Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1560 - All For the Sake of Goofing Off, and Chicago Once More

Chapter 1560 - All For the Sake of Goofing Off, and Chicago Once More

Chapter 1560 All For the Sake of Goofing Off, and Chicago Once More

Translator: Henyee TranslationsEditor: Henyee Translations

All sorts of industries had developed out of online networks, and Luke wasn’t interested in getting involved.

Even this food order and delivery business was purely for the sake of creating new jobs in Clinton.

In this regard, he and Tony had the same attitude.

Making money was too easy; he just needed to pick where to make it.

Tesnack and the delivery service soon picked up speed, and Luke gave NYPD HQ and the 15th Precinct some benefits.

He gave them 1,000 $5 discount meal coupons every month, which could be considered a “goodwill” donation to NYPD.

As the boss, Luke wasn’t insistent on making profits with the fast food shop, and the food was good, so this could be considered a bargain.

A few days later, the number of returning customers increased, especially all the police officers of the 15th Precinct. Their orders came with free drinks, and the food was delivered to the 15th Precinct in 15 minutes.

Or, they would place their orders and go pick them up in passing.

Less than a week later, May told Luke that Tesnack was already starting to make money.

Of course, that didn’t mean that Luke had already recouped his investment, but that the daily losses had turned into slight profits.

This was a big deal in the food business.

Most eateries took a few months to get through the difficult opening period, while Tesnack had only taken a week.

Looking at May, who was very happy, Luke simply thanked her and told her not to forget to take care of little Peter.

There were actually several reasons why Tesnack was making so much money.

For example, the meal coupons were free marketing for the shop, since Luke covered the costs.

The shop was located in the relief shelter, so it didn’t have to pay rent.

It was rare for a boss who didn’t lack money and who wasn’t chasing profits to help promote a business. Tesnack’s success hence could only be said to be inevitable yet also by chance.

What Luke really found interesting was the surprise on Elsa and Elizabeth’s faces when he gave them the coupons.

As minor leaders at HQ, they naturally got coupons.

After trying Tesnack, both of them felt that the taste was above average, and there was somehow an indescribable sense of familiarity.

But they had been too busy during the day to dwell on it.

It wasn’t until Luke gave them more coupons that they suddenly realized that the food reminded them of Luke’s cooking! josei

Of course, Luke didn’t tell them that he was the boss. He just said that he had contributed a special sauce, which earned him special privileges.

Elsa and Elsa didn’t doubt him.

If it wasn’t for the sauce, Tesnack’s food would’ve immediately gone from above average to below average.

This difference couldn’t be underestimated. That was why most customers remembered and chose Tesnack.

Then, they realized that Luke had given them different coupons.

They looked identical, but the coupons from Luke had an S in the corner.

Luke raised an index finger to his lips. “It’s a secret. This is a special coupon. The ingredients are better than for the regular coupons, but most people won’t notice unless they look carefully.”

Naturally, this was a special privilege for the person who provided the secret sauce recipe.

In the entire police department, only the two women and Dustin could get these special coupons.

That was right, this was the legendary special product.

Whether they ate or not, the fast food shop would have the ingredients on hand every day.

If they were lazy, they just needed to make a call to set up a daily delivery to the office.

When Elsa and Elizabeth heard this, they were moved at first.

After thinking for a moment, the two women then reacted and looked at Luke with wide eyes. So, you’re really willing to do everything you can just so that you can goof off.

With the coupons, their lunch problem was solved.

It was a custom-made lunch with guaranteed quality ingredients, was nutritionally balanced, and wouldn’t make them put on weight; it absolutely met all their requirements.

Dustin? Hm, this old man was just a side character.

Luke gave them the coupons and left feeling pleased.

After using up the special coupons this time, Elsa and the others could pay on their phones. In any case, the three of them plus Luke and Selina were special customers in Tesnack who enjoyed the highest level of


The head chef at Tesnack just needed to personally make food for these special customers every day.

For the rest of the time, the chef just needed to supervise everyone else in the kitchen and didn’t have to fulfill any other requests.

Given his generous salary, he had to ensure that there were no problems with the ingredients and taste, or he would be kicked out.

During the ten days that the food order and delivery service got on track, the frequency of the Joker’s activities wasn’t affected at all.

After the two cousins, two more SHIELD teams were caught and split up once more. In the end, five people lived and five more died.

Hydra finally couldn’t sit still anymore.

Someone from D.C. had already sent a message to SHIELD, and gave Nick Fury two options: either capture the Joker and hand him over to the American government, or share all information on the Joker so that the

authorities could participate in the hunt for him.

Luke had expected that.

it definitely wasn’t a small matter for the Joker to kill four key figures in state politics.

As long as Hydra leaked some information and added fuel to the fire, the American government wouldn’t be able to tolerate the Joker’s provocation.

But since it was the Joker who did everything, Luke wasn’t scared at all.

f they had the ability, then go beat up the Joker!

[tt was just 100,000 credit points. Luke had already earned that much from the last few rounds.

What depressed the American government, however, was that they could only investigate this matter in secret, and couldn’t go public with it.

That was because the Joker always left behind a huge pile of incriminating dirt on the dead.

ff a public arrest warrant was issued for the Joker, it was very likely that all this dirt would be leaked.

Apart from scumbags, the other people worthy of getting on Luke’s blacklist… were super scumbags.

illing people was nothing for these scumbags. The evil they did was completely beyond what an ordinary person could tolerate. Every one of them should be sent to the electric chair to die eight or ten times over.

ff any of the dirt on the four murdered people was made public, the American government would be caught with their pants down.

Thus, the Joker had yet to come to public attention.

tt was already March.

After the Level 1 clone killed the five Hydra SHIELD members, it went to Chicago to look for its next target.

The situation in Chicago was quite similar to what was happening in Baltimore — there were too many of the poor and too few jobs.

Luke had been here a few times before, and had to raise his bottom line.

It wasn’t because there were too few targets, but because there were too many.

If he followed his usual practice in other cities, he would have to break the bones of 20% of the people in this city, and directly kill 10% of this number.

That was how ridiculous it was in Chicago.

The number of soldiers who died in American military operations after 9/11 was still lower than the number of murders committed in this city..

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