villa, for example, was surrounded by dozens of meters of empty lawn. In the face of fully equipped hitmen, even Elementary Self-Healing wouldn’t be of much use.

Luke relied completely on his stealth suit to slink around.

But if he did this too much, the hitmen’s morale would quickly collapse.

After all, if Luke killed hundreds of them when they couldn’t even catch a trace of his shadow, only a lunatic would dare come and court death.

Thus, he had to direct them to the battlefield most suitable for the Boogeyman so that they couldn’t keep track of the deaths of their comrades.

And that battlefield was Harlem.

If there were more attackers, he would gradually move north.

And further down was the Clinton area, which he wanted to avoid.

Lawyer Matt’s “night” life had been a little full lately, and Luke didn’t plan to let him disrupt things; it would be bad if he got a concussion again.

With a deafening rumble of engines, more than twenty cars rushed into Harlem.

On the way, more cars would appear every now and then. These hitmen had received real-time mission notifications, and came to intercept Luke, but nobody could stop him.

Many hitmen cursed. “F*ck, who’s giving us this rotten information?! Why did no one mention the Boogeyman’s driving skills? How are we supposed to chase him?”

It wasn’t long before they stopped cursing.

The Dodge Challenger, which was speeding along the street, was finally hit by a car from the side and flung into an alley.

The convertible that had stopped the Dodge Challenger charged out, and two people forced their way into the alley.

By the time they reached the Dodge Challenger, it was already empty and smoking under the hood.

Looking at each other, they carefully split up and quickly ran deeper into the alley.

They were very fast, but their steps were practically soundless, which showed that they were far more professional than ordinary hitmen.

A few seconds after they entered the alley, two cars arrived almost at the same time.

One person got out of one car, and two people got out of the other. They looked at each other and nodded, as if they had wrapped up some discussion.

The gist of it was basically: Each side relied on their own abilities and wouldn’t attack each other.

It wasn’t because they were all on the same page, but because this mission had been assigned by someone attached to the High Table.

If someone became a hindrance during this mission, allowing the Boogeyman to escape, it would be reported to all the participants.

By then, even if the Boogeyman wasn’t dead, the hindrance certainly would be.

The Boogeyman’s track record was also made public as part of the information on him.

For example, John had killed hundreds of people in a mission a few years ago.

Also, John clashed with the head of the Tarasov family last month, and more than a hundred people from the Tarasov family died.

Two days ago, John killed more than seventy people at D’Antonio’s estate, and was heavily wounded in the process.

It was unrealistic to rely on someone who would drag his peers down and wanted to hog the bounty for himself.

The best chance still was that they could only rely on luck and try to kill John when he was in a tight spot.

The hitmen who were confident in their own abilities and were happy to hear about John’s severe injuries didn’t hesitate and joined the chase.

After they entered the alley, more hitmen arrived.

Seeing the cars that had been abandoned at the mouth of the alley, everybody understood.

This was the slums of Harlem.

Old apartment buildings were everywhere and the streets were narrow.

They couldn’t drive fast enough here; you could even run on foot through a small gap or take a small lane to detour around and block the car.

No wonder the Boogeyman had abandoned the car and run.

It would be very hard to find him once he hid here.

But most of the hitmen still chose to enter the area. Some simply picked up their weapons and set out on foot, while some drove around.

Most of the people on foot were good at tracking, while the drivers were trying their luck.

Actually, Luke’s operation to harvest points tonight had only just officially begun.

Looking at the red dots on his lenses, which covered the area like a huge net, Luke smiled.

At that moment, he was standing in a corner on top of an apartment building.

In the dark, however, only someone standing at a particular angle would be able to see that the air here was slightly distorted. Apart from that, this was just an empty corner of a building.

Behind him, a man with a big bag on his back opened the rooftop door and stepped out.

Glancing around the rooftop, he chose Luke’s corner and opened a big box.

The man took out a Titanium phone and deftly operated it. A small drone quickly rose from the box, and a surveillance feed appeared.

Luke’s lips twitched. Damn, he had run into a hitman who worked more or less the same way he did.

The guy didn’t go down to look for him. Instead, he chose to carry out a search with a drone from this rooftop.

It had to be said that the hitmen who had come to kill the Boogeyman were much more skilled.

The group of people who died earlier had infrared and night vision gear. They weren’t low-level hitmen who would charge forward with just a few guns.

Thinking that, Luke watched as the drone aimed its camera at the hitman.

He was testing the drone to make sure that it was normal.

Suddenly, the man drew the phone closer with a puzzled expression.

Just now, he felt something odd about the image from the drone. There was something wrong with the image he was seeing.

Naturally, Luke saw it.

Luke just happened to be in the way of the drone’s camera as it was aimed at the hitman from above.

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