Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1274 - Big” Problem, and Batman Takes Action

Chapter 1274 - Big” Problem, and Batman Takes Action

Chapter 1274: “Big” Problem, and Batman Takes Action

On the other side, Luke was on his way to Manhattan. Selina was munching on chocolate as she watched the surveillance feed on the tablet. “Wow, John and Zeus have run into a big problem.”

“How big?” Luke didn’t look at the camera because he could hear the teasing in her voice.

Selina asked, “About 300 pounds?”

Luke: “What?”

He finally turned around and looked at the tablet. He was instantly speechless.

On the screen, John and Zeus were looking at a payphone in the subway station, where a six-foot-tall black woman was talking on the phone.

He opened his mouth, but after thinking for a moment, could only say dryly, “Hm, that’s indeed… a big problem.”

However, he wasn’t at the scene, so it was up to John and Zeus to act.

Selina suddenly heaved a long sigh. “Alright, it looks like Zeus used a honey trap to distract her.”

On the surveillance feed, Zeus was talking to the black lady. John took the opportunity to hang up the phone, and it immediately rang.

John picked up. “We’re here.”

Luke had already been monitoring the public phone earlier, and he immediately played John and Simon’s conversation.

But when Simon “kept his promise” and told John where the bomb was, Luke knew that this guy was starting to act shameless.

The train with the bomb on Line 3 hadn’t entered the station yet, and there was only a minute to go before it exploded.

Simon didn’t mention the location of the bomb at all. John and Zeus would only have 20 to 30 seconds to search for it. It would be a miracle if they could find it.

At that moment, even Luke hoped that it was a prank.

At the same time, he asked Little Snail again, “Haven’t you locked onto any suspicious targets?”

Little Snail: “I’m doing a final calculation, sir.”

Ten seconds later, a map of Wall Street appeared with a circle 200 meters in diameter on it. “Sir, based on the trace, after cross-checking, the probability of the target being in this area is 94.7%.”

“Scan the surveillance footage in this area right now for anyone acting abnormally.” Luke sped up.

Although there were many buildings in the area, it was much smaller than Wall Street.

The last few calls had cut down the targets Little Snail had to look up at least ten-fold.

At that moment, his clone received a reply from Tony. “Got some info from the FBI; I’m sending it to you ASAP.”

Luke was delighted when he read the message.

Although the tycoon liked to posture, he wouldn’t deliver ordinary intelligence in a situation like this.

He immediately sent a “thanks.”

Tony, on the other hand, was feeling gloomy.

Terrorists were undoubtedly the group he hated the most.

The only time in his life when he was imprisoned in a cave to eat pig swill and had almost died was thanks to terrorists.

What the hell was going on lately? He had been in New York yesterday, but nothing had happened.

He had just returned to the Malibu villa in Los Angeles that morning, when something happened in New York in the afternoon.

After hearing the news, he immediately flew back to New York, and was on his way.

He was better at finding people in big cities than most people in the world, including specialists.

However, he couldn’t refuse when Batman asked for information.

Batman had taken the initiative to ask for help in order to save civilians. Tony couldn’t hoard the info and watch the next explosion happen just because of his hang-ups.

Luke didn’t factor Tony into his plan, since this person had yet to reach New York.

Otherwise, he could give him some intelligence support.

He gave the information a brief look, then immediately had Little Snail scan a few photos, mainly to look for traces of the suspect named Mathias Targo.

This was because Targo was a bomb expert suspected of providing “technical support” in multiple incidents.

There was no doubt that this guy met the requirements for today’s case.

Unfortunately, most of the photos were taken at an earlier time with shoddy equipment; most of the faces looked like pixels.

There was only one clear photo of the suspected mastermind, Targo, from two years ago, and the FBI also had more detailed information on him.

Now that it had a target, Little Snail immediately unleashed its power.

In less than five minutes, it transmitted the intelligence it had sorted out.

Luke smiled. josei

Targo had appeared on Wall Street.

He entered a building that morning and never appeared again.

This building just happened to be in the range which Little Snail had marked out.

Luke didn’t let anyone know, and just drove faster toward the building.

In the subway tunnel, his clone was wearing the Batman suit, and the cape on his back had been put away. He turned on the propulsion system and flew quickly to catch up with the train on Line 3 that was about to enter the station.

Without stopping, Luke crashed into the train, eliciting shouts of fear.

But less than two seconds later, the passengers’ tones changed as they exclaimed in delight, “Batman!”

Luke’s blood-red lenses flickered, and he moved forward at a swift but even pace. He said calmly, “I’m Batman. Everyone, move to both sides and keep the middle clear. Try to stay quiet as much as possible and don’t interfere with my actions.”

His voice was normal, but all the passengers on the train heard him; he had used Elementary Sound Wave to spread his voice.

The noise quickly died down, and many people suddenly realized: Batman was here! Why was Batman here?

Of course, he only appeared when civilians were in danger or if criminals showed up.

So, this place was dangerous!

Most of them reacted, and were instantly anxious.

However, thanks to Batman’s mighty reputation, they quietly did as they were told.

Few people dared to act stupid in front of Batman.

Everybody knew that Batman was a good guy, but he had never been soft-hearted.

He and Black Cat were already the biggest source of revenue for New York’s orthopaedics departments.

Besides, if there really was danger in the train and they didn’t listen to instructions, they would be the ones to die later.

Luke was very fast.

In fact, he had already moved through three cars before many people moved to the sides.

Thanks to Sharp Nose and the armor’s vision, he fixed his gaze on a yellow emergency phone box on the side as soon as he entered.

However, there was no line connected to this emergency phone box, nor was there a phone inside. The smell coming from it was even more unique.

The bomb used by the terrorists this time wasn’t the typical C4 combo, but a liquid explosive.

Currently, there weren’t many terrorists who used this product, and its scent was naturally much more unique, so Luke instantly locked onto it.

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