Super Detective in the Fictional World

Chapter 1614 - Divided into Six Parts, and Rose Reappears

Chapter 1614 - Divided into Six Parts, and Rose Reappears

Chapter 1614 Divided into Six Parts, and Rose Reappears

But what happened next scared the two women who were secretly observing the fight.

The monster’s head had fallen off, but its body was still standing.

It reached out for the pyramid head on the floor, as if to put it back on its neck.

Luke simply watched the show.

Over ten seconds later, Pyramid Head regrew new hands, and it was finally able to pick up the head from the ground and put it on its neck.

After a few seconds of recovery, its head was reattached to its neck.

Pyramid Head turned to look at Luke, who was watching from the side. It grabbed the broadsword that was on the floor and stood


It raised the broadsword and slashed down!

Luke dodged again and brandished his spear.

Pyramid Head was split into six pieces.

Luke stepped forward and kicked the six pieces in different directions. He then called for Stacy and Cybil. “Let’s go. This monster can’t die. Let’s hide a little further away.”

Cybil hesitated, but Stacy immediately followed Luke and walked toward the right end of the corridor.

Cybil had no choice but to follow.

It wasn’t that she was cowardly. Even Stacy was terrified in the face of a monster like Pyramid Head; it would be strange if an ordinary person like Cybil wasn’t scared.

There was no need to mention the four-legged monsters – if Cybil ran into them alone, she would basically be surrounded and killed.

The choice between life and death was that simple.

The three of them quickly walked toward the monsters on the right end of the corridor. Luke picked up the four-legged monsters one by one with his spear and threw them behind him.

The blocked opening was immediately cleared.

So, this collapsible spear could be used to pick up litter.

Less than two minutes later, the three of them left the building.

They turned around and saw that the ordinary school building now looked like an abandoned factory, with metal frames and rust everywhere.

It looked like night around them. The town buildings were enveloped in the light of dusk, but the roads and intersections were dark.

Shrouded in the fog, the place looked even more like a ghost town.

The three of them looked around, and suddenly heard a woman cry out not far away.

Cybil and Stacy were stunned. They looked at each other and said, “Rose?” Then, they looked at Luke.

In this strange town, they were too weak to have a right to say anything.

Luke said, “Let’s take a look.”

He wouldn’t specially look to save Rose, but rescuing her in passing wasn’t a problem.

If there really was a problem, the only person he needed to protect was Stacy. After all, he had learned her Elementary Replication. josei

The super disguise which he had come up with using Elementary Replication also resolved a major safety issue with his identity.

Luke had invested a lot in this teammate. Since she was Claire’s girlfriend, he naturally had to do his best to ensure her survival.

Cybil was a good guy who was light green in the system; saving her in passing wasn’t a problem.

It was now just Rose whom he didn’t know anything about. Without more information, he wouldn’t be so benevolent for no reason.

The three of them moved quickly. In the nanosuit and boots, the two women were light on their feet.

Except for when Cybil hit the wall and left a hole in it while turning a corner, everything else was fine.

They could hear Rose, which meant that she was within a 50-meter range – otherwise, based on the rules of this place, they wouldn’t have heard anything.

Less than ten seconds later, the three of them arrived at a factory.

Luke didn’t stop. With a swing of his spear, he cut a large hole in the rusty fence.

Rose, who was pressed to the fence on the other side, fell through the gap.

A bunch of green-eyed, dog-like monsters lunged at her on the inside.

Luke was too lazy to take action. He picked up Rose and said to Stacy, who had just arrived, “Get rid of them. Don’t get hurt, don’t advance rashly and don’t underestimate your enemy.”

Stacy only froze for a moment before she immediately replied, “Copy that.”

She then raised the spear in her hand and sent two of the monster dogs flying.

The tip of the spear stabbed a third monster dog in the jaw and up into its brain.

She didn’t stop. As she casually tossed the monster dog aside, she used the other end of the spear to fend off a fourth monster dog.

At that moment, Cybil, who had crashed into a wall earlier, arrived. She saw Stacy taking on a dozen monster dogs. She advanced and retreated in turn, and stabbed one to death every now and then as if it didn’t take too much effort.

Cybil wasn’t too surprised this time.

The smiling man was far from an ordinary existence, so it was normal for this “Carly! who knew him to be a little unusual.

Luke waved at Cybil. “Ask her what’s going


He had just seen in the system that Rose was a dark yellow neutral.

The closer a neutral person was to red, the closer they were to becoming evil.

He would get 30 to 50 points for saving the police officer, and 20 for saving Rose.

Luke didn’t care about the difference in experience and credit points, but he didn’t have to care too much about Rose.

The three women had been “brought” into this town together, and in their first encounter with a monster, Rose ran off.

It couldn’t be said that she had been wrong to do so. After all, they weren’t obligated to die together.

But Luke didn’t really care whether she lived or died.

To abandon others was to abandon yourself.

If you weren’t willing to go through thick and thin with someone else, then you shouldn’t think about hanging on to others to survive.

As Cybil and Rose spoke, Cybil took out the key to Rose’s handcuffs and uncuffed her.

In a strange place like this where monsters wreaked havoc, keeping Rose handcuffed would be murder.

Cybil wasn’t sure if Rose had abducted a kid, and couldn’t charge her.

Luke didn’t say anything.

Whatever the case, this woman was neutral. She definitely hadn’t abducted anyone, or she would at least be a light red evil.

Rose said that she had seen a little girl who looked like her daughter, but she disappeared in the blink of an eye. She chased after her and then encountered those monster dogs, and hurriedly fled.

Luke narrowed his eyes when he heard this.

In front of Stacy, who was equipped with a nanosuit and a collapsible spear, the monster dogs were complete chickens.

However, they were quick and fierce. How was an ordinary woman like Rose able to stay alive until now?

He speculated that the reason everybody had come here had something to do with this Rose, who was looking for her daughter.

She had seen a little girl who looked like her daughter in this strange place.

The implications were too obvious.

As they spoke, Stacy had already killed more than ten monster dogs.

She was well-trained, and with her nanosuit and collapsible spear, it was easy for her to kill them.

After all the monster dogs were dead, there was the sound of cracking again.

The rusting and discolored surfaces of the buildings and objects in front of them started peeling again, and a dark white light appeared in the sky. The entire town was covered in white ash once more.

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