Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1531 - Crack Thinking and Lunatics Had a Lot of Fun

Chapter 1531 - Crack Thinking and Lunatics Had a Lot of Fun

Chapter 1531: Crack Thinking and Lunatics Had a Lot of Fun

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

As Luke spoke, he had Selina share her thoughts.

In the past half-year, Selina had also started to develop her own vision and strategic thinking. Luke didn’t want her to be a brainless frontline soldier.

It was impossible for him to instruct her at all times. She had to use her own head to make decisions in a critical moment.

At the moment, Selina was still thinking at a tactical level, and had no clue about strategy or the big picture.

So, he encouraged her to ask more questions and to come to her own conclusions. Except for listening to him when it came to safety and self-defense, she had to rely on herself.

Luke… basically didn’t think about the big picture or strategy. He was naturally petty and reserved; what could Selina learn from him?

In this regard, Frank was a more suitable instructor.

Frank was an expert in tactics, but he also had a unique strategy.

And that was to hit the enemy in the vitals, let them struggle a bit, then kill them.

This strategy suited Luke to a tee.

In any case, it was impossible for the special force to engage in an actual army battle; this sort of strategy was already good enough.

At that moment, Selina raised a question. “Hydra is a terminal disease for SHIELD. Nick Fury is dragging his feet now because he wants to put off dying by a few more days so that he can make the arrangements for his funeral?”

“Wait.” Luke was suddenly stunned. “Putting it off for a few days… to make funeral arrangements?”

Rubbing his chin, he asked Selina, “What do you think?”

Selina said, “Nick Fury is a sly old fox, petty and ruthless. So, even if he can’t bear to part with SHIELD, he will make a choice. The longer he puts it off now, the faster he can get the ball rolling later.”

Luke nodded in agreement.

They naturally had to consider the other party’s style and methods.

Selina suddenly turned her head to give Luke a side-eye.

Luke was baffled.

“If, and I’m only saying if, Nick Fury is half as petty as you…” She held back her laughter and said, “I think he’ll definitely try his best to take away as many precious resources as possible, like capital, technology and all sorts of mysterious items, to ensure that Hydra won’t be able to use them to shore itself

up once things go wrong.”

Luke glared at her unhappily, but mulled over her words – it did sound very much like something that the black-hearted man would do.

Selina didn’t stop smiling. “In any case, SHIELD can’t be saved, so let’s destroy it along with Hydra and bring the resources back with us. That way… we can save money?”

Thinking for a moment, Luke sighed and rubbed her head. “You’ve grown up.”

Selina was lost for words.

Slapping his hand away, she asked, “Am I right?”

Luke spread his hands. “Of course I agree. Nick Fury will probably do it in a big way.”

‘The most important deciding factor was understanding that it was hopeless for SHIELD.

Bearing this premise in mind and given Nick Fury’s personality, there weren’t many possible outcomes.

In any case, Selina had indeed improved.

She wouldn’t have been able to think like this before. She had followed Luke up to this point; unless she completely broke away from him, the only way forward for her was to grow.

After speaking up to this point, there was nothing else to say.

Luke’s approach had never changed. In one word: provocation.

The only way to change a person’s mind was to provoke them.

It would have been a problem if he had joined Nick Fury’s team to help out free of charge in order to follow Phil.

He could guess what Nick Fury was thinking, This black baldie might let Batman and Big Dipper participate in a lot of missions.

At the same time, however, his petty and paranoid mind would compel him to exclude people who weren’t on his side from important operations.

If Luke joined Nick Fury, Big Dipper might not be able to catch the real Hydra fish.

As a passionately righteous figure, Luke naturally couldn’t accept this.

A person still had to rely on themself!

Sitting in a chair in the basement, Luke kicked the floor every now and then as he spun around and fell into deep thought.

Batman had “sacrificed” himself. Even if a second Batman appeared, it wouldn’t be easy to get points.

This was a common problem for men — when they were too proficient, it wasn’t good for them to take action.

The identities of Big Dipper, V, and even the Boogeyman were inconvenient to some extent.

As long as someone looked into Big Dipper and V, they would suspect that they were connected to Batman.

Then, the connections could be made: Batman — Iron Man — Nick Fury.

The Boogeyman’s shadow hung over the High Table, which was a surfeit of points.

If he really got serious, the High Table would shrink back in fear.

There was still the Angel of Judgment, White Wolf, who wasn’t very active.

But this time, the target was SHIELD.

Luke and Hydra both knew that it was Hydra members who were being taken down, but to the other government agencies, they were still SHIELD members.

Hydra has always been shameless.

It would be a joke if Hydra really retreated and then instigated SHIELD’s non-Hydra members or other government agencies to fight White Wolf.

‘When the time came, was White Wolf supposed to take all of them down and continue with his operation? They would be very resentful.

So, was he actually still short of a “unique” identity? Thinking this, Luke’s mind whirled.

He already had several superhero aliases, the anti-hero Big Dipper, who was ruthless and decisive in killing people, and himself as a super detective among regular people.

The only thing he didn’t have was… a supervillain identity?

But would the system let him be a supervillain?

A supervillain who was all talk and no action couldn’t scare the bad guys, much less Hydra. josei

Hydra itself was made up of a bunch of supervillains. How could it not know what a supervillain should be like?!

Hydra’s family and friends might not necessarily know that they were Hydra.

Phil and Garrett were close. Could Luke tie Phil up to threaten Garrett? That would be very unprofessional of a bad guy.

If Luke really did that, however, Garrett might look devastated on the outside but would be laughing wildly inside. He couldn’t wait for Phil to die.

Luke tapped the armrest. Points were deducted for doing bad things, so the new alias couldn’t be a genuine bad person. Then

An image of a certain lunatic with a cheap mouth and who hungered for money flashed through his mind. Hm, it seemed… being a lunatic might be a good choice?

Lunatics had a lot of fun!

Recalling Batman, who had become a martyr, Luke suddenly chuckled. “Just a joke? That sounds doable.”

Thinking that, he suddenly stood up and paced back and forth in the room as he calculated the feasibility of the plan.

Did a lunatic need reason or logic to argue with someone? No.

A lot of lunatics came and went without a trace.


For example, many American serial killers looked like they lived completely ordinary lives before they were caught and brought to justice, as if they were two completely different people.

Multiple personality disorder wasn’t incomprehensible. If the person had a high IQ, it made sense that they would be hard to catch.

But it seems that a high IQ doesn’t suit me? Luke muttered inwardly. When it came down to it, Daddy System had never given him an increase in 1Q..

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