Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1482 - Go One Round, Why Don’t You Give It a Go?

Chapter 1482 - Go One Round, Why Don’t You Give It a Go?

Chapter 1482: Go One Round, Why Don’t You Give It a Go?

Luke smiled. “Let’s go. The boss left you to me.”

Misty was stumped for a moment, before she remembered that he was from the Detective Bureau.

Seeing that Luke was about to leave, she hesitated for a moment, but still got up and followed him.

As he walked, Luke sent Selina a message and told her to take a cab to the airport.

Selina simply replied with an OK.

A moment later, Luke gave Misty an address, and they drove out of HQ.

They didn’t go far before they stopped at an old building.

Luke led Misty down a dark corridor on the first floor before they entered a spacious hall.

Misty looked at the boxing ring, the sandbags, and the training equipment. “Are we here to investigate a case?”

Luke smiled, took off his coat, and tossed it onto a stool. “Isn’t fighting the fastest way to get to know each other?”

Misty frowned. “Are you serious?”

As he stretched, Luke said, “Walter said that you shut that rookie up?”

Misty didn’t look happy. “You’re going to stand up for him?”

Luke shook his head. “I want to say, well done.”

Misty was stumped. “Huh?”

Luke picked up a skipping rope and started skipping quickly, but his breathing was even as he said, “Mocking a colleague who has already proven their courage and strength – isn’t a thrashing a natural outcome? He should be glad that neither John nor I knew about it.”

Misty finally relaxed. After a brief silence, she shook her head. “I was too impulsive.”

Luke chuckled. “You’re the one who dared to stab a monster to death with a clothes stand. Would you do that if you didn’t have a temper?” josei

Misty released a breath.

Police officers also had their own cliques. She had injured a colleague as soon as she transferred in, and could have easily been ostracized by the veterans for it.

She hadn’t expected Luke, this “veteran,” to be on her side.

Luke said, “Alright, let’s get some exercise. Let’s go one round for fun.”

Misty hesitated.

At this point, she didn’t want to fight anymore. “I get what you’re trying to do, but a match is pointless.”

Luke dropped the rope and walked over to a sandbag. “You’re too kind. Actually… I’m not that weak.”

With that, he punched the sandbag.

The heavy sandbag suddenly flipped up until it was almost level with the floor.

Luke stretched out a hand and stopped the sandbag as it fell down.

Misty narrowed her eyes. That punch wasn’t something that an ordinary person could do.

While she was hesitating, another door opened and a man walked in with a bag.

He was stumped to see them. “You…”

Luke walked over with a smile and stretched out his hand. “Hello, I’m Luke. I’m a friend of the boss here. I want to train with a friend today.”

With a polite smile, the man shook hands with Luke. “Hello, just call me Steve.”

Luke said, “Don’t worry. We’re just having fun. We won’t disturb you. I don’t think you can use that on your own.”

He gestured at the boxing ring.

Steve nodded. “Indeed, I can’t use that. Help yourself.”

Luke took two steps forward and waved at Misty, who had yet to warm up. “Alright, Steve is a nice guy. He doesn’t mind us using the boxing ring.”

Steve couldn’t help but glance at him again. He shook his head with a smile and took his bag to the changing room.

Although Luke was a little over the top, Steve was used to this treatment.

Besides, Luke seemed nice, and Steve certainly wouldn’t bicker with a kid.

But why did this young man’s smile seem a little familiar? Steve thought for a moment, but couldn’t place his finger on it, so he didn’t dwell on it.

He was an old man, and it wasn’t unusual for him to find certain things and people familiar.

Five minutes later, Steve, who had changed into a T-shirt and cotton pants, returned to the training hall.

Before he opened the door in the hallway, his expression changed. Picking up his pace, he pushed the door open and immediately looked at the boxing ring.

Two people were exchanging quick and fierce moves.

The gloves made loud thumps as they made contact.

Steve slowly walked over with a solemn expression.

In the ring, Luke was fending off Misty’s attacks with a serious expression.

However, his breathing was even and there was no panic in his eyes. He moved unhurriedly.

Except for the fact that he didn’t go on the offensive often, he didn’t show any weakness.

Misty, however, grew excited.

She had been trying to control her strength in the beginning; now, however, she was starting to go all out.

It didn’t take more than three minutes for her to run out of stamina.

Luke, on the other hand, was as composed as ever. He was only sweating a little.

At that moment, Misty finally let go of the stifled feeling in her heart, and her right arm suddenly swung out.

Luke raised his hand and opened his glove to block the punch.


There was a heavy thud, and he took two steps back. He raised his hands to indicate a stop.

Misty took a step, then stopped, gasping hard.

Only then did her exhaustion come flooding in.

Recalling her last punch, she cursed inwardly and hurriedly asked, “Is your hand alright? I forgot to hold back.”

“It’s fine. That was a very strong punch.” Luke flexed his wrist, then helped her out of the ring. “Take a break first.”

As he spoke, he turned to look at Steve. “You want to play too?”

Steve’s eyes flickered.

Luke looked at him and smiled. “Boxing rules. How about it?”

Steve noticed Luke’s evaluative gaze and realized that Luke knew that he wasn’t simply a boxer.

Recalling the earlier match, he was tempted.

Misty was pretty good, but would only be able to deal with two or three hooligans at most with her boxing skills.

Furthermore, her right arm, or rather, her special prosthetic arm, was quite terrifying. She could kill a hoodlum with one punch.

But to Steve, just having a strong artificial limb was meaningless.

In a real battle, Misty would only last three seconds.

Steve’s real focus was on Luke.

In such an intense fight, he was serious but also clearly relaxed.

Misty had already started to use the astonishing strength of her prosthetic arm in the last minute, but the situation had remained firmly under Luke’s control.

The difference in strength was too great. This match was more a lesson than anything else.

Misty’s last punch was much stronger and faster than an ordinary person’s, and Luke had taken it with sublime precision.

He had only taken two steps back just to put some distance between them and stop the match.

It was his skills and mindset which moved Steve.

Steve couldn’t find anyone here to spar with. For a while, he had been training his stamina and hitting sandbags on his own.

That was why his hands were really itching now..

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