Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1345 - The Dog Head Is the Most Reliable, and Super Policewoman

Chapter 1345 - The Dog Head Is the Most Reliable, and Super Policewoman

Chapter 1345: The Dog Head Is the Most Reliable, and Super Policewoman

“That b*stard!” He couldn’t help but curse.

As expected, Wade wasn’t dependable. He wasn’t carrying the exclusive phone that was their line of communication.

How f*cking annoying.

Swiftly operating the virtual screen, Luke found Vanessa’s current location from her phone, but he didn’t call it.

They were facing an emergency. If Vanessa was distracted, she might become more of a hindrance than help.

Wade would probably go crazy if something happened to Vanessa.

While he was busy, Luke didn’t stop talking as he gave Gold Nugget all sorts of orders.

Through the connection between the two clones, Gold Nugget passed them on to Claire.

Currently, the only reliable person at the scene… was Gold Nugget.

That was right. It wasn’t Carol and Lorna, and it wasn’t Claire, but Gold Nugget.

Neither Wade nor the three girls were reliable.

There was only Gold Nugget, the dog head that had always been training and which was so familiar with the safety rules it was practically an instinct for it now.

It was also an “old hand” who had been Selina’s subordinate and bodyguard for a long time. While it didn’t have as much combat experience, it was outstanding at “hiding.”

Although this alien dog head was always lazy at home, it had never made any mistakes when it went out into the field, and Luke trusted it.

With Gold Nugget’s instructions and help, Claire quickly took action.

First of all, she activated the surveillance function on her phone. At the same time, she scanned the area to make sure that there weren’t any onlookers.

Then, she took out a flat box from her backpack and opened it to reveal an unremarkable gray mask.

After the box was put aside, Gold Nugget activated the complete symbiotic form. Golden liquid poured out from its back and quickly wrapped around Claire.

In less than two seconds, a golden humanoid creature appeared. It was similar in size and face to Selina, except that it was a little shorter at only 1.8 meters tall. Also, it wasn’t as curvy as Selina.

Selina’s complete form looked dexterous and powerful, while Claire’s looked more dexterous than anything else.

After the transformation, Claire put on the gray mask as Gold Nugget instructed and stood still for ten seconds.

Starting from the head, the gold color was covered in a layer of dark gray, which looked utterly unremarkable.

This was a second function of the Thousand Faces System. The first function changed the user’s body, while the second simply added a layer of semi-optical camouflage.

This semi-optical camouflage wasn’t as effective as the optical camouflage on the real armor, since the invisibility mode could only be achieved through limited color adjustment.

Of course, this second function was tailor-made for Selina and Claire, because only they could carry Gold Nugget with them and enter the complete symbiotic form.

Gold Nugget’s symbiotic form was so dazzling that Luke had no choice but to prepare this for them.

Compared with superhumans, alien lifeforms would probably whip certain organizations into a frenzy, not to mention a certain gold guy looked very valuable.

If anyone mistook this guy for pure gold and thought that it could even sh*t gold bars, it might be possible that wave after wave of people would come looking to capture it.

That was how much money mattered in America.

Most of the problems in this country had to do with money.

It looked very valuable, but was an unforgivable root of evil.

Claire was very curious about the origin of the gray mask.

It was something that the mysterious old man had asked her to fetch from an empty house. He said that it was a little gift that he had gotten his friend to try making.

When nobody was around, she went to Luke’s basement to activate the complete symbiotic form and undergo focused tests and training.

After experiencing the old man’s “divine power,” she didn’t pursue the matter, even though she wondered.

Gold Nugget also reminded her that the anti-sneak shot function on the phone from Luke could prevent her from being caught on camera.

It was very useful for hiding her identity as a “super policewoman.”

The mysterious old man was quite a nice guy. He chatted and gossiped with her, and helped her train.

He wasn’t like Robert and Luke, who were old and liked to lecture. Instead, he was a little… lively?

This made Claire feel that she had a connection with this “old man.”

Of course, the naive Claire didn’t know she was currently being directed by a certain “old” fellow from a distance.

There was a seamless connection between her and Gold Nugget, and the orders which Gold Nugget received from Luke were relayed to her without error.

What she needed to do was follow Luke’s instructions and use the least amount of force to accomplish tonight’s rescue operation.

While Claire was taking around half a minute to prepare, something happened on Wade and Vanessa’s end — they charged into the apartment building where Carol and Lorna were hiding. josei

They successfully escaped being attacked, but the danger Carol and Lorna were in had increased significantly.

Just now, Carol had described what happened via text.

According to Carol, they had just been waiting at the back door for P!nk.

That was because Lorna said that big stars liked to sneak out through the back door in case they were blocked by fans and reporters.

In the end, before a certain “big star” appeared, they saw two combat soldiers come out of the back door, as if to guard and examine the environment.

When they noticed Carol and Lorna, one of them said into his earpiece, “The device has detected suspected superhumans, but not the target.”

The man’s voice was very soft, but Carol’s five senses were far sharper than that of an ordinary person.

After being hunted for more than a year, she was very wary of combat soldiers like these. When she heard that, she immediately pulled at Lorna and ran.

The soldiers hesitated for a moment, before probably receiving an order. After saying, “Copy that,” they chased after the two girls.

Lorna warned Carol in a low voice that the guns were special, and she couldn’t control them.

The two girls’ experience of being ambushed and hit with sedatives in a matter of seconds had already been turned into training by the A.I. Butterfly, and they had reviewed the scenario multiplied times.

When encountering an opponent like this, they absolutely couldn’t take any risks, nor should they fight on empty streets where they could be easily surrounded.

Just like that, they ran 100 meters before… Claire appeared.

Carol and Lorna didn’t recognize Claire even though they were fans of P!nk. With the old man to back her up, Claire jumped out to uphold justice.


She wasn’t too scared. In any case, she only stuck her head out halfway from behind a car and yelled, and was prepared to retreat at any moment.

She had just wanted to buy the two girls time to escape.

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