Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1127 - Only My Father Has Ever Said That to Me

Chapter 1127 - Only My Father Has Ever Said That to Me

Chapter 1127: Only My Father Has Ever Said That to Me

Was Tony a weak chicken? As far as Luke was concerned, that was indeed the case.

But in terms of an ordinary person’s physique, Tony’s combat skills had already surpassed that of an amateur.

The tycoon would be able to duke it out even in a real boxing ring.

Even if he would probably only win two out of every ten matches or less, he could still be considered close to the pro level.

It was also because Tony was focused on the Iron Man suit.

Also taking into consideration that he had been busy taking back his shares, and transforming and cleaning up the company, Tony had spent at most one tenth of his time on combat training.

In just a few months, he had leveled up from an amateur to a newbie pro fighter.

Technically speaking, Tony’s understanding of real combat had started with his kidnapping a few months ago; furthermore, he would become a leading figure in the future.

Apart from his wealth, his leadership and combat skills couldn’t be poor, or he wouldn’t be able to win over the public.

Director Nick Fury was another example. Even though he was a leader with first-class strategic thinking, he couldn’t lead the heroes into battle, and could only be the brain.

Once the Avengers’ big moment arrived, nobody would think of the director at all.

But the more Tony improved, the less dignity Luke would afford him. Today, he was going to ruthlessly kick this young master around.

If he didn’t fire up this tycoon’s proud but delicate heart now, Tony would become complacent when he thought that no one could beat him.

How could Luke let a genius like this squander his youth? This guy was almost 40 years old, and needed to be pushed hard before he got too old. josei

Thus, when Tony lunged, Luke didn’t hesitate to grab Tony’s fist and twist.

Bang! Bang!

Tony felt like he was being flipped, and then... he was flipped over and over again.

Jarvis reminded him in concern, “The armor is 0.5% damaged. There’s no danger for now, but you may throw up, sir.”

Tony was indeed a little dizzy.

In three seconds, Luke had him thrown onto the ground seven to eight times; it was far more stimulating than a rollercoaster.

Before Tony could think of a counterattack, Luke let go of his arm again and retreated five meters.

Tony, who was lying in the mud, suddenly got up. He swayed for a moment, and was a little dizzy. He subconsciously asked, “Why aren’t we fighting? I haven’t lost yet.”

Luke chuckled. “This is just a lesson. Hitting you isn’t the goal; it’s more important to show you your shortcomings.”

Tony was doubtful. He felt that things weren’t that simple.

But now was not the time to think about it. After a few slow seconds, he charged forward again.

This time, when his fist was three meters away from Luke, it suddenly opened and fired.

As if he had predicted it, Luke bent low, and as he spun away to avoid the palm cannon, he roared inwardly: Shoryuken!

The next moment, he did an uppercut as he punched Tony in the ribs and sent the metal suit flying.

Bang! Tony flew up again.

Luke activated the jets on his feet and followed the metal armor, punching and kicking like a storm.

Tony was once again able to enjoy the feeling of the world spinning around him.

While the series of attacks didn’t damage the metal armor, he spun in the sky as he fell.

In the end, he could only activate his jets and try to put some distance between them.

But Luke saw it coming. The moment Tony activated the jets, Luke clenched his fists, raised them high, and then smashed down on the back of the metal armor.


The tycoon hit the mud upside down so that his legs were sticking out. The jets on his legs spluttered, but the metal suit could only move a dozen centimeters in the mud.

Ten seconds later, Tony Stark pulled himself out of the mud, gasping for breath.

Looking at Luke, who had retreated again, he was aggrieved. He flipped open his mask and asked, “What do you want to prove? To show off that you’re better at close combat?”

A few meters away, Luke crossed his arms. His cape unfurled and flapped in the night wind; he clearly had no intention of taking action.

Watching the guy slowly stand up, he said, “No, I’m just telling you that you’re not invincible. If you plan to just fly around in the sky in the future and blow up all your opponents with plasma cannons and mini missiles, that’s fine, but you can’t save the world with just that. You can kill bad guys with the plasma cannons and the mini missiles, but you can’t use them with civilians around.”

Tony asked, “So? Do I need to hire you as a combat coach?”

Luke chuckled. “No need. In any case, you’ll never be as good as me.”

Tony: ...F*ck you!

Although he couldn’t see the tycoon’s face, Luke could picture it. He was secretly amused as he continued, “You’re smarter than I am. You said yourself that the armor is you, so do your best to make it better. Don’t get complacent after this small success. You can still do a lot.”

Tony stared at Batman blankly, and a thought suddenly popped into his head. Who the hell are you?! Even my father never... Hm, wait, only my father has ever said that to me.

Luke talked big, but he actually didn’t take it seriously. He wasn’t counting on his words to move Tony.

Thus, this small competition was only to make it clear that Batman was a man of pure integrity; it absolutely wasn’t about showing off.

Whether the tycoon believed it or not, in any case, Luke himself believed it.

Actions and results always worked the best with this young master.

Luke had deliberately lured the tycoon into a head-on clash, and had seized the opportunity to beat him up. Then, he acted all high and mighty. These sorts of actions and outcomes were enough to stab the tycoon in the heart.

To use a line from an online novel to describe what the tycoon was thinking at that moment, it was probably: “Nobody can act pretentious in front of me, not even God.”

This arrogant tycoon wouldn’t give up until he got his revenge.

Tony’s face was dark and his mind was in a mess.

On one hand, he felt that Batman wouldn’t be so petty as to deliberately attack him. The whole world knew that Batman didn’t have that much time on his hands.

On the other hand, he was indeed unhappy.

In the battle just now, his suit didn’t even sustain 1% damage, but the Batman suit was at most just a little dirty; it didn’t even have a dent.

This proved that Batman was far more skilled in close combat than he was.

But Tony didn’t want to dwell on it.

That was because he didn’t like to lose.

After a brief silence, Tony said, “What do you mean I’m not the only superhero?”

He didn’t think that Batman was implying that he was the first superhero.

Luke said, “What I really want to say is that you might have to face even more supervillains.” Saying that, he threw a USB at Tony.

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