Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1602 - Heads or Tails, and the Vending Machine Incident

Chapter 1602 - Heads or Tails, and the Vending Machine Incident

Chapter 1602 Heads or Tails, and the Vending Machine Incident

For now, the red-haired girl, Yukio, was in the process of making her “fantasy” a reality.

If she had the chance to persuade Luke, she really would succeed in overthrowing the top levels.

For now… it didn’t seem like she had failed? Luke took a sip of his tea and grew interested in the family.

Putting everything else aside, just from how red Yukio and the bodyguards were in the good and evil panel, there was no way that the family was clean.

Shingen Yashida might be a big gift bag of experience points.

Pondering for a moment, Luke asked, “Then, does Shingen Yashida like killing people? For example, the people whom you and those bodyguards kill, is it under his orders?”

Yukio wasn’t too surprised that he knew that she had killed before.

Trying to hide the fact that you had killed people in front of a top-class killer was futile.

She summarized her experiences of killing people, and was happy to expose Shingen Yashida.

Luke’s Pheromone Control, Yukio’s longing to be free, and her abhorrence of Shingen Yashida had spurred her into making this decision.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, “Give me your contact. I’ll come find you.”

Yukio immediately had the waiter bring pen and paper, wrote down a number, and placed it respectfully on the table in front of her.

Luke nodded and took out a Japanese coin. “Let’s see if you’re lucky. Heads or tails?”

Yukio felt a chill run down her spine.

“Tails.” After a brief hesitation, she chose tails.

That was because heads, or the “right” side, didn’t seem to match how she sought to survive in death.

Ten seconds later, the coin stopped on the table. It was heads.

Yukio wanted to tremble again, but her Death Sense didn’t react.

Luke nodded and pointed at the coin. “This is your biggest luck in life. Take it and go.”

Although Yukio was full of questions, she immediately picked up the coin and gripped it tightly. She got up and bowed 90 degrees. “Thank you for your generosity, sir. I’ll take my leave.”

Luke waved his hand, and started drawing again.

Yukio bowed and backed away several meters before she slowly turned around and left.

Luke hadn’t been lying.

If she hadn’t lost the coin toss, the only thing he could have done was knock her out to obtain her ability, so she really was lucky.

At that moment, the system panel showed: Death Sense (special mental class, partially available. Prerequisites: 40 Mental Strength, 100,000 Credit)

Luke chose to learn the ability.

He wasn’t too concerned about the side effects. His clones were now doing the bulk of his vigilante work. It was very hard for him to die, nor was he afraid of death.

Besides, he didn’t think that many people could overwhelm Death Sense enough to scare him.

If this ability had been acute enough to make Yukio piss herself in fright in front of a killer, she would’ve been sent to a mental hospital long ago. After Yukio left, Luke put down his phone and carefully tried Death Sense.

This ability was far more amazing than how Yukio had described it. Perhaps it was more accurate to describe it as a premonition of death.

Yukio could see a person’s death, but she had to be at the scene.

Just like how she had sensed that Luke was going to kill the two evil bodyguards last night.

The stronger the premonition, the more likely they were to die.

She had described it as an aura of death, but was it in fact Luke’s killing intent?

For now, Luke didn’t know if this “killing intent” was a mental fluctuation or something else.

After all, like most superhumans, he had done in-depth research on his own abilities, and relied on instinct and experience to use them.

Once Luke obtained an ability, he analyzed the experiences of the original owner in the vein of experimental data, and didn’t really treat them as the truth.

The key to using abilities was not to outright copy their use but to adapt them for your own use.

After a rough analysis, he stopped studying the ability for the time being.

Without anyone releasing “killing intent” in his direction, he couldn’t outright sense the effect of this ability.

But it wasn’t hard. He could test it out with the drug dealers later.

Thinking that, he put his phone away and left the coffee shop.

The night passed, and the curtain lifted on another busy morning in Tokyo.

A horde of office drones from Chiba, Shinagawa and Saitama swarmed Tokyo for a new day of being squeezed dry by their companies.

The people on public transport were like sardines crammed together; it looked exactly like some movies that Luke had watched.

The difference was that there weren’t that many beautiful women around.

Standing in front of a vending machine, Luke examined the drinks inside.

In Japan, you never knew what the drinks in these machines tasted like.

Last night, Luke had tried many different soda flavors, like cucumber, coffee, blueberry and so on; he even bought soy sauce soda.

He only had a small taste of each one before putting them away in his inventory to use as bribes with the dog head in New York.

The dog head would definitely be very interested if Luke said that the soda was made with a secret Japanese formula.

es were

Gold Nugget’s sense of taste was quite different from a human being’s. Chances were Luke might really be able to find something it liked, so he could buy more of it later and use them as a reward for the dog head.

At the moment, Luke was buying mustard soda, curry soda, green tea soda and octopus soda.

It was good to buy these oddities in one go.

At that moment, he heard the sounds of people buying stuff from the vending machine around the corner. From what he could hear, it was probably two young women.

Because it was around the corner, both parties couldn’t see each other.

But Luke could hear them talking about last night’s TV drama as they looked for drinks.

Luke didn’t think much of it. He simply stuffed the cash into the machine and watched as the drinks fell.

As soon as he picked the drinks up, he heard one woman grunt in pain, followed by a startled cry from the other woman, and then running footsteps.

Luke rolled his eyes and his lips twitched. Seriously?

He grabbed the curry soda from the vending machine and threw it out around the corner.

Elementary Precision!

Swoosh! Bang! josei

The plastic bottle bounced off of a wall five meters away and then flew at a thin man who was running wildly down the street.


The curry soda hit the thin man’s head with a dull and empty sound. A few of his white teeth were sent flying, and he fell flat on his face on the ground.

He passed out.

Luke also increased the range of his Elementary Sound Wave.

Very soon, he discovered a man in a hat and a face mask recording everything from ten meters away.

He grabbed a bottle of mustard soda and threw it around the corner.

Bang! Bang!

Pain exploded on the back of the head of the man with the digital camera, and he passed out.

The mustard soda had bounced off the lamp post behind him before hitting the back of his head and dropping to the ground.

Luke grabbed the remaining drinks, stuffed them into his eco-friendly bag, and walked out.

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