Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1333 - Familiar Food, Familiar Target

Chapter 1333 - Familiar Food, Familiar Target

Chapter 1333: Familiar Food, Familiar Target

It wasn’t easy to find traces of Roberto, but thanks to the pervasive smartphone and F2F and chat groups online, Luke finally had a possible lead.

A man suspected to be Roberto Piero had appeared in New York a few days ago, and his whereabouts were unknown.

However, the multifaceted system later discovered someone similar to the target, who had taken a private plane to Los Angeles.

This lead wasn’t reliable, but it might lead to a nest of boss-level vampires ripe for harvesting, so Luke felt that it was acceptable to spend a few days investigating it.

If he really couldn’t find anything, the new generation of gangsters that was starting to rise up in Los Angeles was an acceptable substitute.

While the quality wasn’t as good, the amount of experience and credit points he could get from 100 gangsters was equal to that of a small vampire boss.

Before searching for leads, Luke even went to the In-N-Out outside Stark Industries and packed up a huge amount of cheeseburgers.

Ever since the tycoon officially became Iron Man, the cheeseburger in this fast food restaurant became a well-known American dish.

Luke waited thirty minutes before he got his 50 hamburgers.

Even so, the staff here didn’t act surprised at all.

It wasn’t until Luke turned around and left that he got strange looks.

Under the bright June Californian sun, Luke slowly wandered Los Angeles and scanned the areas from the west to the east.

When he got bored, he stopped the car to rest and eat. After resting for a while, he would continue searching.

That Roberto was too cautious with this “family visit,” and the leads Luke got were very sporadic. Even now, it was like searching for a needle in a haystack.

Luke was already prepared for this.

A year ago, Batman killed the noob Blood God in Sacramento, and the two young masters of the Elsworth family were turned into vampires. He then gave them to SHIELD as research subjects.

Following that incident, the upper echelons of the United States started investigating vampires.

These operations were classified, and most ordinary people didn’t know anything.

Luke couldn’t find detailed data on how many vampires or “soldiers” like the Elsworth family there were.

Since that incident, however, the vampires had become completely silent.

Thus, Luke couldn’t find any lackeys to follow a trail. In a way, he had screwed himself over a little.

Vampires liked to move around at night, and that person who appeared similar to Roberto had only been accidentally caught on camera at the airport in New York.

There were too many people after leaving the airport; as long as the vampires were just a little more prudent, ordinary people couldn’t touch them at all.

Luke didn’t want to fight in armor in broad daylight, so he could only search for leads with Sharp Nose and Elementary Sound Wave.

After half a day, Luke, who was familiar with downtown Los Angeles, ruled out most of the bustling areas.

Forget searching the vast outskirts of the city – there was no guarantee he would have anything to show for it.

In the evening, Luke sat outside along Santa Monica Beach as he ate and looked at the beautiful bikini-clad women under the setting sun.

They were all enveloped in a layer of golden light which highlighted their beautiful curves, and Luke was a little distracted. Should he go and find a few big drug dealers to clean up the weed and crystals tonight, or should he ask around for information?

A few young girls were laughing and joking not far away. When one of them saw Luke, who was in a daze, she couldn’t help but whisper something to her companion, causing them to laugh.

There seemed to be a hint of encouragement in her eyes.

Luke followed their movements until they disappeared.

Finally, he stood up and mumbled, “Hm, let’s go together.”

Los Angeles at night was no different from before he left.

Petty thefts and robberies were on the rise again, and the big gangs were doing a lot better.

Without daily greetings from Knee Breaker and Batman, these guys had started to come out again in recent months.

After some thought, Luke gave up on the idea of Batman returning.

Beating up hooligans once or twice wouldn’t increase Batman’s prestige.

He didn’t want to use Batman when he made trouble for the vampires either.

In the Big Dipper Armor, on the other hand, it didn’t matter if he went on a killing spree.

Compared with defeat or capture, kills gave the most experience and credit points.

However, bad guys who were defeated and caught could still be released and then arrested again.

There was no definite difference in experience and credit points between a once-off or ongoing harvest.

But Luke didn’t like giving villains a chance to return.

If they could “return to the dead,” however, he didn’t mind getting a second round of points.

After cleaning up a second secret drug warehouse, Polaris sent a notification: “Traces of Daywalker have been detected.”

Luke perked up and quickly threw the rest of the illegal drugs into his inventory before he charged into the sky.

As Luke’s base for several months, LAPD’s police surveillance naturally couldn’t escape the fate of him setting up a back door.

Daywalker had appeared in the north instead of entering the city.

Luke immediately followed him.

Daywalker could be considered a super bloodhound. He even bragged that he could smell the stench of vampires from a kilometer away.

This could only be considered a fancy figure of speech.

In fact, Daywalker was a human and vampire hybrid.

Relying on his innate vampire instincts, he could indeed dig out traces of his “compatriots” in the dark corners of the city and kill them all.

However, Daywalker also liked to go out at night to hunt the vampires who couldn’t endure the light of day, and he also took care to avoid surveillance.

Luke had seen him twice in New York a few days ago, and thought that he had lost the vampire, Roberto.

It seemed that Daywalker fully deserved the title of bloodhound. josei

That night, a lone car drove out of downtown Los Angeles. Luke followed at a distance in invisible mode.

An hour later, his heart suddenly jumped when he saw the car heading northwest.

This road led to San Francisco.

But Sacramento wasn’t far east of San Francisco.

Last time, the Elsworth family’s noob Blood God had been “born” in a castle in the wilderness.

After that, Luke investigated the castle, and discovered that it had once belonged to an ancient European family.

Decades after the Civil War, this castle appeared under the Elsworth family’s name.

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