Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1254 - Really Want to Beat Him to Death

Chapter 1254 - Really Want to Beat Him to Death

Chapter 1254: Really Want to Beat Him to Death

In the end, the dark red figure didn’t seem to hear him.

Like an ADHD patient, he either covered his head with his hands or stomped his feet with his hands on his hips as he cursed, “Damn it, damn it. Why, why did I let Mr. Cleaner escape? God, you must be kidding me…”

Luke: “…”

The dark red figure grabbed an unlucky soul by the hair and gave him a slap. “Tell me where Ajax is or I’ll kill you.”

The unlucky guy’s head whipped 90 degrees to the side, and he hung limp and silent.

Helpless, Luke moved forward and warned, “If you do that a few more times, he won’t just pass out, but die. Either way, he can’t hear you.”

The dark red figure paused before he scratched his head. “That’s right, I should wake him up first. How am I supposed to wake up an unconscious person? Let me think, what does ’99 Cruelest Punishments in World History’ say?”

Luke frowned. It had only been a few days… Why was this guy even more of a lunatic now?

Should he beat him up first? The thought flashed through Luke’s mind, but he quickly suppressed it.

He was wearing a custom-made suit, which cost more than 100,000 dollars! It would be a waste to get it wrinkled over this lunatic.

But… he really wanted to beat him to death!


As Luke kicked out, he was still muttering to himself about how to cut this unlucky lunatic into pieces even as he sent the latter flying.

Wade felt that he had been unlucky recently.

He just made five million dollars for the first time in his life, when he found out that he had cancer.

After fighting against it and receiving treatment from a medical organization, he learned that the other party wasn’t treating illnesses, but creating superhumans to be sold.

When he found an opportunity to break free of that prison, that Mr. Cleaner strung him up to be a test subject, and the fire Wade which caused also turned him into a shish kebab.

Thanks to the super cure obtained from the experiment on him, he finally transformed from a shish kebab to an avocado, but he didn’t dare meet his girlfriend again.

It hadn’t been easy for him to come up with the perfect plan. It had taken him more than a month to finally track down Mr. Cleaner, but at the critical moment, that guy still escaped.

Now, he just wanted to be alone and slowly think up interrogation methods, when someone actually kicked his ass from behind.

He finally got angry.

Getting up from the ground, he looked in the direction of his assailant and said, “You dare ambush me? Do you know who I… am…?”

His tone abruptly dropped on the last word.

A pair of black sunglasses on a grim and cold face appeared in front of him.

Wade seemed to sense the beady eyes behind the sunglasses glaring at him, and he couldn’t help but feel a little cold.

He couldn’t help but squeeze out a smile, although Luke couldn’t see his ugly face at all. “Hi, Mr. Smith. Boss, you’re even more handsome after not seeing you for a few days, especially with those sunglasses. Speaking of sunglasses, I think the new summer line of Hello Kitty sunglasses are more suitable for you…”

Then, he stopped talking.

That was because Luke had taken off his sunglasses, and his lips were curled up in a natural smile. “Oh? And who are you now?”

Wade: “Deadpool! That’s my new name.”

Luke nodded. “Okay, Deadpool. We should go.”

Wade asked, “Where to?”

Luke looked at the sky in the south. “If you don’t leave now, you’ll be forced to work for someone.”

Wade: “Work? That’s impossible. I’ll never work an honest day in my life.”

Luke chuckled. “What about SHIELD? As far as I know, their pay isn’t high. After a few decades, you can make five million.”

Wade: “…Are you driving?”

Luke was too lazy to talk to him. He simply waved at him to follow him, before he turned around and left.

Two minutes later, a helicopter flew over the overpass.

On the plane, a soldier in full combat gear looked down and frowned. “Did you find any suspicious targets?”

His subordinate, who was operating a tablet, replied without raising his head, “Negative, boss. It’s too chaotic around here. There are civilians running around in shock everywhere.”

At that moment, the pilot of the helicopter asked, “Mr. Flegg, do you want to do another round?”

Flegg frowned and scanned the area around the overpass with sharp eyes. A moment later, he ordered, “Tell Bird 2 to slow down and search from the south. Report immediately if you find a target. We’ll follow the road north for two kilometers.”

As Flegg gave the order, a mini drone camera was aimed at him from among the weeds.

Luke raised an eyebrow in surprise. “It’s him?”

He had thought that it would be Phil. After all, a lot had happened in New York recently, and one of Phil’s childhood idols was here.

He was already several decades old, but he actually acted like a fanboy and went to watch his idol when he had nothing to do.

Luke was lost for words.

But this time, it was Flegg, whom he hadn’t seen in a long time, which was a little strange.

Thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked, “Do you know Rick Flegg?”

Wade’s muffled voice came from the transparent and warped shadow next to him. “Who? The name’s familiar. Let me think.”

Luke said, “I think he’s from some high-level Joint Research Unit, but the way he operates is a little like a mercenary who does dirty work.”

Wade was silent for a moment before he suddenly said, “Come to think of it, this guy looked me up before and wanted to employ me long-term.”

Luke asked, “Why didn’t you go?”

Wade snorted. “What right does he have to be my boss? I gave him two black eyes on the spot.”

Luke said, “Tell me the truth.”

Wade said, “…The pay he was offering was too low, and I have to be on standby 24/7. I was watching girls at the strip club back then, and had no time for him.”

Luke asked, “Did he really stop looking for you after you beat him up?”

He didn’t think that was possible.

Luke himself, for example, had an official job as a detective, and hence could be said to have some backing. josei

Wade was just a mercenary who operated in gray areas. It wasn’t hard for someone from a secret agency like Flegg to get a handle on him.

Wade: “…He dislocated one of my arms, then left.”

Luke was stunned. “He beat you? Did he use some superpower?”

He hadn’t noticed anything unusual about Flegg.

But they had never been enemies, and hadn’t met in a long while, so Luke didn’t think much of it.

Wade was depressed. “His men didn’t follow the rules. After I punched him in the eye, they pointed their guns at me. I could only stop, and he dislocated my arm.”

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