Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1143 - New Clique, and Attend School Properly

Chapter 1143 - New Clique, and Attend School Properly

Chapter 1143: New Clique, and Attend School Properly

Monica was a combat expert with more than 90 points. She was one of the best among the “fourth generation,” but Luke had killed a few people with this level of skill.

The truly magical thing was that Monica was actually improving non-stop.

As she fought Luke, her combat skills improved rapidly.

Luke even had the feeling that as long as she had enough time and practice, he would personally witness the girl become the second Earthling with Elementary Combat Proficiency. josei

But there definitely wasn’t enough time today, and it wasn’t necessary.

Five minutes later, Luke used his extraordinary reflexes to successfully complete a neck lock.

When his strong arms locked around Monica’s neck, she knew that she had lost.

It wasn’t that she was careless; it was just that she couldn’t avoid it. Thus, she simply patted her neck twice to indicate that she conceded.

She had avoided fighting Luke in close range because she knew that she didn’t have the advantage in this regard.

After Luke let go, she turned around with a bitter smile. “Did you guess that Nikki and I rarely practice close combat?”

Luke shook his head. “No, I just realized that you’re afraid of me getting close. It just so happens that I’m very good at melee techniques.”

Monica was lost for words.

He didn’t rely on strength to suppress her. Melee combat was also another type of skill, and involved even more complicated and profound techniques.

She and Nikki hadn’t delved into this area, mainly because they didn’t have to use it.

Whether it was Nikki’s super strength or Monica’s excellent skills, they didn’t need to use melee techniques when dealing with ordinary men.

There were so many vital points on the human body. An accurate hit could cause an ordinary person to fall or die on the spot.

Most of the time, the two girls had to do their best to restrain their attacks to avoid killing or crippling their opponents, instead of refining melee skills.

After this fight, everyone became even closer.

Not only could the weakest of the four of them fight more than ten people on their own, they were all much stronger than most professional fighters.

There were very few in the fighter’s circle at this level.

For example, Nikki and Monica hardly ever sparred with anyone else other than with each other. Naturally, they weren’t well-known.

As for Luke and Mindy, one was used to blowing heads up with guns, and the other liked to use a double-headed saber. They also didn’t have any experience in the fighter’s circle.

They had now truly become a small clique. Since they weren’t that different in age, they could be considered friends, and could chat freely.

Mindy finally couldn’t take Luke’s provocation, and also fought a round with Monica and Nikki each, and the atmosphere in this small clique became even better.

Monica wrapped her arms around Mindy’s neck, as if she was pressing her to her chest. “It’s a good thing Brooke’s group has yet to piss you off. Otherwise, they would probably have to be sent to the hospital.”

Luke asked, “What? Do they like to beat people up?”

Monica shook her head. “Not really. Dalton Junior High is still very strict when it comes to this. If they dare hit someone, and it’s confirmed that the event happened, they’ll have to leave school for sure. However, they don’t have any qualms about pushing, shoving and spitting, or pouring juice or Coke on someone. Ordinary girls can only endure it, but I don’t think Mindy will let herself be bullied.”

Luke said with a smile, “Then forget it. If they mess around like that, there are other schools.”

If Brooke and the others were too much, he would do his best to spread the word about this group of junior high cretins online.

Once they became the first infamous group to be crucified on F2F, dropping out of school would be the least of it. Who knew, they might even be sent to a reformation center for a few months.

When that happened, these little cretins would learn, even if they didn’t want to.

After the sparring session, they had afternoon tea at Nikki’s place for an hour before Luke and Mindy said goodbye.

This time, Nikki got her wish, and Luke promised to train Mindy and the girls for an hour every week.

This time, after Luke left, Nikki and Monica didn’t bring up any girl talk.

As he drove, Luke was all smiles.

Hesitating for a moment, Mindy still couldn’t help but ask, “Do you like Nikki?”

Luke said, “Of course not. We’re just ordinary friends.”

Mindy was surprised. “Then, it’s Monica?”

While there were mixed-race couples, she didn’t think Monica was Luke’s type.

Luke patted her head helplessly. “What are you thinking? They’re just friends. I’m not pursuing either of them, okay?”

Mindy was relieved.

She would have felt conflicted if he was.

“You looked very happy, so I thought you were interested in one of them. Wait, don’t tell me you like them together...” She suddenly thought of an even worse possibility.

Luke couldn’t help but rap her head with his knuckles. “Don’t you like watching cartoons? Where did you get this idea from?”

He didn’t say that it was a bad idea. After all, there were too many of these sorts of things in this society, and just as much school.

The messy entanglements between cheerleaders and various school team members was the main topic of gossip in every school.

Mindy was on the cheerleading team; it was impossible for her not to have heard something like this. He just wanted to change the subject.

He couldn’t tell the little girl why he was happy, because it was related to the system.

System: You have defeated Nikki Sanderson and have received a list of her abilities.

Nikki Sanderson’s abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Dance... Elementary Muscle Control (Prerequisites: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 20 Mental Strength, 10,000 Credit)

System: You have defeated Monica Dwayne and have received a list of her abilities.

Monica Dwayne’s abilities: Basic Combat, Basic Dance... Elementary Imitation (Prerequisites: 20 Strength, 20 Dexterity, 20 Mental Strength, 10,000 Credit).

Looking at Elementary Muscle Control and Elementary Imitation, Luke was delighted and immediately chose to learn them.

Mindy was still in the car, and he couldn’t act too happy as he sent her home.

When the little girl got out of the car, he didn’t forget to remind her, “Remember to tell Damon about making new friends today. Also, show him the video of your training and let him give you some pointers.”

Mindy nodded helplessly and let Luke rub her head before he drove off. She then complained in a low voice, “Hmph, do you think you’re really my brother?”

With that, she turned around and walked toward the door, her steps gradually becoming lighter. In the end, she was even bouncing up and down.

Now, she completely forgot about the three b*tches, and only felt that what happened today was... very interesting.

If this was what it was like to attend school, then she would really have to “properly” attend school in the future! Muttering to herself, the girl couldn’t help smiling.

She opened the door and saw Damon in the living room with a pencil and a notebook for sketching.

But he seemed a little dazed. Occasionally, he would look at his phone before putting it down.

It wasn’t until Mindy called out to him that he turned around. The smile on his face immediately disappeared, and he went back to his normal expression. “How was it? Did you have fun?”

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