Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1554 - Let’s Talk About Love, and Getting Together

Chapter 1554 - Let’s Talk About Love, and Getting Together

Chapter 1554: Let’s Talk About Love, and Getting Together

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

A day later, it was February the 14th.

Luke returned home in the afternoon while his two clones continued to lay out the groundwork for their next operation.

Compared with dealing with members of SHIELD, finding trouble with the scumbags on his blacklist was too easy.

Not only were there a lot of them, they were all over America and even the world. Most of them weren’t protected by superpowers.

All this time, they had been protected by the deterring power of local firepower.

But now that he had the Joker, Luke had nothing to fear.

When he was preparing dinner at home in the evening, Tony sent a message. “Want to meet for a chat?”

Luke wasn’t too surprised.

The tycoon had held back for so many days. He probably really wanted to ask what Luke was up to.

The Level 2 clone put on Bale’s face and a suit. It then turned invisible and entered the top floor of Stark Tower.

‘When he entered, the tycoon was finishing up his research.

Seeing Luke walk out of the elevator, Tony couldn’t help but cur! his lip. “The details on your suit aren’t very good. Don’t use this tailor anymore.”

Luke coughed. “I made it.”

Tony: “…Are you kidding?”

Luke unbuttoned his suit. He wasn’t wearing a necktie over his white shirt, which made him look more relaxed.

Sitting at the bar, he tapped the counter. “Jarvis, can you give me a cup of coffee? Don’t give me cat sh*t.”

Jarvis said, “Certainly. Please wait a moment, Mr. Wayne.”

Luke then said to Tony, who was walking over, “I designed it myself and had Alfred make it. The style is based on the ones you wear on TV.”

Tony paused and looked at him in surprise. “How… classy!”

Luke smiled but didn’t say anything.

That was what custom-made suits were like.

Alfred might not be able to do anything with just one or two references, but it was normal for famous private tailors to make 100 or 200 suits over several years.

It wasn’t hard to figure out the tailor’s habits and style based on these suits.

‘What Alfred made might not be as good as the original version, but it fit Luke’s requirements.

Those private tailors probably wouldn’t take orders for bulletproof and optical camouflage suits.

Luke had sacrificed the details for the sake of function.

“Little Dummy is so good.” Luke took a cup of coffee from a tray which was being held out by a robotic arm, and smiled as he rubbed the robot’s “head.”

This robot was stupid and cute. Although it often made mistakes, it was Tony’s favorite “pet.”

But it was still much worse than Gold Nugget.

He took a sip of his coffee and savored it – it didn’t seem any different from what he made. He said, “If you have something you want to say, just say it. Don’t tell me you want me to spend the holiday with you?”

Tony poured a glass of wine and took a sip. He asked casually, “What holiday?”

Luke had a strange expression on his face. “February the 14th, Valentine’s Day.”

Tony: Pu~~

Luke had already noticed the twist in the tycoon’s expression. He grabbed a napkin with his left hand in a lightning move and held it up in front of his face.

‘The napkin unfolded and swept away the alcohol.

Luke gloated as he looked at the tycoon. “Don’t tell me you completely forgot about Pepper?”

Tony coughed and put down his glass. “Jarvis, why didn’t you tell me?”

Jarvis said, “Sir, I reminded you before you went to bed in the morning. You also told me to send Miss Potts a dinner invitation. She should be on the private jet right now, and will land in 47 minutes.”

Tony slapped his forehead. “Which restaurant did I book?”

He had worked until the morning before he went to bed. If he hadn’t set a meeting time with Luke, he would’ve slept for a few more hours at least.

Tony had forgotten what he had instructed Jarvis to do in the morning.

Jarvis said, “You didn’t make a booking. You said that you wanted to give Miss Potts a surprise.”

Tony: “…”

Luke listened with keen interest. He wasn’t stressed at all.

As aman who only slept two hours a day and was used to triple-mode operation, he could quickly make up for any flaws.

Looking at Tony, who was frowning and thinking hard as he muttered under his breath, Luke finally tapped the counter. “It seems that you’ll be busy tonight, so I won’t bother you.”

Tony watched him get up and subconsciously said, “Wait, that…”

Luke buttoned up his suit. “Actually, it won’t be hard for you to win Pepper over if you let go of some of your dignity.”

Tony looked pained. “Huh?”

He had a bad feeling, but he couldn’t help but want to know who was better between the both of them at picking up girls. “For example?”

Luke said, “Jarvis, show Tony some sports team mascots. The cute ones.”

Jarvis did as he was told.

Luke pointed at the dozens of cartoonish mascots and said, “Pick the stupidest one to wear, then give Miss Potts a little gift. Whether it’s jewelry, clothes or a baseball bat, that’s for you to decide.”

He patted the tycoon’s shoulder. “This is all I can help you with.” He then walked to the elevator.

Tony didn’t say anything. He stared at the dozens of mascots for a few minutes before he finally said, “Jarvis, look around in my warehouse…”

It didn’t matter if Luke’s clone had come for nothing.

He invited Elsa over for dinner at his place, and told her to check if Elizabeth was free or if she had a date.

Dustin had already said he wouldn’t make it.

When Luke went to look for him at noon, he learned that Dustin had a date with Jennifer.

Elsa and Elizabeth got off work at six in the evening, which was indeed very early for them. josei

In the last few months, the air of leadership around the two women had grown more and more obvious.

‘The three women didn’t have their own girls’ talk today. Instead, they pulled Luke in and chatted about the recent situation in New York as they drank in the living room.

Elsa even joked that they hadn’t come to New York for nothing — already they had run into all sorts of bizarre things.

She said it lightly, but Luke still reminded the two women not to charge in recklessly if anything happened.

Elsa rolled her eyes. “Elizabeth and I sit in HQevery day. If that place falls, NYPD is probably done for anyway.”

‘That wasn’t good enough for Luke. In any case, they should hold out, and if there was any danger, it was better to hide and call for help

As they spoke, the topic naturally shifted to superheroes.

Elizabeth was a little envious. “Black Cat is very good. Also, that Pink Bear is probably a little girl, but she saved a lot of people. It’s a pity I don’t have their talent, or I would also give it a go.”

“Forget it. It would be normal if you died after giving it a shot.” Luke shook his head. “How many superheroes are there in the world, let alone how many of them are women? D.A. Jennifer was only investigating the Elsworth case in Los Angeles, and was almost killed. It’s not easy to be a hero.”

Elsa took a sip of her iced wine and sighed. “It’s too hard for a woman to fight when she gets older.”

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