Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1596 - Want Some? For You

Chapter 1596 - Want Some? For You

Chapter 1596 Want Some? For You

The girl in the white dress was at a loss when he handed her the oden.

She had never eaten on the roadside before.

First of all, she barely talked to anyone on the roadside.

Secondly, no one would “give” her food that they had already eaten, even if it was just skewers in the oden.

But in front of that calm face, she subconsciously reached out to take it.

Looking at her standing there with the box in her hands, Luke took out the next dish and pointed at the empty chair next to him. “You can sit down.”

The girl: “Huh?”

Luke sighed. The face he was wearing was too poisonous.

Was this girl’s behavior too much? It really wasn’t.

There had been a girl who had been so busy looking at him in the afternoon that she hit her head on a lamppost.

Hearing the sound from a few meters away… she had a hard head.

He further unfolded the plastic sheet he was sitting on and laid it out on the side. He no longer bothered with the young miss.

Goodwill also had its price.

Based on this young miss’ goodwill, one oden portion was enough. The plastic could be considered a freebie

After hesitating for two seconds, the girl immediately sat down.

She would get wet if she didn’t sit on the plastic! That was what she told herself.

Glancing at Luke, she subconsciously picked up the oden from the box and took small bites.

Luke, on the other hand, took out a fried dumpling and had a bite. It didn’t taste good or bad.

He had eaten a lot of dumplings in his previous life, whether at home, at restaurants, at dumpling stalls, from the freezer, or semi-gourmet dumplings.

It wasn’t exactly disgusting, but it lacked red


For Sichuan people, dumplings without red oil didn’t have soul.

Noticing the gaze from the side, he immediately felt that he could pay back a certain person’s goodwill once more.

So, he gave her the fried dumplings. “Do you like these? Have them.”

The girl took them blankly.

Seeing that she didn’t move, Luke seemed to realize something. He took out a pair of chopsticks from the bag and stuffed them into her hands.

After dealing with the food he didn’t like, he took out a bowl of ramen in pork bone broth.

Taking a bite, he realized that the noodles were much better than the fried dumplings.

Pleased, he tasted it.

It was similar to some Chinese braised noodles with a lighter flavor.

He also liked to put red oil in his noodles, and the noodles his mother made in his previous life were even more delicious.

Compared with sour and spicy noodles, few soup noodles could be considered heavy.

At that moment, he sensed someone looking at him. josei

He turned around and nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry, but sharing the ramen isn’t hygienic.”

The girl in the white dress: “…”.

After that, he enjoyed the delicious food again and pondered. Although the stall owner was bald, he was really good at cooking. Should he learn?

He was tempted by the crispy tempura, eel rice and pork ramen!

Wait, cooking wasn’t a skill that had the “get strong after going bald” setting, right[1]? Luke suddenly wasn’t so sure.

The main thing was that the stall owner wasn’t even 40 years old yet, but his head was already so shiny, and even the roots were gone.

Under the light, the stall owner’s head was like a mirror reflecting the glow.

The fact that even the roots of his hair were gone suggested that the baldie hadn’t shaved his head, but that the hair had dropped naturally.

That was fresh in Luke’s mind.

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to wait and see.

During half an hour of food testing, Luke didn’t talk much with the girl in the white dress, but she was in a strange situation.

Looking at the remaining food in four or five boxes, she frowned.

Luke barely touched the food that he had given her. Naturally, it was enough for him to try only a little of the less delicious food.

Because of that, he had given her more than three days’ worth of food.

While she ate as she snuck looks at him, she unknowingly ate half of it.

Now that the bag that had seemed bottomless was almost empty, the girl suddenly realized that she was… full.

She had never felt so full before.

In her memory, she had gone out to buy several burgers behind her father’s back when she was young. She hid in this park and ate half of them, and was also full.

After her father scolded her for stealing food and brought her home, she had never done anything like that again.

Even though she had grown up and could buy food herself at any time, and her father no longer cared about her, not eating outside had become a “rule” in her life.

Rubbing her belly, her eyes turned misty.

At that moment, Luke had just picked up a small takoyaki, when his hand suddenly paused slightly.

However, he still picked up a small ball with his chopsticks, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed slowly.

A dozen men in black suits appeared around them.

A red-haired girl who wasn’t even 1.6 meters tall stepped forward and bowed slightly to the girl in white. “Sister, it’s time to go home.”

She glanced at Luke, who was still chewing, but didn’t say anything.

Luke’s gaze was fixed on the takoyaki in the box and not on her.

When the red-haired girl reached them, the girl in the white dress calmed down and slowly put down the food boxes. “Let’s go.”

After walking seven or eight meters, she turned around and looked at Luke. She said in a low voice, “He’s just a passer-by. Don’t target him.”

The red-haired girl also looked back at Luke. “I’m sorry, sister, but I can’t do anything about what father wants, and neither can


The girl in the white dress stopped and her face darkened.

The red-haired girl sighed. “If there’s nothing wrong with him, I’ll do my best to ensure his safety. It’ll only take half a day at





“Attack! Arrest him!”


Alarmed, the two girls turned around abruptly, only to see four men in black on their knees in front of the bench and screaming

“This…” The girl was stunned.

A moment ago.

The moment the two girls left, four men in black suits surrounded Luke.

Two of them silently pressed down on Luke’s shoulders.

At that moment, Luke picked up another small ball with his chopsticks and stuffed it into his mouth. At the same time, he checked the information on the system’s panel of good and evil.

The girl in the white dress was a neutral yellow, and the red-haired girl was an evil red. Among the men in black, the lightest color was at least a light red evil, while two were so dark red that they were almost black.

These two big villains were the closest to him.

Seeing that, things became very simple. Luke simply stabbed at the hands on his left and right shoulders with each of his chopsticks.

Elementary Penetration!

Puchi! The chopsticks pierced the men’s hands.

[1] Based on One Punch Man

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