Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1599 - Cafe’s Gundam

Chapter 1599 - Cafe’s Gundam

Chapter 1599 Cafe’s Gundam

Tokyo was a very interesting place.

Luke found it interesting not because it was prosperous, but because it was crowded.

Where there were a lot of people, there were a lot of things to do, and crime also happened often. Naturally, experience and credit points were everywhere.

Some things were indeed over the top, and some were very bizarre.

Doing good was a walk in the park for Luke. He hid in the dark and threw out small ice beads from afar.

He had as many ice beads as he wanted in his inventory.

He could throw them at will, and they melted automatically.

He hadn’t used them before, mainly because they weren’t heavy enough, and could easily veer off-course over long distances.

With Bullseye’s Elementary Precision and his immense Strength, however, he could knock a person out from 50 meters away and not blow their head up.

It wasn’t that he sympathized with criminals; if he blew up their heads over ordinary offenses, it would be like sentencing the “keyboard warriors” in his previous life to death.

The best was to knock people out. It was common for drunkards to collapse at night in Tokyo. As for whether or not these “drunkards” would be assaulted by other people, that wasn’t Luke’s problem.

He was too covert at doing good deeds. Neither the offender nor the victim saw the ice beads.

The next day, a lot of ghost stories started to spread in Tokyo. Some were told by the offenders, and some were told by the victims. Both parties were scared witless.

Like what happened in Los Angeles and New York, after Luke’s hard work, he added to the urban horror legends in Tokyo.

He didn’t care about that. He was just delighted when he saw that he had earned more than 6,000 experience and credit points in one night.

Of course, knocking out offenders on the roadside didn’t earn him that much. However, he had taken down three drug nests along the way.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, Luke smiled and took a sip of his coffee.

“Ah, are you an actor?” A girl’s voice rang out.

Luke turned his head. “No. Also, I’m not taking photos or exchanging phone numbers. Thank you.”

With that, he turned around again and ignored the 27th girl who had come up to talk to him since that morning.

While it was a little interesting for a female customer to chat him up in a maid cafe, that was all there was to it.

Of all the girls he had met yesterday and today, only the young miss in the white dress was just barely to his liking.

But his standards were getting higher and higher, and he wasn’t interested in having fun in Japan.

Just Max alone in New York could put 99.99% of these women to shame.

As for this maid cafe… Luke couldn’t help but sigh.

It could only be said that when 2D turned 3D, it was too easy for a fantasy to shatter.

Even though the cafe he had chosen was the most expensive and best one, the quality of the maids was only average.

As for the other “maids” he had seen on the way to Akihabara, most of them weren’t as good as the girls who had hit on him — girls who were a little worse wouldn’t have the courage to hit on him to begin with.

Of course, these “maids” were much better than ordinary Japanese women, and could deal with geeks and tourists.

On the other hand, the drinks and food in this maid cafe were average.

The coffee ingredients weren’t bad, but who knew how good the barista was. The latte art wasn’t bad; it was just that it didn’t suit an “American” customer like Luke.

He ordered a Blue Mountain coffee and a cappuccino.

The Blue Mountain was for him.

It was common knowledge that the Japanese monopolized more than half of the production of genuine Blue Mountain coffee beans.

Luke wondered if they had a special technique for making Blue Mountain coffee.

In the end… he couldn’t taste a difference. He felt that it was similar to the coffee from the machine in the police department’s reception hall.

The cappuccino was sweet and had a thick milky taste.

He was tasting this for Selina. After one sip, Luke immediately refused to take a second mouthful for her.

In the end, there was still the legendary love rice omelet.

The cutest maid in the cafe asked him with sparkling eyes what he wanted written in ketchup on the top of his rice omelet. He hesitated. “Anything is fine?”

The maid was focused on his face, and she subconsciously nodded. “Yes, master. We’re very good at what we do.”

Luke nodded and pondered for two seconds. “Then how about a Wing Gundam Zero EW version?”

The maid was speechless.

Looking at her face, Luke nodded regretfully. “It doesn’t seem that’s possible. Then what if I change to a Strike Freedom Gundam?”

The maid was speechless.

Luke said helplessly, “Forget it. Just draw whatever you want.”

“Yes, master.” The maid left with complicated feelings.

Not long after, she came back with the rice omelet and asked anxiously, “Master, are you satisfied with this design?”

Looking at the cute and simple Hello Kitty + heart design, Luke stopped teasing and nodded slightly to indicate it was fine.

To say that he was satisfied would be looking down on Luke, who liked to research cooking.

But to say that he wasn’t satisfied would actually be a little unfair.

Strictly speaking, the selling point of this sort of cafe wasn’t the taste of the drinks and food here, but the beautiful girls who could act coyly.

The reason Luke hadn’t chosen other shops with better coffee or food was because he wanted to experience this “hotspot” which geeks in his previous life had bragged about.

This was what travel was like.

If you wanted to sample beautiful scenery and delicious food, you naturally had to endure the possibility that things weren’t like you imagined, and this was the case most of the time.

When he left the cafe, Luke gave the cute maid a tip.

He didn’t want her to look at a rice omelet with tears in her eyes ever again. Also, Luke had turned down the offer to take a photo with her at the beginning — with his face, wouldn’t taking a photo be like him giving away money?!

So, he chose to give her a generous tip. josei

Where did the money come from? Naturally, it was sponsored by certain warmhearted “organizations” in Tokyo.

Compared with the dozen cubic meters of American dollars in his inventory, the yen he had obtained last night wasn’t enough to fill a suitcase.

It really wasn’t enough for one night.

But if he had nothing to do in the next few days, he could look for the drug traffickers in Tokyo to fund him. That way, there shouldn’t be any problems with his travel fund while he was in Japan.

After leaving the cafe, he had nowhere else to go for the time being.

There was a lot to see in Tokyo, but the only things he had been interested in were the cherry blossoms and the maid cafes.

The shrines and temples weren’t attractive to him, and the modern landmarks were all the same.

So, he found a high-end coffee shop at the top of a building and sat next to a window in a corner.

There weren’t many passers-by here, and women wouldn’t approach him every now and then.

Also, the signal from the drones was better here.

Paired with his high vantage point, it made it easier for him to familiarize himself with Tokyo’s terrain.

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