Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1227 - Mutual Harm and Client Promotion

Chapter 1227 - Mutual Harm and Client Promotion

Chapter 1227: Mutual Harm and Client Promotion

As they were chatting, a helicopter flew over and quickly landed at the intersection not far away.

Phil was still in his black suit, but Luke was comforted to see that he was already wearing the black mechanical gloves. At least he wasn’t like main characters in TV dramas who were stupid enough to not use the things they got for free.

Phil came over and completely ignored the others as he shook hands with Luke, and the two of them went to one side to chat in private.

One of his men blocked Kajit and Ricky, and told them to keep mum tonight and to sign non-disclosure agreements the next day.

Another person took out a detector and scanned the monster.

The device lit up with a red light and an ear-piercing buzz. The man immediately said, “Target confirmed. Let’s get to work.”

The other two immediately pushed over a restraining device similar to what was used on Dr. Hannibal. They pressed it to the monster, and it was immediately wrapped up in a silver-gray cocoon, which they pulled over to the helicopter.

Luke finished chatting with Phil.

It really was chatting, mostly because Phil was very concerned about Luke’s current situation. He also reminded Luke to be careful and not to charge recklessly into every situation.

Luke had a strange expression on his face as he listened. It seemed he had been the one to say that to Phil. Was this karma?

Phil smiled when he saw his expression. “You’re still young. It’s better for old guys like us to do the hard work. You can actually spend more time with your girlfriend when you’re free.”

He couldn’t help but glance at Selina.

Luke was amused.

He was someone who had Basic Psychology and Mental Communication – Phil’s words couldn’t be any more straightforward.

“I’m only nineteen, and I have a lot of female ‘friends.’ On the other hand, the work never ends for you. Why don’t you find a wife and have a baby first?” he said with a smile, but his eyes were fixed on Phil’s hairline.

Phil was still smiling. After a brief silence, he shook his head. “No need. It’s too unfair to a child for a parent to be in this line of work. Also, I have a lot of female ‘friends’ too.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Then do you have time for dinner with them?” josei

Phil’s face stiffened. “…I’ve been busy. I’ll think about it once I’m free.”

He then walked toward the helicopter. “I’m leaving. Call me if you need anything.”

Looking at his slightly flustered steps, Luke raised his voice. “When you’re free, look for your ‘friends’ to relax. I’ll do my best not to disturb you when you’re on break.”

Phil paused, then picked up his pace. He simply waved his hand casually to indicate that he had heard him.

But he couldn’t help but mutter inwardly,?What an arrogant kid! Hmph, you have a lot of female friends? I’ll check them out when I get back…

Thinking that, he hesitated for a moment.

A moment later, he dismissed the thought. Forget it, the guy didn’t have a good temper! He had only asked about his girlfriend, and Luke instantly “showed care” for him in return. Phil couldn’t afford to offend him!

Watching the helicopter take off, Luke and Selina then said goodbye to Kajit and Ricky, and went home.

Checking the data she had just gathered, Selina asked, “What did you say to Phil? Why do I feel like he was avoiding you?”

Luke said, “We talked about him getting married and how many children he was going to have.”

Selina grew interested. “What did he say?”

Luke chuckled. “That’s why he ran away.”

Selina burst out laughing. “That’s true. You’re not his mother. It’s understandable that he wouldn’t endure you urging him to get married.”

Luke shrugged. “He’s in his forties. As a friend, it’s not too much to ask him personal questions.”

He shouldn’t have asked me a personal question first!?Luke added inwardly.

Americans weren’t Chinese. Anyone with a bit of intelligence wouldn’t casually stick their noses into a friend’s marriage.

But since Phil had made the joke first, it wasn’t a problem for Luke to counterattack.

Selina was in a good mood after this interlude.

Although it wasn’t very virtuous, it was quite nice to occasionally bully honest people.

It had to be said that the joy of human beings was built on the pain of others. Most of the time, it had nothing to do with integrity, but pure instinct.

Luke didn’t rest when he got home. He simply went to his workshop.

Compared with Bruce the tyrannosaur whom he had encountered in Los Angeles last time, his current equipment was a few levels more advanced, and he hadn’t been disturbed for a few minutes.

He had recorded all sorts of data on the monster.

He had to come up with a new algorithm and add it to the multifaceted system to ensure that he received notifications the moment these undying monsters appeared.

The detection program for the monsters like the tyrannosaur and the big-mouthed monster wasn’t complicated. He completed a beta version in less than an hour.

Luke added it to the multifaceted system, took a shower, and lay down to think.

Although it had been easy for him to catch the big-mouthed monster tonight, that was because he… was rich.

The cost of the black net launcher and the ammo alone would be enough to bankrupt a regular officer.

But money was only a prerequisite; technology was also required.

Otherwise, given the R&D costs for the black net launcher, especially the materials for it and the development of an automatic capture program, research and development would be impossible without tens of millions of dollars.

Luke had only saved on these costs thanks to the RPG launcher, Tony’s skills, and Elementary Roping.

He had also spoken to Phil about it, and had given him a device for undoing the nets, and reminded him to give back the two black nets. He had even jokingly said that Phil shouldn’t steal the technology of his allies.

If it were someone else, he definitely wouldn’t leave the black nets with them.

This thing was very valuable. Putting aside how useful it was, it was best not to reveal the technology it contained for now.

At the moment, there weren’t many clients for “the bigshot who sold everything.” If he used special equipment, it would be very easy for people to connect him to Batman and V.

But it wouldn’t take long for this “bigshot” to build a large client base.

After all, Tony, Phil and Damon were already active clients.

Luke’s other aliases could also become “clients” of this bigshot who sold everything.

Also, Matt, that cheap old man Punisher, and the weak chicken Iron Fist could also choose a time to drop by.

Once a “bigshot” had a lot of clients, it made sense for their special equipment to flow out.

He could also get the “bigshot” to sell some low-end equipment, donate them to NYPD, or distribute some to the Detective Bureau. That would be killing two birds with one stone.

There would be a lot of criminals with superpowers in New York in the future. NYPD couldn’t just send its men to their deaths all the time.

Making up his mind, Luke closed his eyes, and his clone went online. Wearing the Batman suit, it started its nightly routine sweep.

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