Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1225 - Handover and Defeat

Chapter 1225 - Handover and Defeat

Chapter 1225: Handover and Defeat

In the next few days, Luke and Selina basically used the same trick to scare off many “chat groups.”

One word: Bluff!

They wouldn’t arrest them; Luke couldn’t be bothered to arrest these sorts of brats.

But they also couldn’t not do anything. Otherwise, if multiple brawls or even gunfights broke out, that might cause a chain reaction.

Soon, it was 10pm. Luke and Selina had completed their “voluntary 2-hour overtime” for the night.

Selina had already reported to the main desk. Once their shift was over, Ricky and Kajit, two colleagues from the Organized Crime Investigation Bureau, would take over.

They were closer to these two colleagues than to the patrol officers.

At the very least, the Detective Bureau and the Organized Crime Investigation Bureau could be considered “departments” under NYPD HQ, and had worked cases together for a long time.

Selina also informed their colleagues about what happened during their patrol so that they would be prepared for the work tonight.

The other party was very polite, or rather… more obsequious?

Selina left a much deeper impression on people in HQ than Luke did. After all, there were only so many outstanding female detectives in HQ.

Selina’s face, figure and temperament were all top-class.

The flowers, cards, and gifts which Selina received, plus invitations to go out for a meal or to have fun, were all testament to that.

In comparison, although Luke was handsome, few people in NYPD paid attention to him.

Most of the female police officers who did pay attention were older and rarely had the chance to talk to him. Even fewer were shameless enough to pursue him, so Luke had been low-key all this time.

Selina hung up. “Are we done for the day?”

Luke said, “Yes. Do you want supper?”

Frowning and thinking hard for a moment, Selina nodded. “Let’s do that. Otherwise, the trip out tonight wouldn’t be perfect.”

Luke chuckled. “Actually, it’s just that the snacks are all sweet, and there’s no meat, right?”

Selina said, “Of course. I’m not Gold Nugget. Just eating sweet food all the time will turn me into an idiot.”

A certain idiot dog head was lost for words.

As they chatted, the car turned and drove in the direction of Stark Tower on the south side.

After driving for a few minutes, Luke saw a car with police lights on the side of the road. He couldn’t help but smile. “Ricky and Kajit have started work.”

Selina glanced at them and wasn’t interested. “Since they’re already here, we can go home now.”

Luke hummed in acknowledgement and sped up as he drove past the police car in the other lane.

Soon, he had pulled 50 meters away.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, followed by the sound of breaking and falling glass.

Luke looked in the rearview mirror, and Selina turned her head.

A huge figure crashed down close to the other police car, cracking the ground.

Ricky and Kajit reacted quickly. A second after the figure landed, the officers swiftly rolled behind their police car and took out their guns before scouting out the situation.

There weren’t many cars on the street at the moment. Luke quickly turned the wheel.

Selina also turned back, and even as the car spun around, her hands were as steady as ever as she quickly activated all sorts of monitoring equipment. She said, “That thing doesn’t seem human.”

Listening to the results from the monitoring equipment, Luke looked at the gigantic humanoid monster. “No human has a stomach that big or a mouth like that.”

Selina grabbed the walkie-talkie and said, “Hold fire, hold fire.”

She wanted to remind the other two to wait for her and Luke to provide backup.

The warning echoed in the street, but it was too late.

Ricky and Kajit reacted too quickly.

In the face of the humanoid monster that had broken out of a window on the fifth floor and was holding a box, the two of them had taken out their guns and issued a warning.

Everything happened in less than five seconds.

The two-meter-tall humanoid monster grinned at them and roared, “Get lost.”

Looking at the super big mouth that had split open to the back of his head and the black teeth in it, the two officers subconsciously pulled the triggers.

Pa! Pa! Pa! Pa!

Gunshots rang out.

In the most standard police operation, these two veterans emptied their clips in one go.

There had been significant changes in recent years which impacted regulations about police officers firing guns.

In the beginning, many police departments were equipped with military firearms or powerful revolvers. Thus, one or two shots were enough to “stop” criminals.

Then, the police realized that they didn’t need powerful pistols.

The Glock, which was very suitable for police use in every aspect and was more popular among the younger generation of police officers, had become the mainstream police gun in the United States.

But after that, everybody realized that this wasn’t very reliable.

There were plenty of officers who could fire two consecutive bullets at a range of five meters and still not hit the target. Since the Glock had plenty of bullets, a triple-shot provision was naturally established.

But that still wasn’t enough to deal with situations where a lot of suspects would still be alive and kicking and returning fire, even after three consecutive shots by the police.

The police then simply adopted the rule of “shoot until they’re down.” Officers had to keep firing until the suspect was down and deemed incapable of fighting back.

Since then, it was common to read news of many police officers firing multiple shots.

And in these cases, no lawyer would waste their energy debating whether or not so many shots were required.

This was the common consensus among the police, so that officers would have fewer misgivings in a gunfight.

From this point of view, Ricky and Kajit were absolutely fine.

The problem was that they weren’t facing an ordinary “suspect.”

More than 30 bullets were fired, and the big-mouthed monster seven or eight meters away roared; there were more than ten bullet holes in its body.

For these two veteran detectives to achieve close to 50% shooting accuracy in an emergency situation already made them the cream of the crop.

But as they watched, gray smoke rose from the bullet holes in the monster’s body. It screamed in pain and then charged at them.


“Sh*t!” josei

Both of them cursed at the same time and ducked behind the car to use it as a barrier.

At that moment, a series of gunshots rang out behind them.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Luke raised an M500 with one hand and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

The long muzzle of the gun sparked, and five bullets were fired at the monster in three different batches.

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