Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1454 - Pursue Art All the Time, Feel Good All the Time

Chapter 1454 - Pursue Art All the Time, Feel Good All the Time

Chapter 1454: Pursue Art All the Time, Feel Good All the Time

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

At that point, Luke was no longer worried about being discovered, and he sped up.

The one-ton explosives were set to go off one after another in the center.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to detonate them all together, but if he did, his clone would probably be blown to smithereens.

It would be a waste to squander 100,000 credit points just like that.

With 10 seconds to go, Luke threw in the last one-ton weapon.

At that moment, there was a total of five explosives placed around one third of the bulkhead.

It was fine if the explosives didn’t tear open the central bulkhead, but once it did, his clone would definitely be sent flying. josei

A few hundred meters away, Luke found a corner and put on another Bat suit and extra protective gear. He activated the electromagnetic deflection function and waited solemnly.


There was a loud bang, and he felt the ship tremble under his feet, though it wasn’t too violent a movement.

A few seconds later, there was another explosion, and the ship didn’t stop shaking.

At the fourth explosion, the wall of the bulkhead hundreds of meters away suddenly twisted and bulged before it exploded and huge flames spewed out.

Luke checked the system notifications.

From the series of notifications, 20 to 30 of the Chitauri killed were worth an impressive total of more than 5,000 points each.

One was even worth as high as 100,000 points, and two more were worth 20,000 and 30,000 points respectively.

He was relieved.

These individuals were probably higher-ups in the army.

However, this was probably just a reward for these kills, and didn’t include the reward for saving New York.

There was also another Chitauri mothership outside. The Chitauri hadn’t lost yet.

In other words, most of the gains from this battle were yet to come.

Luke, however, wasn’t satisfied.

The attack just now had only killed the Chitauri in the center; that didn’t mean that all the other Chitauri on the mothership were dead.

So, after the most violent shock wave of the explosion passed, he immediately charged toward the center.

One should never stop pursuing perfection in art.

If pursuing art could make you feel good for a while, then pursuing art all the time could make you feel good all the time.

Amidst the utter chaos, Luke smashed through dozens of ships and charged into the center.

At that moment, the gray-skinned “people” in the center were yelling, and many were hanging onto broken instruments and hulls.

Luke knew that these were the real Chitauri.

He had long suspected that something wasn’t right with the Chitauri soldiers in New York.

When he and his system teammates destroyed these amateurs, they didn’t get any experience or credit points at all; these soldiers were more like remote-controlled “lethal weapons.”

The system wouldn’t give him any experience or credit for only destroying the murderer’s weapon.

As Luke pondered, he swiftly scanned the layout. With a thought, he placed an “artwork” the size of an oil drum in a gap under the overturned equipment.

He started the 30-second countdown.

After that, the Bat suit sped up and charged through a gap on the other side.

He remained invisible as the auxiliary thrusters worked at maximum power. He charged through a ruined passage and turned a corner to where he had tossed down two 100-kg explosives.

He fired two missiles at two round repair ships that were blocking the way, before putting his hands together and firing a blast cannon at the explosives.

Instantly, there was an explosion at the opening. The Bat suit charged out as the two repair ships were blown to pieces by the missiles.

After a while, he put the Bat suit back into his inventory and activated the Hibernation ability, before he quickly drifted down to the space portal.

The other intact mothership was already on high alert, and all kinds of gun turrets were already pointed in this direction.

So, Luke decided to take a gamble.

If the first mothership found the clone, it would be turned to dust, but it would be an exchange of losses. He would accept that.

If the other party didn’t find the clone, this chicken thief would be able to slip back to Earth, beat Loki up, and take the scepter.

As for staying behind to ambush the mothership? Dream on.

He had been able to destroy the second mothership purely because the other party didn’t think much of Earth.

Luke had also used his inventory’s storage function to cheat and stuff the explosives into the ship remotely.

It was impossible for the first mothership to give him any chance to steal the chicken now.

The best solution now was to find the scepter and shut down the portal.

Less than half a minute later, the clone successfully exited the space portal.

Firstly, the central control room of the second mothership had been attacked, causing a huge amount of chaos among the Chitauri soldiers.

Secondly, the “art piece” which Luke had placed in the end finally exploded.

Fireworks that were a hundred times more dazzling than earlier exploded in the center of the mothership.

The tortured body of the X-shaped mothership finally crumbled, and it was sent flying in numerous parts.

This caused even more chaos.

At this point, it was impossible for the first mothership to look for Luke anymore.

Even the Chitauri soldiers near the space portal were stopped from entering Earth.

Almost half of the troops had gone “offline,” which meant that there had been major casualties among the soldiers who controlled the second mothership.

After slipping out of the space portal, Luke immediately sped up and headed for the real key to this battle — Loki.

On the ground, the two teams were putting out a last burst of energy.

Most of them were trying to eliminate the surrounding Chitauri fliers and ground forces.

Although about half of the Chitauri soldiers were down, there were still thousands of them left. Overall, the Chitauri still had the absolute advantage. Who knew how long this chaos would last.

Once the Chitauri were done adjusting to the situation, their retaliation would be even fiercer.

Tony and Thor were beating up Loki, but Loki also demonstrated great combat capability, and even Thor looked at the scepter in surprise.

The power of this scepter was on par with Odin’s Mj?lnir.

It was made of material that allowed it to clash head-on with the Mj?lnir hammer, and the blue energy it released could block the thunder and lightning from the hammer. Tony, who had bulky extra equipment on, was even more restrained.

He had been careless at first. Tony had tried to block the huge blue light with an impact cannon, but couldn’t.

Thankfully, at the last moment, he shifted so that the blue ball of light brushed past him, and a large part of his extra gear looked like it had been bitten by a dog.

Looking at the jagged section less than five centimeters from his body, Tony broke out in a cold sweat and was keenly aware of Selina’s warning not to touch the blue light.

He had even ambushed Loki from behind earlier. Loki could no longer act high and mighty and kept casting various illusion spells to divert Tony’s attacks.

As a result, the only thing Tony could do in this fight was to contain the enemy.

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