Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1191 - The Might of the “Air Split”

Chapter 1191 - The Might of the “Air Split”

Chapter 1191: The Might of the “Air Split”

At that moment, the mini missile had already whooshed out ten meters away, and it hit Ivan’s armor in the chest.


Then, it bounced off the armor and fell to the ground.

It spluttered with sparks as it scuttled over the ground before it got jammed in a crack in the stairs not far away.

It released faint smoke with a puff, and the remaining flames were extinguished.

Rhodes was lost for words.

Tony was lost for words.

Ivan was lost for words.

Luke shrugged.

Tony couldn’t help but ask, “Hammer’s stuff?”

Rhodes nodded slowly. “Yes.”

Luke:?Hehe, your “ex-wife” is awesome! No, wait, it’s Hammer’s ex-wife.

Daring to call a weapon “The Ex-Wife” when it couldn’t kill a man – what was the point?

This was the nightmare of many divorced men in America. It was a super killer weapon that could bankrupt a billionaire!

If this was the extent of Hammer’s “ex-wife,” that meant that his ex-wife really wasn’t good enough, and Hammer had never experienced the full brunt of such force.

The appearance of such a cheap ex-wife gave everyone a strong sense of embarrassment.

It was like a superhero making an appearance, only to receive a court summons saying that he was being sued by his wife for not paying child support. In the end, he realized that the child wasn’t his, and he finally didn’t have to pay child support, but could only die under the public gaze.

In the end, it was Ivan who was still more dedicated to his work.

As a villain who had a goal and no wife, he felt that he had to step forward and save the situation.

Thus, he cracked his whip and pulled Tony, who was distracted by the Ex-Wife, over.


Tony was sent flying with a punch.

Then, the two lumps of metal clashed again.

After watching for a moment, Luke glanced at Rhodes helplessly. “Hey, aren’t you going to help?”

Rhodes pointed at himself. “Me?”

When Luke nodded, Rhodes felt very awkward. “Tony said he would take care of him himself.”

In fact, Hammer Industries had screwed Rhodes over to the point that he wanted to vomit blood.

First, he had appeared at Hammer Industries’ press conference, and his armor had been manipulated to chase after Tony. Now, even his Ex-Wife was useless.

He felt mentally exhausted and wanted to retire.

Luke’s blood-red lenses flickered. “I’m telling you to go and get beaten up; make it look a little more miserable. Only then will Tony get serious, alright?”

Rhodes: “What?”

Luke sighed and stopped trying to force this thin-skinned guy to act. “Tony, I’ll give you one minute. If you can’t finish him in one minute, I’ll do it myself.”

The words were spoken via an external speaker. Both Ivan and Tony heard it, and they paused for a moment. josei

Ivan hadn’t planned to make trouble for Batman. After all, this guy had nothing to do with his objective, but when he heard this, he couldn’t help but raise his hand and send Tony flying with a whip before he lunged at Batman. “Is that so? Then come and try!”

Luke tilted his head and curled his lip. “Of course.”

As he spoke, he threw out a rope dart, which wrapped around the plasma whip.

The ropes were specially made. Some were made of metal, and some were made of reinforced composite materials, and had different purposes.

Of course, the metal ones couldn’t be used with the plasma whips.

In the blink of an eye, the black rope wrapped around the whip, and they looked like two snakes twisted together.

Ivan didn’t hesitate as he kicked at Luke.

Luke’s blood-red lenses flashed. He grabbed the leg and leaned back so that the leg couldn’t help but be stretched out.

The tycoon, who was flying over, suddenly stopped when he saw this, and his legs couldn’t help but tighten.

Holy sh*t! He was too familiar with this move!


“Ah~ ugh~” Ivan’s eyes bugged out as he fell to the ground in a split.

He gasped heavily as he tried to alleviate the indescribable pain. He couldn’t even hold the whips steady as his hands twitched convulsively.

Luke, on the other hand, was already turning, and he did a bicycle kick which landed on Ivan’s head from above.

Ivan sank another ten centimeters down the middle, but his split legs were locked in place.

His eyes rolled back, and he passed out.

He had never done a split like that in his life, and had never considered this unique situation with the Whiplash armor.

He wasn’t a rich tycoon like Tony. Tony had been working out and doing combat training and stretching all this time.

Also, Tony had equipped Mark 6 with a safeguard; once his legs were split up to a 170-degree angle, they would stop moving – no matter what, it would never reach 200 degrees, like for Ivan.

In any case, Ivan’s body had instantly overloaded from the extreme pain, and he passed out.

Luke was stunned. He hadn’t expected this “air split” technique to be so effective.

Nevertheless, he instantly placed his hand on Ivan’s chest, and a thin wire reached into the armor. A moment later, Luke pulled his hand away, and the arc reactor in the armor dimmed.

Tony: “…”

Rhodes: “…”

Are you kidding? With just one move?

Tony was the one who felt it more deeply. Valiantly forcing his clamped thighs to relax, he landed on the ground.

Luke looked at him. “Should I give him to you?”

Tony hesitated.

To be honest, after learning about what happened between his father and Ivan’s father, he found it troublesome.

His father had screwed Ivan’s father over.

That talk about Ivan’s father being a spy was nonsense.

As a Russian, there had been no need for Ivan’s father to join the research group, but he had.

Once progress had been made on the reactor, Tony’s father, Howard, had decisively accused Ivan’s father of being a spy, and kicked him out.

Thus, this was actually a matter of national and corporate interests; no one was right or wrong.

The arc reactor could be seen as a future substitute for oil, and could also be seen as a product to promote peace; it just depended on how it was used.

This was a country’s lifeline, which could completely change the world at all levels.

No country would allow such technology to fall into the hands of another country so easily.

As a major capitalist, Howard would naturally do his best to keep the benefits to himself rather than share them with a foreign scientist.

So, Tony was a little conflicted.

The tycoon was too proud to hit someone who was already down.

But he wasn’t willing to let this guy go.

After all, Tony already had some inkling of what Ivan’s skills were like from this fight.

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