Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1107 - A Knife Flying Out

Chapter 1107 - A Knife Flying Out

Chapter 1107: A Knife Flying Out

Sloan was dark-skinned, but his blood was no different in color.

The bullet holes didn’t bleed, however, but spurted out black smoke.

Sloan didn’t seem affected at all as he moved. Instead, he lunged forward even more quickly.

Physical damage had no effect?

Thinking that, Luke dropped his guns and pulled out two knives.

The two of them were now very close to each other, and Sloan had used up the bullets in his pistol.

He threw away his Mauser pistol and roared, “You actually made me use my trump card. Go to hell!”

Puchi! Puchi!

They flashed past each other, and the sound of flesh being cut rang out.

Sloan turned around abruptly, shock and anger on his face. “That’s impossible. How can you be so strong?!”

As soon as he said that, black smoke spurted from the dozen wounds on his upper torso and covered most of his body.

Luke also turned around, the smile on his face gone. He seemed to be deep in thought; this black smoke seemed to be an old acquaintance.

Even ordinary people would be able to smell the sulfur and rot from the black smoke.

Why did it smell so much like that old monster Mephisto?

Then, he saw Sloan’s face and body warp slightly, as if he was about to turn into black smoke.

Luke lunged forward again, and the knives in his hand turned into two dark streaks of light that enveloped Sloan’s upper body.

Even though Sloan had been slashed dozens of times, he still wasn’t defending himself. His fists rained down; unexpectedly, he was an expert at close combat.

Sloan, this old Fraternity boss who looked like he had one foot in the grave, was actually using his fists instead of a gun?

That was truly awesome.

Thinking that, an invisible sheen covered the knives in Luke’s hands.

Elementary Annihilation, activated.

Puchi! Puchi!

Sloan, who had been slashed dozens of times again, lost his momentum. He howled and rolled on the ground.

Just now, Luke had attached Elementary Annihilation to the two combat knives.

The moment they clashed, Sloan’s limbs were cut off without hesitation.

He, who thought that he was invincible, immediately lost.

At that moment, Sloan had a meltdown.

This form, which couldn’t be affected by physical attacks, was something he had painstakingly acquired from the Loom of Fate.

It was a terrifying and practical ability.

Sloan had escaped death several times with it.

The big boss and patron behind the Fraternity was very powerful, but still couldn’t supplant Sloan and take control of the organization because Sloan had this terrifying ability.

When the other party had tested the waters by making a move, not only weren’t they able to put Sloan in his place, he paid them back two-fold.

Sloan didn’t kill the patron; he just killed the elite bodyguards who accompanied the person. josei

Everything settled down after that.

As long as Sloan continued to control the Fraternity, the patron could only use money to order the elite assassins around.

They had a closer relationship than between client and mercenary, but it absolutely wasn’t a boss and subordinate relationship.

It was also because of this ability that Sloan, who had used a gun at the beginning, secretly learned many combat skills later on, and became an extremely powerful killing machine.

Physical damage had no effect on him, and there was no time limit to how long he could use Physical Outburst.

He could easily kill all the other members of the Fraternity, so nobody dared to stand up to him.

However, there was a high price to pay for using invulnerable abilities, and it took time to prepare.

Sloan knew that the cost was high, and he would never use it if he could. Thus, he had held back and didn’t take action, despite his subordinates being killed one after another.

As long as he could kill a powerful opponent like Luke, losing some of his men was worth it.

Their patron had plenty of money and resources, and the men Sloan had in reserve only needed to be trained for three to five years before they became elite assassins; the Fraternity would recover.

Also, when he watched his subordinates fight Luke, he was sure that he could kill this arrogant guy.

After all the elite assassins died, Sloan knew he had to take action.

Even if there were still dozens of guards outside, they were just a bunch of nobodies in front of Boogeyman John.

When he finally made a move, the first half went exactly as Sloan had imagined.

Luke’s bullets were useless against him. Even if he pulled out two knives, they were just a last ditch attempt.

The black smoke would return to Sloan’s body, and he would be completely fine.

Many powerful enemies collapsed when they saw this, and immediately ran away.

He decided to catch this troublemaker and torture him to death so that he could vent his anger over his subordinates.

Those elite assassins had been very useful tools. His heart really ached when they all died.

But in this second confrontation... This was a one-sided clash. Sloan was in trouble.

The knives, which had Elementary Annihilation on them, easily cut off Sloan’s limbs.

This time, however, no more black smoke spurted out of his wounds; it was as if it had been sealed away. Even his broken limbs were unchanged as they lay scattered on the ground.

Not just that, after he activated his ability, any pain he felt from his injuries would be significantly reduced. Now, however, it was as if his wounds were being corroded by acid.

Sloan screamed and struggled on the ground, disbelief and fear in his eyes. “No, that’s impossible. How can this be?”

Where’s the immortal body that God gave me? Regenerating limbs? Reducing the pain? These were the thoughts that filled his mind, and even the physical pain couldn’t suppress these questions.

Luke sheathed his knives and ignored the old man.

Sloan, who had lost his limbs, was just a fat lamb on a chopping block.

Picking up the two guns that he had just tossed to the side, Luke quickly reloaded and ran out of the factory.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Gunshots rang out, and the guards yelled in panic.

Then, the sound of gunfire gradually turned sporadic, and the shouting stopped. There was nothing but silence outside.

Then, Luke returned.

Sloan was trying to move, his body wriggling like a maggot as he headed for a particular passage.

Expressionlessly, Luke walked over, raised a knife, and flung it.



Sloan froze. He slowly looked down and saw his chest, abdomen... and nothing else under that.

Luke had already kicked his lower torso ten meters away.

Intense pain assailed Sloan, and he howled again.

Luke walked deeper into the factory without looking back and smiled. You can still run even without hands or legs; do you think your stomach muscles are that great? I’ve cut off your waist; let’s see how lively you are after that!

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