Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1359 - Barbecue, Fixing a Water Pipe, and Lotus Head

Chapter 1359 - Barbecue, Fixing a Water Pipe, and Lotus Head

Chapter 1359: Barbecue, Fixing a Water Pipe, and Lotus Head

There was a huge gap in tech skills between him and those two; the only thing the thin young man could do was ensure that he wasn’t discovered.

Moreover, there was no point in him tracking things back to Iron Man, who lived in Stark Tower.

Amanda had high hopes of him tracking down Batman, but he didn’t dare.

He could use his superpower to protect himself online, but not to improve his tech skills.

If he tracked Batman down, that meant that Batman might also be able to lock onto his approximate location.

Given how random Batman’s appearances were, the thin young man was afraid of waking up the next day and seeing that terrifying Dark Knight standing in front of his bed, pointing at him and saying that classic sentence, “Guilty.”

The thin young man wasn’t a masochist. There really was no need for him to give Batman a reason to come over.

Only if his ability improved to the point that he could beat up people online would he disregard the disparity in tech skills and track Batman down.

By that point, however, there would be no need for him to work for this hateful b*tch anymore. It would be better for him to just slip away.

If he could become a superhero, why would he do the dirty work for this woman?

Even becoming Iron Man or Batman’s sidekick would still be better than being bossed around by this woman.

A certain poor soul started fantasizing.

It was really hard to be a good person.

In this cruel world, only Batman and superheroes could give him some warmth.

Compared with the Advanced Research Unit, which was operating at high speed to clean up its traces, Luke was very relaxed.

He dragged Selina and Gold Nugget up to the rooftop for an outdoor barbecue. josei

It would be a shame not to have a barbecue or a beer on a sunny day like this in late June.

It had indeed been hard on Selina and Gold Nugget tonight.

For the sake of a safe operation, they hadn’t been able to plunder any loot tonight.

Selina didn’t care how much money there was, but the dog head did.

It was ignorant about mathematics and didn’t know how to calculate the gains, but there was no way it would forget to take the money at all.

Luke had always been strict with the dog head’s education.

Fairness, equality, and transparency: these three principles had to be upheld.

Gold Nugget might be a little stupid, but people who treated others like idiots had to be prepared to suffer a backlash at any time, and it was the same with the alien dog.

So, Luke had never decreased the reward promised to Gold Nugget beforehand just because it was stupid.

Even if the dog head really became smarter, it would conversely realize that it had never been cheated.

Between it and Selina, on the other hand, nothing mattered.

They had always combined their stash. Gold Nugget even used Selina’s credit card for online shopping and used Selina’s ID to apply for an account to scold people online.

The two hated troublesome things and didn’t want to think about cash accounts at all.

Selina was eating garlic eggplant, and her lips were bright red. She asked Luke, “Are we still working overtime tomorrow night?”

Luke: “Yes.”

Of course, Selina wasn’t referring to police work, but to whether or not they were going to continue with their cleanup of the remaining 20-plus gangs.

They had caused quite a stir tonight. She felt that if they disposed of 20 more gangs tomorrow, NYPD and the hospitals would be cursing her and Batman.

Since Luke had settled on this plan, however, she didn’t say much.

She was only responsible for raising some objections at the right moment. Whether Luke accepted them or not was up to him.

“Are we having supper tomorrow night?” She changed the topic.

Luke smiled. “Sure. What do you want to eat?”

As Selina finished the second roast eggplant, she mulled over it. “Hot pot, but I have to be able to take it this time.”

Luke nodded regretfully. “Fine.”

Ask Gold Nugget? As if.

This guy could eat a ton of ghost peppers and would still be fine.

It had a different physiological structure from humans. Spice was just a flavor to it, just like how diluted sulfuric acid was the same as vinegar for it.

While two people and one dog were having a barbecue, Luke’s clone had already followed Max home to make cupcakes.

Before doing so, however, Luke volunteered to fix her water pipe.

Max had inadvertently mentioned that the showerhead was broken, but it was actually a problem with the water pipe.

She had already bought the materials and was prepared to do it herself.

Max was an all-rounder who could do it anywhere. When she was free, she could fix electrical appliances, furniture and water pipes.

More importantly, she was reluctant to pay for expensive repairs.

Luke paid more attention to this matter since he also needed to use the bathroom.

He didn’t want to be sprayed with sewage when he took a shower in the middle of the night.

Caroline stopped Max, who was about to go to the bathroom to watch, and said in a low voice, “Isn’t he too good at everything? Making cakes can be considered a hobby, but how many men know how to fix a water pipe?”

What she was saying was that few rich men would learn to repair water pipes.

Max, however, said proudly, “He said that he taught himself after watching male leads in action movies repair pipes.”

Caroline was at a loss. “Huh? What movies are those? Why don’t I remember a male lead like that?”

Max looked at her roommate in surprise. A moment later, she said, “Like The Gentlemen’s Club. Isn’t it online? Hm, but I watched it on VCR back then.”

Stumped for a moment, Caroline finally thought of something, and was shocked. “Are you talking about?those?types of ‘action movies’?”

Max gave her a pitying look. “Did you think I was referring to the kind shown in the cinemas?”

Caroline was lost for words. A moment later, however, she couldn’t help but ask, “What’s the website?”

Max: “What?”

Luke spent half an hour fixing the pipe and showerhead. He then changed out of his T-shirt and went to make cakes with Max.

Caroline seized the opportunity to enjoy the brand new lotus showerhead.

Even without Elementary Sound Wave, Luke could still hear the strange sounds in the bathroom.

With a strange expression on his face, he whispered in Max’s ear, “How long has it been since Caroline had a boyfriend?”

Hearing that, Max pointed the egg beater at him. “Don’t even think about it.”

“I still like your type more.” Luke didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

He really wasn’t interested in Caroline, except that her movements were too loud for his keen ears.

“Are you sure?” Max glared at him for a moment, then gestured downward threateningly.

“Yes.” Luke hurriedly swallowed. “Hey, this is for the customers tomorrow. What are you doing with it?”

Unbothered, Max then continued beating the egg whites. “What’s there to be afraid of? They’ve all eaten Oleg’s food before.”

Luke made a retching sound. He was glad that he had Sharp Nose, which was why he hadn’t been screwed over by such a shady chef.

Max finally smiled. “I’m kidding. Actually, it’s been half a year since Caroline had a boyfriend, which is why I specially switched to a multi-purpose showerhead.”

After a brief hesitation, Luke abandoned the thought of asking about the showerhead’s functions.

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