Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1569 - Confrontation and Reinforcements

Chapter 1569 - Confrontation and Reinforcements


Chapter 1569 Confrontation and Reinforcements

There was also a monster behind the metal door, and she was the one who had turned the officers and soldiers into monsters.

The superheroes who arrived would definitely fight the boss monster.

If the civilians ran now, there was a high chance that they would survive.

If they stayed here, they would definitely become cannon fodder! Death was practically a guarantee.

Thanks to the smart guy’s actions and words, most of them understood, and they endured the dizziness and ringing in their ears as they tried to move.

Gradually, all the civilians subconsciously started running for their lives toward the gap.

Luke, on the other hand, maneuvered the Dark Knight into setting up a perimeter around the metal door.

He had already scanned it several times with various equipment to confirm that it was a pure metal fortress, or a machine.

It was hidden in the depths of the station, away from the outside world.

But there was no hiding the strange metal texture or the increasing energy reactions from Luke.

Thus, he didn’t have the Dark Knight join the battle. Instead, he began to set up a perimeter around the metal fortress to destroy it.

In any case, the civilians had to be chased out first, or Luke wouldn’t dare use too powerful a weapon.

Thankfully, Luke had taken the Enchantress’s troublesome brother with him. They were two kilometers away, which gave him some time.

The Enchantress was in a dilemma.

If she abandoned the machine she was creating, she could only rely on her own body to fight.

Given her understanding of human technology, she didn’t dare let her and her brother face the bombardment of human weapons unprotected.

Even though her brother was very hard to take down, he wasn’t immortal.

Only by using the knowledge she had learned from humans to complete this mobile tower of machine and magic would they be able to move freely.

The human experts who had charged in clearly weren’t here to watch her complete her magic tower.

Once all the civilians in the station evacuated, the enemy would attack.

So, she didn’t kill the civilians. Even if the tower could kill them easily, it would be meaningless.

The firepower support units had killed thousands of puppets outside earlier.

If all the civilians died, the Bat Squad would lose their last scruples and attack her immediately.

For a moment, both parties were in a silent deadlock.

Secretly, the Enchantress used a spell to send a message to the Warlock, telling him not to fight the man and to return immediately.

But the message he sent back indicated that it would be difficult.

The Enchantress could only get all their puppets to return and attack the civilians who had left.

On Luke’s side, he finally welcomed an unexpected “ally.”

The two Chinooks stopped in the air 200 meters away. Black ropes were thrown out and figures quickly descended.

Flegg’s feet had barely touched the ground when a voice rang out on the comms. “This is Bastet; you know me as Black Cat. Major Flegg, please have your men provide support to the civilians coming out of the station. Split them up and move them to safe locations.”

Stumped for a moment, Flegg then realized that his comms had been hacked.

He found the unknown user who had suddenly appeared in the comms. “Sorry, we have our own mission. The rescue will be carried out by someone else.”

Naturally, it wasn’t because Flegg had a good temper that he was so polite, but because he couldn’t afford to offend Black Cat.

Selina said, “Major Flegg, this isn’t a negotiation, but an order. Otherwise, we’ll make it public to the whole world that you were the ones to set the Enchantress free, and caused this tragedy in Grand Rapids.”

Flegg said, “You…” before he immediately stopped speaking.

If he asked how the other party knew, it would be equivalent to giving her ironclad evidence. That would be too stupid.

Selina said, “There’s no need to doubt us. We also know that the Enchantress was an accomplice during the New York subway explosions. Without your permission and tacit approval, those criminals wouldn’t have had the opportunity to detonate the explosives. If you don’t want to become a traitor along with your boss, follow the order.”

She then cut off communication with Flegg, before she spoke to the Dark Knight in private. “Will this work?”

The Dark Knight immediately replied, “Don’t worry. Flegg might dare to become a criminal, but he definitely doesn’t want to be a traitor.”

Soldiers with such a strong sense of honor wouldn’t want to be labeled traitors.

Furthermore, he had gotten Selina to bring up Flegg’s boss.

That would give Flegg enough reason to force him to cooperate with them.

It wasn’t like Flegg was here to stand up for justice.

Based on previous intelligence and the current situation, it was very likely that they had lost control of the Enchantress.

Flegg was probably here to clean up his boss’s mess.

His boss definitely didn’t want people to spread rumors about this sh*t before her ass was wiped clean; she wouldn’t be able to shift the blame otherwise.

After hesitating for a moment, Flegg immediately issued a new mission to his team.

They looked at him suspiciously. This wasn’t the mission they had discussed before.

Turning supervillains like them loose to protect civilians and retreat? Was he crazy?

Flegg wasn’t interested in explaining himself to them. If he did, they wouldn’t work harder and would even ridicule him. They could just hold it in.

He simply waved his hand. “Follow orders.”

The soldiers from the helicopters immediately started to take down the humanoid monsters that appeared one after another.

Then, they saw a large number of civilians rush out of the station.

They stumbled along as they wept and yelled, but they weren’t slow at all.

Flegg felt his head ache. How annoying!

Once things fell into chaos, the dozens of people he had brought with him would be useless. This horde of over 1,000 people would trample them to paste.

He immediately roared at someone, “Chato, light up the sky, or they’ll trample themselves to death.”

A bald tattooed man hesitated for a moment, but didn’t move.

Flegg stressed, “You better hurry if you don’t want more of them to die. You’re the only one here who can scare them.”

The bald tattooed man, Chato, sighed and raised his hands.

Boom! Whoosh!

Two thick columns of fire shot out of his palms.

In the dark night, the flames were intimidating and startling, and the civilians slowed down.

Seeing the opportunity, Flegg immediately turned on the loudspeaker on the helicopter. “This is the U.S. Marines. Please don’t panic. Follow our soldiers to a safe location. Be careful. Don’t push or step on anyone. Try to stay quiet.”

After saying that three times in a row, Flegg gave his men tactical signals.

The 50 soldiers split into five teams and quickly led the civilians away.

Their orders were simple, orderly, and clear: “Follow us. Don’t stop. Don’t talk.”

The civilians calmed down.

Those fire columns were quite intimidating. Also, no matter how unreliable the American army was, the soldiers were still human and far more pleasing to the eye than those humanoid monsters.

Besides, the army had weapons that could be used against the humanoid monsters hunting people; it was much safer here than running around.

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