Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1506 - I Never Thought You Would Be Like This, Coulson

Chapter 1506 - I Never Thought You Would Be Like This, Coulson

Chapter 1506: I Never Thought You Would Be Like This, Coulson

Luke wiped his mouth with a handkerchief and stared at the dancers on stage with a strange expression.

He managed to control his expression and tapped the counter with a five-dollar bill.

The bartender turned around.

Luke said, “Let me ask you something.”

The bartender looked at the cash under Luke’s hand and frowned.

Because of Luke’s size and appearance, however, he still walked over. “What do you want to know?”

Luke asked, “What’s the name of the short-haired beauty on stage? When did she arrive? I don’t think I saw her last time.”

The bartender immediately understood.

Luke was being generous enough to give him five bucks for this information. Most people wouldn’t even give him a dime for answering such a question.

The bartender’s attitude also improved. “Her name is Lanie, and she only arrived recently. However, she’s very proud and fierce. All she does is dance; until now, no one has been able to go home with her, much less climb into her bed!”

On stage, “Lanie” winked at the audience, and the corner of Luke’s eye twitched.

“…I can’t wait, I need a hit, Baby, give me it, You’re dangerous…” The music drifted into his ears.

Hearing that, he decisively flicked out the five dollars in his hand, the corner of his eye twitching. Go back with her? Climb into her bed? Even Lamar might not be able to do that.

Seeing how straightforward Luke was in giving him the money, the bartender seized the opportunity to take a break. He stopped what he was doing and continued talking nonsense. “This woman is really strong. See her thighs? She could definitely break a man’s waist with those. Look at that ass. She must have undergone professional ‘training.’ If she sits on you, there’s a high chance…”

On stage, Lanie’s hips shook vigorously to the song: “…With a taste of your lips, I’m on a ride, You’re toxic, I’m slipping under…”

Luke’s face immediately darkened.

He had already reached into his pocket with his right hand and was holding a pen, which he aimed at the bartender.

A black needle shot out soundlessly from the tip of the pen. The bartender was still speaking, but less than a second later, his pupils lost focus and his legs went limp as he collapsed over the counter.

Luke calmly put his hand back into his pocket. With a thought, he put the special pen and the needle into his inventory. At the same time, he appeared shocked as he looked at the bartender.

Soon, two brawny men came over and examined the bartender. “He’s not dead. It seems he’s unconscious.”

The other man stared at Luke, his hand already on the gun under his loose T-shirt.

Luke curled his lip. “Come on, has he not touched a woman in years? He was talking about how hot Lanie was, and got so excited that he passed out.”

The man was stumped. They all knew that the bartender had indeed been privately drooling over the newcomer, Lanie, but hadn’t succeeded in seducing her. He also did have a history of knocking himself out after getting high.

At that moment, the man who had been crouched down completed his inspection. “No blood, no external injuries.”

Forget guns; there was no smell of gunpowder at all.

Helpless, the two brawny men spoke into their comms before they lifted the unconscious bartender and brought him to a side door.

Luke shrugged and continued looking at the three people dancing on stage.

However, he didn’t forget to ask Alfred, “Did you record our dear Miss Lanie’s hot dancing? Make sure you don’t miss anything.”

Alfred said, “Don’t worry, master. Bats 7 and 8 recorded everything from two different angles. The video will definitely become Miss Lanie’s lifetime treasure.”

Luke hummed and said, “Forget it. Just leave it in the database.”

Alfred said, “Master, I thought you would give it to Mr. Phil as a birthday present. Otherwise, it would be too much of a waste.”

Luke chuckled inwardly.?If I do that, not only won’t Phil live past his birthday, he’ll take me down with him.

That was right. The Lanie in center position was Model 1 of Phil’s Thousand Faces System.

It was Luke who had specially chosen this hot, short-haired girl model, so he recognized it at a glance.

That being said, a thought popped into his head: Could Phil be here for the same reason?

Phil and Batman were now both “martyrs.”

The only thing Phil was responsible for now was the secret investigation of Hydra inside SHIELD.

Claudia and Lamar? Hydra and the American “big backer”? There really seemed to be a connection.

A secret organization like Hydra absolutely wouldn’t mind making billions in dirty money a year.

Luke himself had a lot of things to do, and he also had to use untraceable money; he wouldn’t use the money from the phone company.

His opponents didn’t need evidence; as long as they had clues, they wouldn’t hesitate to kill people, even if they were on the wrong track.

No amount of confidentiality or money laundering could hold up to a thorough investigation of the source. That was the safest option.

Thinking that, Luke couldn’t help but look at Phil, who was about to finish dancing. Should he make contact?

What should he say? He hesitated. “I saw you dancing part-time in a bar with my own eyes”? “I never thought you would be like this, Coulson”? Phil wouldn’t kill himself from the indignity, right?

Before that, he might want to get rid of a certain tactless eyewitness!

Quickly vetoing this silly thought, Luke decided to wait and see.

For Phil’s sake, waiting a day or two was fine.

But who would’ve thought! As soon as he got the Thousand Faces System, Phil, with his thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually started to let himself go. This could be considered… an unexpected delight? Luke took another sip of his beer as he summed things up inwardly.

Of course, he had already turned back to face the bar.

He already had the video as a souvenir. If he continued watching Phil dance… his eyes would burn. josei

Alfred sent him a notification: “Sir, Spiders 1 to 6 have entered the basement. There is a simple alarm system, but it won’t affect their infiltration.”

Luke hummed in acknowledgment.

Bats were the drones that could fly, and Spiders were naturally the drones that moved on the ground.

With Luke’s current skills, he could make Spider drones less than ten millimeters in size — of course, they were bigger when their legs unfolded.

This was enough for reconnaissance work. When it came to burrowing into cracks, in particular, they were much more convenient than the flying Bat drones.

Alfred said, “Detected a second basement level, which is equipped with a more advanced security system. The Spiders will need time to find a passage.”

Luke didn’t think much of it and waited silently.

Since he had decided to give Phil a chance to perform, he wasn’t in a hurry.

At that moment, the song was over, and the hot girl whom Phil had transformed into was called down, leaving the other two dancers to start the next dance.

Ironfist Lamar also got up from the booth and entered the small door.

Looking at the image of the basement, Luke scratched his head.

A big black man led Phil to the first basement level and into a room.

Then… Lamar also arrived and entered the room..

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