Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1239 - Outsmarting Oneself, and Big Dipper Flipping Out

Chapter 1239 - Outsmarting Oneself, and Big Dipper Flipping Out

Chapter 1239: Outsmarting Oneself, and Big Dipper Flipping Out

They were culprits, not attackers, since they hadn’t attacked Luke and Selina’s five-story house at all.

The 200 or so hired guns only controlled the apartment building next to their place, and the heavy machinery behind it immediately started to tear down the building.

But they didn’t care about the environment at all when they demolished the building. When this old apartment building was violently demolished, part of the building cracked, and then… leaned against Luke’s little nest.

Luke’s pitiful five-story home was like a primary school student who was being bullied.

Thankfully, the apartment building next door only had seven floors. The distance wasn’t very far, and the falling stairs were now being propped up Luke’s building at an angle.

If the apartment building did fall, Luke’s specially fortified home wouldn’t collapse as well, but a lot of places would definitely require refurbishment.

Luke cursed inwardly at this outcome, but felt that there was nothing he could say.

It was definitely the Hand who had called in these hired guns to take control of the apartment building and tear it down with large machinery.

Recently, the Hand had already cleared out a passage inside the pit, and was just waiting to move out the entire stone vault that was underground.

Luke and the apartment building were right next to the Hudson River, where a barge was docked.

Now, the people from the Hand just needed to move the stone treasure vault dozens of meters to the barge before going out to sea, and everything would be done.

It was common for boats and tow trucks to move whole villas and buildings now, so moving a stone vault wasn’t wishful thinking.

As long as the stone vault was in their hands, the Hand could slowly figure out how to open it.

Luke hadn’t taken the stone vault because he had wanted to use it to reel in the remaining three “fingers.”

To live for hundreds of years, this was the only hope for the three old monsters.

The “five fingers” of the Hand were guys who didn’t want to use the strength of the dragon to improve their combat ability, but to live forever instead.

He didn’t think that the remaining three “fingers” could resist the temptation of living for another 500 years.

Indeed, they really couldn’t hold back, but they weren’t stupid, and waited for a good opportunity to take action.

They moved when the three major districts of New York were in chaos tonight; few people would care where these construction machines were headed.

Most people would think that it was some department sending machines for search-and-rescue operations.

Anyone who got in the way would be secretly taken down by the 200 or so hired guns. josei

The entire treasure vault relocation plan was supposed to be completed in an hour. The hired guns didn’t need to think too much about the aftermath.

However, reality was cruel.

The three “fingers” who had planned this operation definitely hadn’t thought that someone would knowingly leave the “dragon bone” in the stone vault next door just to lure them out.

There were a lot of unexpected happenings in New York tonight. It wasn’t that Luke had outsmarted himself, but he was still unhappy that his own place had almost been wrecked.

Thus, a certain someone didn’t even need to use his identity as Batman, as Scapegoat King Big Dipper directly took the stage.

Big Dipper was destined to be the Scapegoat King because his methods were even more ruthless.

Luke didn’t have his clone use the stealth function at all. The black-and-white skull raised its guns and charged into the apartment building.

How strong was Luke when he had no scruples or anything to hide, and was focused on slaughter?

That was something he didn’t know.

Ever since he obtained the system, there was a strong and subjective sense of purpose to practically everything he did.

This meant that every time he took action, he would take into account a lot of things.

He considered the beginning, the process, and the ending.

He couldn’t draw too much attention from the relevant departments and couldn’t cause too much chaos. He couldn’t do a public purge and cause the authorities to track him down.

It could be said that he had never used his full strength before.

Even when he fought Mephisto, he had only used his trump card, and hadn’t fully exerted himself.

Until today. The Star of Justice clone + Scapegoat King Big Dipper combo had officially appeared, and was even going up against the Hand, an organization which couldn’t let itself be exposed. He no longer had any qualms.

Amidst the gunfire, Big Dipper’s black-and-white figure was like a ghost as he swept past the door of the apartment building and fired two Glocks at the four thugs at the door.

The four thugs fell before they could even react.

The seven or eight thugs who were standing outside the apartment building were startled. They looked at the door, only to see a blurry black-and-white figure fly past, and gunshots rang out in the building.

The thugs scattered all over the place were killed one after another at the scene.

Luke had already rushed into the passage like the wind as he headed toward the stone vault in the pit.

In fact, apart from the bunch of hired thugs who were guarding the entrance to the apartment building which faced the Hudson River, most of them were on the other side.

This was also the transport route they would be taking.

The gunshots at the front immediately alerted the hired guns at the back.

They had also set up two sniper teams on two rooftops to the left and right of the apartment building to keep watch and control the situation.

It was a pity that Luke had used his stealth mode to go up to the two rooftops and vaporize the four hired thugs.

From charging in through the front door and reaching the pit, less than ten seconds had passed.

Caught off guard, the hired guns were hit by a storm of bullets.

Most of them didn’t even know where their opponent was before their eyes went dark and their heads exploded.

The Scapegoat King who was going all out didn’t need to hide his marksmanship! If he could kill an opponent with one shot, he wouldn’t deliberately waste a second bullet.

Luke, who was going all out for the first time, was very happy.

There was no need to lie low or mount an ambush here!

Relying on the combination of Physical Outburst, Muscle Control, Quick Reflex, and Gunfighting, and his Strength which was four times that of a regular person, the clone instantly unleashed a terrifying output.

Luke was always the first to shoot and always avoided the erratic shots fired at him.

“Bad at shooting but good at being shot” would never happen to Big Dipper.

The hired thugs in the apartment building were nothing like an elite troop of soldiers.

Whether it was a regular team member, a super strong captain, or an expert marksman, they could only helplessly be shot in the head.

Most of them couldn’t keep up with Luke’s dynamic vision at all. They could only see a black-and-white shadow as the gunshots got closer and closer and their comrades were killed one by one.

Just like that, just 30 seconds after the fight broke out at the entrance, the group of hired thugs in the apartment building was completely destroyed.

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