Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1109 - Understanding Before Death? Sorry

Chapter 1109 - Understanding Before Death? Sorry

Chapter 1109: Understanding Before Death? Sorry

Seeing the ruby red liquid in the bottle, Sloan was instantly full of despair. “Why torture me if you already know? Are you crazy?!”

Luke felt a little embarrassed since he really hadn’t known.

This ruby red liquid was what the criminals had been looking for when Robert and Catherine’s ship was hijacked.

The mutant giant octopus that had appeared later had also scrambled after this thing.

Luke had studied it for a while, but didn’t make any progress, so he put it aside for the moment.

Drugs weren’t part of Tony Stark’s expertise, and it wasn’t worth squandering this rare Blood Orchid extract.

It had only been tested on Carter, the previous Ghost Rider, and the man was still alive and kicking.

Thinking that, Luke’s heart jumped. “Last summer, did your people hijack an Atlantic cruise liner to steal the Blood Orchid extract?”

Sloan nodded despondently. “Yes.”

Luke asked, “Why?”

“Someone bribed the workers and a guard in the plantation to steal a batch of Blood Orchid extract. After I found out, I sent someone to steal it back,” said Sloan.

Luke asked, “Did word of it leak?”

Sloan said, “I disposed of the workers and guard. I then had someone kill the seller and the mastermind; nobody made trouble for me again after that.”

At that point, Luke basically understood that the Blood Orchid extract he was holding was from the batch that had been stolen.

He thought for a moment, then asked, “Your big boss never wanted this for himself?”

Sloan said, “He did, but I killed dozens of his bodyguards and had a chat with him by his bed; he stopped asking after that.”

Luke was lost for words. What a poser.

But on second thought, if he ran into Sloan without Elementary Annihilation, it would be hard to deal with him.

Sloan couldn’t die, wasn’t afraid of pain, and could recover quickly. Coupled with Curve Shooting and Physical Outburst, there weren’t many people in the world who could stop him.

“Did he never think of working with you to create a drug that can save lives?” Luke was still a little curious.

Sloan said, “Using Physical Outburst too much causes organ failure and death. Using Curve Shooting too much will cause brain damage and turn you into a cripple. The medicinal bath has to be used for recovery, otherwise the more battles the elite assassins fight, the faster they will die. How can I give this away?”

Luke rubbed his chin. “Then, if everyone stopped using these two abilities and just retired, they would still be able to live well, right?”

Sloan smiled bitterly. “Who can resist using this sort of power?”

Luke understood perfectly.

This was Sloan’s way to secretly control the upper echelons of the Fraternity.

It was a pity that Cross had appeared, and he was best at schemes and extreme long-distance sniping. He could already torment the Fraternity without using Physical Outburst and Curve Shooting; Sloan’s check and balance of power didn’t work on him.

But Sloan couldn’t be said to be stupid.

Cross’s quick mind and extreme long-distance sniping were both top-notch talents.

The Fraternity had been in this business for years and had groomed countless assassins, but only this one prodigy had emerged.

By now, Luke had learned the key point about the medicinal bath.

Looking at Sloan, he asked, “Any last words?”

Sloan stared at him fixedly. “I’ve already told you what you wanted to know. Then, let me know one thing before I die.”

Luke nodded and said, “Go on.”

Sloan: “Who on earth are you?”

Luke said, “Didn’t you already guess it? I’m V.”

Sloan: “That’s impossible. How can V be the Boogeyman?”


Sloan’s eyes widened, and he felt a sharp pain in his head, as if a burning steel blade had pierced his brain.

The next moment, his consciousness exploded and disappeared.

“Sorry, but I like to let people die with unanswered questions!” Luke drew back his knife.

Looking at the system notification, Luke saw that he now had the experience and credit points for killing Sloan, and he stored the body in Space 1.

System: Bundle of evil thoughts has been detected. Can be converted into 1,000 credit points or to modify the inventory’s functions. Convert / modify?

Luke took a look, and then his gaze swept over the “beef slices” and the four limbs which Sloan had left behind, before he put them into Space 1.

As he expected, there was another system notification, but these things could only be converted into 900 credit points.

In other words, Sloan, this package, could be converted into almost 2,000 experience and credit points, which was one tenth what Blackheart had been worth.

It wasn’t a lot, but it was a profit!

Thinking that, Luke took out his phone. “It’s me, John Wick. I want to make a dinner reservation for 187 people. The address is North Bergen, No. 17 Textile Mill... I’m not joking. I’ll wait for you at the entrance in half an hour.”

With that, he walked out. josei

When he reached the high wall of the entrance, he sat on the battlement and started humming a song.

Hmph. Luke felt that he was still short of something. He took out a bottle of beer and a bag of salted peanuts from his pocket.

Taking a sip of his beer and cracking open two peanuts, he raised his head and looked at the sky. “Ah, what a shame there’s no moon tonight. Amitabha, excellent, excellent!”

Twenty minutes later, a van and a container truck drove to the front of the textile factory. The first thing they saw was the man in black sitting on the wall, like a person relaxing on his own front porch with a drink.

A thin old man got out of the van and asked, “Are you sure we can go in to clean up?”

Luke nodded and didn’t say anything. He simply tossed down a bag.

The old man caught it easily and opened it. He saw four rolls of gold coins.

This was the standard roll for the gold coins; there were 50 of them in each roll.

John had used a lot of gold coins, and naturally didn’t have enough.

Luke had just found this after rummaging around in the Fraternity; just nice, he could use them for collecting the bodies of the Fraternity members.

The old man raised his head again. “Too much.”

Luke popped another peanut into his mouth. “Tip.”

After a brief silence, the old man took off his hat and bowed. “It’s my honor to be at your service, sir.”

At the same time, the dozen men who got out of the vehicles bowed respectfully.

Luke simply hummed a response and stood up.

The beer bottle and the peanut shells had already been put away in Luke’s inventory; there was nothing else here worth lingering over.

By the time the old man and the others raised their heads, the figure on the wall had disappeared.

The old man heaved a sigh and turned around to look at his guys. “Keep your mouths shut. If anyone asks about tonight, tell them to come look for me. Got it?”

Everybody said, “Got it.”

The old man was in the lead, and wasn’t too surprised to see the bodies of the men lying on the ground.

When he entered the main factory, however, his expression changed and he exclaimed, “Holy sh*t!”



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