Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1540 - This Sir? Dark Knight

Chapter 1540 - This Sir? Dark Knight

Chapter 1540: This Sir? Dark Knight

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

This was how the world worked.

Although Batman and Black Cat had crippled a lot of New York hoodlums, they still respectfully called the two “sir” and “ma’am.”

That was because the rumor was that whoever spoke ill of these two behind their backs might immediately get a visit from them.

Later, the rumor changed to whoever uttered these two names might be found by them.

Under the threat of permanent disability, the hoodlums would rather believe than not.

Thus, they never said these two names unless it was necessary.

Suddenly, one of the hoodlums came back to himself and pointed at Luke. “Who are you trying to fool? Bat… that sir died trying to save New York. Also, your eyes aren’t right. Wait! You want to hook up with this b*tch, which is why you’re trying to scare us, right?”

The three other hoodlums were stumped for a moment, before they looked enlightened and then relieved. josei

Trish, who was behind Luke, was also stumped for a moment. She couldn’t help but walk around to look at him.

As an observant media reporter, she indeed noticed something wasn’t right.

Batman’s height had been confirmed many times based on image references.

With the Batman suit on, he was basically between 215 and 218 cm in height. The discrepancy of three centimeters had to do with changes in the suit; his height was still fixed.

Using her own height as a reference, Trish instantly confirmed that this “Batman” was at most only two meters tall.

Also, when she moved to the side from behind and saw more details on the armor, she realized that this “Batman was significantly smaller.

The suit was clearly in the Batman style, but it looked much “thinner.”

If the Batman of the past was a brawny man, this one was at most a slim young man.

At that moment, she had already walked to the side and was a little closer to the front as she finally got a look at the side profile of this slim “Batman.”

Luke turned around and looked at her. “Ma’am, you’re about to stand on their side.”

Stumped, Trish took two steps back, but still stood slightly to the side with one hand already reaching into her bag.

During this time, her eyes never left the “Batman” mask.

Looking at the blue and white lenses, she took a guess. She said regretfully but excitedly, “May I ask, are you… that Batman?”

Luke waved a hand for her to keep quiet first. He then turned around and looked at the four hoodlums. “Since this is our first meeting, let me say just one thing — I don’t scare people.”

As he spoke, he appeared in front of the four hoodlums in a flash.

The next moment, they were all clutching their stomachs as they dropped to their knees.

Luke grabbed the hoodlum who said he was bluffing, grabbed his left hand, and pinched his little finger.

There was a barely audible crack, and the hoodlum screamed.

Luke dropped him. “If you scream for more than three seconds, I’ll break another bone.”

The hoodlum sucked in a cold breath. As if the volume button had been pressed, his earth-shattering scream instantly tumed into a groan.

The other three hoodlums were terrified, but the punch to the stomach made it hard for them to breathe. They hadn’t been able to resist at all.

They looked at the first hoodlum, who had one broken finger.

Just when Trish and the four hoodlums thought that was it, Luke stepped forward and grabbed the hand of the last hoodlum who had been covering his eyes and cursing.

The hoodlum had shut his mouth in fear when the finger of the first hoodlum was broken.

With tears in his eyes, he pleaded, “Wait, wait, I didn’t do anything, and I got sprayed in the face.”

Luke smiled and looked at the light red color in the system panel. “You were the first to step forward. If this finger of yours isn’t broken, how will you be able to face your brothers?”

Realization dawned on the four hoodlums, who had been fighting back their pain, when they heard that. That was right, this… was all because of him!

If this guy hadn’t been in a hurry, they might have simply let this woman go.

This was actually nonsense, but the four hoodlums accepted it readily.

Seeing the last of their friends scream and fall to his knees, they even gloated a little.

Luke ignored them.

It was the debut of the second-generation “lord” tonight, and he had deliberately chosen Trish as the “cameraman.” He couldn’t be too soft-hearted.

So, the five hooligans might not be armed, but the “victim,” Trish, didn’t lose even a strand of hair, and Luke performed minimal “fracture therapy.”

Turning to look at Trish, he said, “Alright, ma’am, please leave as soon as possible or call the police.” He then turned around and was about to leave.

“Wait!” As Luke expected, Trish spoke up.

He paused, and his lenses glowed with a faint blue and white light as he looked at Trish.

As expected of a professional media reporter, Trish followed up without hesitation the moment she saw an opportunity. “Excuse me, are you Batman?”

Luke said, “You can call me – Dark Knight.”

Stunned for a moment, Trish then immediately asked, “Is it Batman’s Dark Knight?”

Luke said, “Maybe.”

After giving his name, he didn’t want to cheapen this second-generation master’s cool image. He threw out a grappling hook and shot into the sky.

Trish, along with the five hoodlums on their knees, couldn’t help but raise their heads and follow the black figure as he disappeared over the edge of a roof.

After a brief silence, the five hoodlums lowered their heads and struggled to get up, ready to leave.

“Wait.” Trish stood in front of them with her legs apart and her shoulders thrown back, radiating a formidable aura.

The five hooligans subconsciously drew back.

They weren’t afraid of the woman, but of the fake Batman.

‘What if she suddenly screamed for help and called that person back? Nobody wanted to break two fingers in one night.

Looking at the hooligans, a smile suddenly appeared on Trish’s face. “When you cooperate with my interview later, each of you can get 100 bucks for the information. How does that sound?”

Stunned for a moment, four of the five hoodlums nodded, but one of them shook his head.

The person who shook his head was the one who had shouted earlier that Luke was a fake. At that moment, he noticed something. “Admit to committing a robbery for 100 bucks? Who do you think you are?”

The four friends nodded. “That’s right. Do you think we’re stupid?”

With a smug smile, Trish pointed at himself. “Because — I’m the victim.”

Hearing that, the five hooligans almost cried. You didn’t lose even a strand of hair, but we each have at least one broken finger. Who is the victim here?!

Trish was too lazy to talk nonsense. “I won’t pursue the matter, and neither will the police, but you have to cooperate with my interview. Otherwise, when my show comes out, you’ll appear on even more shows in handcuffs and for free..”

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